My Pussy Puzzle [massage happy ending] [FMMM] [oral] [fingering] [full body] [surprise squirt]

A handsome strong looking gentleman called my name and I followed him back to to the massage room. He told me to undress, lay on the table, cover up with a towel and he’d be back in a few minutes. When he returned he played some relaxing music and lit several amazing smelling candles. Getting down to business he asked if I was ready and slid his warm smooth hands down my back. Generous warm oil was dripped on my skin and he began to slowly massage my aching back and leg muscles. His strong grip was hitting all the right spots and I could feel my cares melting away.

Quite the conversationalist he spoke about traveling the world, delicious food, relationships and then even a few sexual topics. He spoke so confidently it made me feel at ease and able to share some of my personal experience as well. At one point the conversation found us explaining our favorite ways to have an orgasm. I told him forthright that no man had ever been able to get me off and I had almost given up. He must have taken that as a challenge.

DIRTY 130 – Motorcycle Thrillgasm [mF] [strong woman] [hot wet dangerous speed] MPH = Makes Penny Horny

Penny was not the kind of girl I usually dated. She was impulsive, uninhibited, adventurous and a little brash. She wore leather, drove a motorcycle and had magenta hair for frick sake! All of this would normally scare me off and steer me clear but for some reason *SHE* pursued *me*. Our dates were enlightening and refreshing. She really opened my eyes to parts of life I had never considered before and slowly but surely I began to fall for her.

She always offered to pick me up on her motorcycle but I insisted we’d be more comfortable in my sensible 4 door sedan which speaks to how vanilla and out of my element I was. After a month of getting to know this drop dead gorgeous fireball of a woman she finally gave me a small ultimatum. “Either we’re going out tonight on my bike or you’re staying home by yourself,” Penny said through the phone. I replied, “Well I’m not su…” she cut me off. “Pick you up at five. Byeeeee.” *click* Could be fun, I said to myself nervously. I did my best to look the part and I put on a few gifts she had given me; a snug leather jacket and some tight zippered pants.

“Locker Jam” [MFFFFF] let the ambush begin

*Winner of the pole =* ***”Locker Jam”*** *- After training is over for the day you are the last one in the locker room.  Why?  Your damn locker is jammed.  You’ve tried everything but the stupid thing won’t open.  It’s as if someone jammed it up intentionally.  Little do you suspect the plot undressing behind the scenes.  She and four others have been waiting for the perfect moment to begin the ambush.*

DEEP into the season training was getting rigorous. My legs and arms were jelly as I grimaced from the last timed 500 meter swim. Coach described it as a cool down. Drenched and cold I limped my way across the small square tiles of the pool deck. “Poor baby!” snickered a few of the girls from the women’s team. Their practice continued another 15 minutes. I opened “If you trained with us you’d get it Shan!” “Fuck off Darren!” she exclaimed. “We work just as hard as you!” I didn’t have the energy to continue this life long feud with Shannon right now so I gave her the finger and made my way to the locker room.