Chapter Three – The Dollhouse [OC] [nonfiction]

So, a little more background about my Doktor and me: We have this other thing we do (let’s be honest, we do a lot of different things!) that we have decided to call Complex Roleplay. Basically, we each have multiple personas that we can switch between in any given situation. (If you have an interest in getting a post sometime with more details about this, lmk. If enough people are interested, I’ll be happy to pop one up soonish.) “Doktor” is one of his personas (the one that hypnotizes me, obviously) but there are others such as the one that meditates with me, the one who makes rules in our D/s dynamic, etc. Needless to say, I also have a fair number of personas that can each get called upon. There is one that he calls Poppette who is a doll/plaything for him. So, as he started to check into ideas for different ways to play with hypnosis and stumbled across a podcast that discussed dollification, he immediately thought of Poppette. This was a session where we had an even longer than usual convo beforehand to make sure we had adequate consent/understanding of limits/etc. Please keep in mind that all the activities described have already been part of our play WITHOUT hypnosis, so we both had a really solid sense of safety and tolerance and such. FWIW, during the aforementioned convo, we also discussed consent in general regarding when/where/what with hypno stuff. One of the many levels of things I eagerly consented to is that if we are in a safe and private space that I am excited about his trying inductions that vary in levels of obviousness. So, things that are fairly sudden and/or reeeally subtle are all green lights as far as I’m concerned. Again, we have a massive amount of trust that has built over time in a variety of contexts.

The First Induction (AKA – Like a Virgin, AKA Chapter One of my Hypnosis memoir) [OC]

*This post isn’t very erotic unless you’re into mind control. That being said it is the first chapter of a memoir that gets VERY erotic, so feel free to skip it if you don’t want back story, but read it if you want the full foundation on which all the sexy rests!*

After a short discussion about where to begin, we decided to start with him reading a script from one of the books he found helpful in the “research” phase of our journey (feel free to check out the intro post [here]( for more details). So, we found a time that felt right to both of us, sat down on the couch (who doesn’t love a comfy, tufted couch?!), and he read.

Erotica/memoir of the story as our hypnosis journey unfolds

Follow our (mostly erotic) hypnosis journey


My Doctor and I have decided to bring hypnosis into our play. Not only has it been a fascinating start to an endeavor (we are a tad shy of one month in to playing with it) – it has been deeply connecting and enchanting already.

We have both felt an interest in hypnosis before now, had both read about it, and both felt a strong sense that it would be a good fit as individual people. As soon as it was brought up between us, we both lit up, started reading about it, and I doubt we will ever look back.

So, since we are both fairly suggestible and we make it a priority to practice nearly every day, we decided I would document the journey here. Not only posting new ideas when we think them up and/or try them but also updates as things unfold. We welcome questions, ideas, comments, etc. We could also consider posting pics/audio at some point if there is enough interest.

Fwiw in deciding if you want to share in our journey.