The Hunt, Part 6. Afternoon. [MF][Oral][BDSM][Swingish]

# Afternoon

*Recap: The Hunt is an invite-only BDSM event where couples and singles find new partners for the event by playing an adult hide and seek with BDSM overtones. Its held on the land of a private alternative lifestyle club in northern Michigan. My wife Harley and I are attending for the first time where I have just left the Hunt with my newly captured prey, a beautiful curvaceous redhead with tribal tattoos and pale skin, leading her by my collar and leash. We had just eaten a snack and bathed and now are on our way back to my tent.*

My prey walked on my left, but one step behind. The chain from my collar around her neck swayed and brushed across the nipple of her right breast as we walked, making small talk about the event. Her bare arms were beside her and bent at the elbow to hold the pile of all our folded clothes and shoes in her open palms. After drying each other off, she had said she would “air dry” as we walked back to my campsite. Not feeling as confident, and also to emphasize her nakedness I had wrapped a towel around my waist for the walk back.

The Hunt, Part 5. Clean Up. [MF][Oral][BDSM][Swingish]

# Clean Up

*Recap: The Hunt is an invite-only BDSM event where couples and singles find new partners for the event by playing an adult hide and seek with BDSM overtones. Its held on the land of a private alternative lifestyle club in northern Michigan. My wife Harley and I are attending for the first time where I have just left the Hunt with my newly captured prey, a beautiful curvaceous redhead with tribal tattoos and pale skin, leading her by my collar and leash.*

We walked back into the main area after checking in with the Game Warden to record the capture and to grab a few bottles of water. The Game Warden marked down my name and camp location as well as her number. This leads to me realizing as we walked away from the hunting grounds I still didn’t know the name of the woman now mine for the night.

“What’s your name?’ I asked as we walked.

“Whatever you want it to be,” she replied. Her voice was low and smokey but sweet like sultry desire draped in innocence.

The Hunt, Part 3/4. Final Meeting/The Hunt. [MF][Oral][BDSM][Swingish]

# Final Meeting

*Recap: The Hunt is an invite-only BDSM event where couples and singles find new partners for the event by playing an adult hide and seek with BDSM overtones. Its held on the land of a private alternative lifestyle club in northern Michigan. My wife Harley and I are attending for the first time and after checking in and setting up our tent, Harley had dressed for the Hunt and we made our way to the final meetings before the Hunt starts. Harley met with the rest of the prey at the barn and I made my way to hunters meeting in the pavilion.*

We had finished lunch and I sipped my beer while listening to a conversation about different protocols and how to implement them in real life while sitting at a table in the main pavilion when the music started to play with a seductive medley and driving bass undertones. I noticed that most of those around me have turned their attention outside of the pavilion to across the fire area where the prey were making their way towards us. The prey walked in a pack, talking among themselves until they reached the back of the pavilion where they started half walking half dancing in a single line weaving through the tables.

The Hunt, Part 2. Getting Ready. [MF][Oral][BDSM][Swingish]

# Getting Ready

I walked the rest of the way back to the tent thinking about what was about to happen. My wife was about to go out into the woods with all the other submissives to become prey to be hunted and captured. Whoever could catch her and place their collar around her neck would become her master until the next morning. She will serve them and be used by them within the limits of what was on that permit she filled out, but I did not know what was on it. Do not misunderstand, I trust my wife, but I found it both alarming and arousing that I did not know what she was agreeing to do once she was captured. I know her limits, I know what she loves and doesn’t like, but what would she be willing to do and have done to her by someone else? That, that was the mystery and possibilities that danced around inside my head as she did on the ice.

The Hunt Part 7, Appetizers [Swingerish][Gagging][Mf][M/s]

*Recap: The Hunt is an invite-only event where couples and singles find new partners for the duration of the event by playing a form of adult hide and seek with BDSM overtones. Its held on the land of a private alternative lifestyle club in northern Michigan. My wife Harley and I are attending for the first time. Harley and I went our separate ways before the Hunt began, her as prey and myself as a Hunter. Other than a few glimpses during the Hunt I have not seen her since. During the Hunt, I captured a wonderful curvaceous redhead with tribal tattoos and pale skin. We have had lunch, showered, played a few BDSM inspired outdoor games, ending in a breathtaking display by my prey with Ms. Dolly’s Erotic Trivia.*

# Appetizers

The Hunt Part 6, Afternoon Fun [Str8][Swingerish][Mf][BDSM][Solo][Exhibit]


Recap: The Hunt is an invite-only BDSM event where couples and singles find new partners for the event by playing an adult hide and seek with BDSM overtones. Its held on the land of a private alternative lifestyle club in northern Michigan. My wife Harley and I are attending for the first time where I have just left the Hunt with my newly captured prey, a beautiful curvaceous redhead with tribal tattoos and pale skin, leading her by my collar and leash. We had just eaten a snack and bathed and now are on our way back to my tent.

My prey walked on my left, but one step behind. The chain from my collar around her neck swayed and brushed across the nipple of her right breast as we walked, making small talk about the event. Her bare arms were beside her and bent at the elbow to hold the pile of all our folded clothes and shoes in her open palms. After drying each other off, she had said she would “air dry” as we walked back to my campsite. Not feeling as confident, and also to emphasize her nakedness I had wrapped a towel around my waist for the walk back.

The Hunt Part 5, Clean Up

Recap: The Hunt is an invite only BDSM event where couples and singles find new partners for the event by playing an adult hide and seek with BDSM overtones. Its held on the land of a private alternative lifestyle club in northern Michigan. My wife Harley and I are attending for the first time where I have just left the Hunt with my newly captured prey, a beautiful curvaceous redhead with tribal tattoos and pale skin, leading her by my collar and leash.

The Clean Up

We walked back into the main area after checking in with the Game Warden to record the capture and to grab a few bottles of water. The Game Warden marked down my name and camp location as well as her number. This leads to me realizing as we walked away from the hunting grounds I still didn’t know the name of the woman now mine for the night.

“What’s your name?’ I asked as we walked.

“Whatever you want it to be,” she replied. Her voice was low and smokey but sweet like sultry desire draped in innocence.

The Hunt Part 3 The Final Meeting and Part 4 The Hunt [OC][BDSM][Swingerish]

Find the first two parts from my profile.

Recap: The Hunt is an invite only BDSM event where couples and singles find new partners for the event by playing an adult hide and seek with BDSM overtones. Its held on the land of a private alternative lifestyle club in northern Michigan. My wife Harley and I are attending for the first time and after checking in and setting up our tent, Harley had dressed for the Hunt and we made our way to the final meetings before the Hunt starts. Harley met with the rest of the prey at the barn and I made my way to hunters meeting in the pavilion.

The Final Meeting

We had finished lunch and I sipped my beer listening to a conversation about different protocols and how to implement them in real life while sitting at a table in the main pavilion when the music started to play with a seductive medley and driving bass undertones. I noticed that most of those around me have turned their attention outside of the pavilion to across the fire area where the prey were making their way towards us. The prey walked in a pack, talking among themselves until they reached the back of the pavilion where they started half walking half dancing in a single line weaving through the tables.

The Hunt Part 2, Getting Ready [MF][Oral][BDSM][Swingish]

This is part two of a episodic little about a a swingerish BDSM event. You can ready the first part here,

The Hunt, part 1. The Arrival. [MF][Oral][BDSM][Swingish] from Erotica

Getting Ready

I walked the rest of the way back to the tent thinking about what was about to happen. My wife was about to go out into the woods with all the other submissives to become prey to be hunted and captured. Whoever could catch her and place their collar around her neck would become her master until the next morning. She will serve them and be used by them within the limits of what was on that permit she filled out, but I did not know what was on it. Do not misunderstand, I trust my wife, but I found it both alarming and arousing that I did not know what she was agreeing to do once she was captured. I know her limits, I know what she loves and doesn’t like, but what would she be willing to do and have done to her by someone else? That, that was the mystery and possibilities that danced around inside my head like she did on the ice.

The Hunt, part 1. The Arrival. [MF][Oral][BDSM][Swingish]

So first post here, please let me know if I screwed something up. This is a episodic bit of erotica I wrote awhile back. Writing erotica is something that I have liked to do from time to time to be able to express ideas and to convey desires. It was one of the ways I could tell my partners what I like without it feeling like a text book…

I hope you like and I’ll post the rest of the parts over the next few weeks.

The Hunt Part 1, The Arrival

“It says everyone is to gather at the main pavilion at noon for lunch and they will go over the rules of the hunt” my wife said as she sat on the edge of the back of the jeep, her feet resting on the bumper as she looked over the packet we received when we checked in. We were at a private, members-only campground in northern Michigan. We had just recently joined the club, and if I was honest with myself it was mostly for access to this campground. It was 50 acres of woods and clearings located near the Manistee National Forest. There were streams and hiking trails that meander throughout the property. When I read that access to this property was included in the membership, it jumped this club to the top of our list when we were looking into joining the local alternative lifestyle’s scene. I was busy finishing setting up our cabin style tent in our campsite as she went over the packet of info for the weekend.