Dorm visit (all 3 parts) (mf) (shy girl)

I previously posted this story in its separate parts, but here’s the entire plot so far in one place for anybody who’s finding this for the first time. I personally have become quite fond of the characters so part 4 is a very real possibility, enjoy :)


I’d been laying in bed when the knock came at my door. It was a quarter past eleven, and I had felt sure that no one else would bother me that night. I planned to ignore the knock and go back to sleep, passing it off as an accident and returning to my early night. The knocker, however, had other ideas; again came the sharp tapping on the door to my dorm. 

Begrudgingly, I reached over to the door and twisted the bolt, unlocking it with a loud click. My mysterious visiter took this as an invitation and pushed down the handle. The light of the hallway blinded me, my eyes closed against the glare. Seeing my distress, the guest closed the door and stood in the dark of my room, eerily silent. As I opened my eyes I began to panick, kicking myself for letting a stranger into my room at night, but my fears were dismissed when I opened my eyes.

Dorm visit (pt.3) (mf) (shy girl) (shy femdom) (date)

Strings of fairy lights laced their way between toffee apple kiosks and market stalls. Beneath the chatter of the crowds could be heard the quiet rushing of the river, a peaceful noise coming and going with the strength of the breeze.

Reflected in her glasses were dazzling dancers born from the decorative lighting behind us, twirling around each other in a desperate waltz. The breeze caught her hair, blowing it around her face, but her gaze remained fixed on the dark water. Snippets of conversations drifted down to us, laughter and joy from all angles. Still she stared into the water, her arm resting on one raised knee, the other leg out straight in front.

“It’s good to get away from it all,” I said, breaking the silence.


“The crowds, the uni, all of it.”

“I suppose so, but there’s one thing I don’t want to get a break from,”

“What’s that?”

“You, dummy!” She giggled, severing her eye contact with the river to look at me.

“I suppose we’ve done it all in the wrong order,”

“I suppose, but it’s been so much fun,”

Dorm visit (pt.2) (mf) (shy girl) (shy dom girl)

I woke that morning to warm breath in my face. The smell was unpleasant but tolerable, the exhales were shallow, the inhales seemed impossibly long. Her leg was wrapped over my hip, my arm pinned underneath her head. In one hand I found that I had been cupping her bare breast.

The previous night swam back to me: the mysterious arrival of the adorable girl, her subsequent horny confession and the coitus that ensued. I smiled to myself: not bad for an engineering major.

Her glasses, which she had unusually left on whilst she slept, were lopsided and tangled with her hair. The result of this was that one closed eye seemed much larger than the other. I chuckled quietly, as despite this distortion she still seemed devilishly cute. Her eyebrows were bushy and white, curving away from the mark on the bridge of her nose where her glasses had pressed into the skin.

Dorm visit (mf) (shy girl)

I’d been laying in bed when the knock came at my door. It was a quarter past eleven, and I had felt sure that no one else would bother me that night. I planned to ignore the knock and go back to sleep, passing it off as an accident and returning to my early night. The knocker, however, had other ideas; again came the sharp tapping on the door to my dorm. 

Begrudgingly, I reached over to the door and twisted the bolt, unlocking it with a loud click. My mysterious visiter took this as an invitation and pushed down the handle. The light of the hallway blinded me, my eyes closed against the glare. Seeing my distress, the guest closed the door and stood in the dark of my room, eerily silent. As I opened my eyes I began to panick, kicking myself for letting a stranger into my room at night, but my fears were dismissed when I opened my eyes.

Girl next door (mf)

I can’t believe it only took me a week to gather up the courage to ask out my new neighbor. She moved in only last Saturday: a pretty ginger girl in a beanie and loose fitting jeans. She had been friendly enough, introducing herself as Lily and requesting my help to move some of her boxes. It brings me no shame to say I enjoyed seeing her stare in awe at my biceps when she thought I wasn’t looking. One thing lead to another, I asked her one morning as she went to collect the milk if she’d be interested in checking out the bar down the street with me that evening, she said she’d be delighted to.

So here I am, sitting on a bar stool with this girl who’s just downed her third shot in as many seconds. It seemed her soul intention was to get as fucked as possible. I can’t say I blame her for wanting to let her hair down; not literally of course as she insisted on wearing the beanie, infact I’d never seen her without it.

“Last person to finish the next round pays for the tab!” She giggled excitedly.

Categorized as sexystories

Sniper’s ridge (mff) (anthro X human) (human male, human female, anthro female) (threeway)

The grit settled on her boots, it’s dull edges casting miniature shadows against the setting sun. The rock crevice was cold and jagged; she’d been there all day. I was concerned that she hasn’t eaten anything, but she had ordered me not to disturb her for any reason.

The rest of our platoon was dead, all that remained of the Terran 345th was a young but stubborn sniper and a tiered engineer. I was the latter. I’d found some speckled green eggs in one of the dismal bushes that clung to the red rocks of the cliff, and held my blowtorch over their gooey insides. A fire would give away our position, so I had to make do.

I was ripped from my cooking my a sharp gunshot. Its deafening crack echoed through the valley bellow. I scrambled to my feet and jumped onto the rocky ledge where my comrade was crouched.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

“I’m tierd of your eggs, there’s some sort of animal down there and I took a crack at it.”

“Every bloody thing within twelve miles would’ve heard that shot!”

Categorized as sexystories

Forbidden fornicating (mf) (arrest) (prisoners) (dystopia)

The dim lights of the shopfront, cast downwards onto the cobbled street, appeared almost dreamlike. Obviously they weren’t electric, nobody could afford electricity anymore, but they had the illusion of originating in the glowing bulbs he remembered from his childhood. Hastily, he moved across the empty road. He saw no cars, nor did he expect to; nobody had any need to travel long distances anymore, what with such strict travel regulations across the city it was not worth your while to leave your own block.

The door opened with a jingle of bells, and a man dressed in a red robe approached him. He had learnt to fear those robes long ago, the gold trims embezzled with diamond eagles sent chills down his spine. This wasn’t right, the man in the office hadn’t mentioned anything about beurocrats being in the place. In the candle-light the man’s face seemed gaunt and void of life. He lifted one hand up, and two other men in uniforms of the same red came forth from the dark. They had submachine guns held across their chests, and he had no doubt that they would use them. The door was his only option, but if he ran he would surely be gunned down. The men in uniforms took him by the arms, and led him to the back of the shop, the man in the robe watching from the door with a cigarette in hand.

Categorized as sexystories

Campfire stories (part 3) (ff)

Both girls jumped, and scrambled to put their clothes back on. After a few seconds they anwserd the knock, and in came Mrs. Celia.

“Which one of you was supposed to lock up the pool?”

“I… I was, and I did.” Jessica replied

“Well you didn’t do it properly, several of the boys broke in just now, and one slipped and hit his head.”

“I’m sure I locked it.”

“Do you have the key?”

“Yes.” Jessica rummaged through her clothes, only to find that the key was missing, “it’s gone.”

“Because you left it in the lock.”

Jessica’s face turned red.

“A scout has been injured because of you. That is cause enough for me to remove you from camp.”

“But miss…”

“Do you want an investigation into what else you’ve fucked up?”

Jessica prepared to retort, but Emily stopped her with a look. If there was an investigation their relationships may be discovered.

“And you Emily, you were with her. You should have checked the door. Both of your parents will be here in the morning.”

Campfire Stories (Pt.2) (ff)

Jessica set her bowl down on the table in the centre of the common area. The girl’s lodge was silent with the eeriness of dawn. Her friend, and secret lover, Emily, was already sitting at the table. The two girls were forced to wake early by their camp duties, making sure all the female scouts behaved themselves in the cabin. Jessica knew her her duties, but five o’clock seemed way more than just an early morning.

She sat down facing Emily, and the two girls smiled at one another.

“The weather out there is wetter than you.” Emily mumbled under her breath with a giggle. Jessica heard her and laughed.

“You can hardly talk! You nearly drowned me!”

Both girls giggled, and went back to their cereal. Emily was right, of course, the weather was horrible that morning. They had seperate jobs to do, making sure the groups of girls got to the right activities, but they would soon meet at the indoor swimming pool. The pool was in its own outbuilding made from white canvas stretched tight over a metal frame. It was Jessica’s first job to unlock the building, whilst Emily got the grumpy campers up.

Surface level (mf) (sci-fi)

I awoke to a grey dawn, mist curling through the blackened trees around me. I remembered little of the night before, it had been my first day on the surface. The people here were strange, motivated by sheer desire rather than the sturdy and tested morals of the people below. I remember engaging in their deborchary, I wanted to learn more about their culture and how they survived up here. They knew little about what had come before them, and they didn’t care to learn more.

I, of course, was raised down below. I was brought up with schools and history, I knew all about the wars that had landed us in our iron vaults beneath the soil. I never realised how respectable everyone was until I came up here.