My MILF Experience [m, F, cuck]

When I was younger and chatrooms were still popular, I spent some time on Yahoo in local, state chatrooms. I chatted with a few women over the years, but had never worked up the courage to actually meet one in person. The internet still had a stigma attached to it back then and I guess I was just afraid of the potential consequences.

When I was 22, I began having a conversation with a 40 year old, married mom whom lived about an hour and a half from me. Her children were older so they were rarely home and her husband was deployed to Afghanistan. She told me that their relationship had been slowly deteriorating for months. She said the few times that she would get to talk to him, it often ended in an argument and that they were most likely headed for divorce once he returned home permanently.

She was a beautiful woman. She told me that before her husband had left, she was a bit heavier, but had worked her tail off to lose the extra weight. By the time we began chatting, she was down to I’d guess around 130 pounds—perfect for her five foot, seven inch frame.