My girlfriend’s mom is my ex lover (update)

I feel like this is gonna be an often occurrence for now so let’s call my girlfriend ❤️ and her mother. 💜

I went back to work and didn’t see 💜 just the other workers of whom I rarely talk to cause I do my own thing while they do theirs. I arrived and did some little things and when I was running out of things to do I decided I needed to bite the bullet and go ask 💜 for my next duties. I walked around trying to find her when she was in the back sorting some recently made products there was the other worker in there but they only speak and understand Spanish which was a sort of relief so I could talk to her at the same time. I came up to her and asked how she was doing and then what I needed to do then she told me to follow her and I did. Honestly didn’t think anything of it because I was at work and was in the mindset of working. She took me to an area in which the woods are stacked and where nobody was. She looked at me and asked me if I had sex with ❤️ when I stayed the night. I took a second and told her that we cuddle and kissed but no more. I kinda blushed and told her why did that matter I was just trying to work.

My ex lover is my girlfriends mom!!! Pt 2

(Continuation from last post)

After me and my girl were sitting on her bed for awhile she asked if I wanted to cuddle and ofc I obliged. I turned onto my side and she curled up as a little spoon in front of me. I asked if I could take a nap before I left and she asked if I wanted to spend the night. I asked if that was okay with her mother and she went to ask. While she was gone I expected an obvious no but was ready for anything. When she returned smiling she said that I could. But if I could park my truck over so it wasn’t blocking the driveway. I reluctantly agreed and took my girlfriend out while I moved my truck. I went inside and at this point it was almost 8:30 and I asked if I had to sleep on the couch but her mother was fine with me sleeping in her room. I was happy my girlfriend had a full size bed which is small but cuddled up we fit. I was dozing off when it became 9:20 (I had worked that day so I was tired). I started remembering the exact events.

My ex lover is my girlfriends mom!!! Pt1

So this is happening so suddenly I have to get this off my chest.

Two months ago I(18M) started dating this girl (18F) who goes to my school. We’ve been very cute, she is 5’1 I am 6’8 😅 (yeah no cap, it’s not as great as some might think) anyways I got her number and we went out and started full on dating. I do love her so much and felt honored that she invited me to have dinner with her parents to meet them. I was so happy cause I really wanted to make a good impression for her parents in case she is the one. Me and my girlfriend and very close and I told her my sexual history and she said she was okay with it since we weren’t exactly there yet just some mouth and hand stuff before. She knew I had been with an older lady but just for like a “few dates”