Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.19: Running with a Bad Crowd. [fM][huml]

Early the next morning Kerina was woken when Brendan shook her shoulder.

"Hey get up party girl."

Kerina opened her eyes, but then closed them quickly as the bright light of the morning sun, shining through the now open blinds shocked her sleepy eyes. She blinked them slowly until she could look up at Brendan. He stood there grinning as he watched the obvious discomfort on her face.

Kerina looked down where she was laying on the lounge and saw the thin white sheet conforming to the shape of her body beneath. Her naked body she recalled as the events of last night lined up to remind her of what happened. She shifted uncomfortably and pulled the sheet up as she realised the nipple on her left breast was exposed. Blushing and feeling quite vulnerable she lay there wondering what she would do.

"You made some friends last night, party girl," he said grinning.

Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.18: Kerina Socializes with No Pants On [fM]

Kerina jerked awake when the voices invaded her dreams. She looked up bleary eyed to see a few people walking into the room from the direction of the front door.

"Wake up sleepy head," Brendan called out like he was talking to a kid.

"Wh-what time is it?" stammered Kerina, wondering how long she had slept for.

"Its 8.30 and who might you be?" asked a well cultured voice. Kerina looked up and saw a skinny but athletic guy well dressed with short hair and a moustache. He was obviously well into his 30's. She had only been asleep about 30 minutes she realised.

"You okay?" he asked as she sat there silent, the thoughts going through her head.

"Uh, y-yes, I am Kerina," she said weakly.

"Oh hello Kerina, it is nice to meet you," he said politely, "My name is Greg.

"Hey Greg, who is this?" asked another guy walking into the room. He was fatter, his clothes were not neat or tidy and he had a three day growth going on his chin.

"Oh, hey Lionel, this is Kerina. Kerina meet Lionel," Said Greg.

Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.17: Staying Over [fm][huml]

Kerina's mobile beeped and flashed red as it received a message.

'Hi Kerry. Not meeting at mine tonight, cause my stupid older half-brother will be there. We will meet at Kylie's place instead. You can stay ova if you like. See you there. Luv Jane  '

Unfortunately for Kerina the mobile sat unheeded under the locker where she had dropped it earlier in the day. This was unfortunate as if she had it, she would have undoubtedly avoided what was to happen.

Kerina stumbled up to Jane's door and knocked. She was uncomfortable, wearing the little blue summer skirt and her tight Princess Aurora t-shirt. She was tired, feeling out of place in this nice neighbourhood dressed like this. And to top it all off, when she was 5 minutes from Jane's house, it had started pouring with rain.

28 year old Brendan opened the door of his dad's house. He had been off travelling for a few years, working his way around the country, but two weeks ago he had come home to work out what to do with his life. His annoying little sister Jane had grown up and was a real pain; seeming to resent his intrusion on what had become HER house. He found it hard to believe she was 19 now.

Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.16: Back at the Dorm [f][blkmail]

Kerina stopped at the entrance of her dorm, slightly out of breath. She stood there in only a long buttoned up shirt, too large for her, which fell to just two inches above her knees. Her hair was disheveled and her face red and blotchy from crying. '

Kerina rested for a moment, as walking here had been hard going. Pat had been very rough with her and now her ass was very sore. Kerina fidgeted even as she stood in front of the door, unable to stand comfortably.

Kerina realised that she was locked out again. Feeling foolish, she knocked gently on the door.

Kerina stood there for what seemed like ages, knocking twice more before she heard the sound of footsteps on the other side of the door.

The door opened inwards and Lisa's face appeared looking out.

"This had better be goo…oh Kerina?" Lisa asked surprised

"Hi Lisa, uh I don't have my keys.."

Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.15: Coming from Behind [fmM][blkmail]

Kerina was running, blindly down the hallway, desperate to escape the echoing laughter coming from somewhere behind her, from the class room she was due to attend.

Kerina had just lived out another nightmare, in a week that was proving to be full of nightmares for her so far. She had just had her skirt taken away from her in the middle of the University hallway and then had been exposed to her Professor and her class.

Unable to deal with the reality of what had happened, Kerina had ran, blindly, just desiring to be away not thinking about where she was going.

"Hey babe, slow down."

Kerina almost jumped as she heard the words in the empty hallway. She looked around as she slowed down. She recognized the voice. It was Jack.

He was standing at the door of a classroom.

"Come in here babe, this room is empty."

Desperate for some privacy, Kerina almost ran in the door. Inside it was empty as he had described and there were just rows of old desks and a blackboard on the wall.

Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.14: Shark Attack [fm]

Kerina walked stunned from the Security Office, eager to get back to her dorm room. Not even thinking of solving the issue for the moment, just thinking about getting some privacy, washing away all the sweat and cum from the pawing men.

As she stumbled along, looking a sight with her long dishevelled hair, her rumpled skirt and holding her bag close against her blouse, Kerina walked straight past Jack, her face twisted with worry.

"Hey Kerina, slow down," Jack called catching up to her.

Kerina kept walking as if she didn't even hear him. Jack caught up and grabbed her by the shoulders, "what's going on,"

Kerina looked around terrified. When she saw Jack she just stopped, the auto pilot that had taken her this far failing.

"What is wrong Kerina, What has happened?" Jack insisted.

"N-nothing, I mean… there was this stuff in my bag…but it wasn't mine. They wouldn't believe me and they searched me.."Kerina trailed off.

Jack put his arm consolingly around Kerina, guiding her along the pathway to her dorm building, "Look you are upset, I will walk you."

Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.13: Lost and Found [fM]

Kerina stood in front of the Security Office door again. Dressed in a shabby knee length skirt a cute necklace with a Princess Aurora pendant on it and a wrinkled faintly stained and yellowing white blouse, Kerina felt a churning in her tummy. She didn't want to go in there, didn't want to see Pat the gross security guard again, but she had to. Her stuff should be there now, and she needed her keys to get back into her dorm room.

Jack had walked her back to the uni campus; she had insisted she was okay and didn't need anyone to look out for her, but he said he was walking this way anyway. She was glad he had decided to because not long after she left Dmitri's horrible shop, walking along the busy Lewis Street, bare foot and feeling shabby, a guy had pulled over in his car and asked her what she charged. Kerina hadn't understood at first, then she had reddened and stammered for a response as she realised he thought she was a prostitute. Jack told the guy to get lost, but people were staring at her like she was a junkie or something.

Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.12: Things Go Bad for Little Kerina [fMMM]

Kerina stood naked in the dingy store, shocked, eyes wide, breasts and neatly trimmed pussy bared, helpless as three senior college guys looked on surprised to see this young barely legal girl in such a state.

"Just hold on there boys, "Dmitri said calmly, "I am serving these customers and then I will ring up your purchases.

Kerina felt herself freaking out, but she forced herself to remain focussed, in control. Seeing Dmitri distracted, she grabbed the last piece of cardboard and turned it over. Kerina gasped.

Instead of a clue as to where the condoms with her name on them came from, there was only another big cross on it!

"What's this?" she stammered, "You cheated!"

Dmitri turned back to Kerina.

"It looks like YOU cheated, turning it over when you hadn't won. I haven't cheated because I don't know anything about your stupid condom, and I don't have any idea where it would come from either. So you just watch yourself miss, you aren't in any position to be all upitty. Way I see it, only a slut would do what you have done."

Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.11: Kerina Takes a Chance [f]

They walked into a bigger store. It was big, and well lit, but somehow the bright glaring lighting made the shadows even darker and gave a generally unwelcoming feel. The shelves were higher and closer together, so by the time Kerina got to the counter at the far end of the store, she was feeling worried and intimidated. She momentarily forgot her decision to remain in control and so agreed when Jack offered to ask the tall dingy looking man about her situation.

Kerina chided herself as she regretted her relinquishing control to Jack, but decided to wait; certain the opportunity to act would come. She felt sort of indebted to Jack, as walking here, she had told him all about the condoms and what had happened to her in the classroom yesterday (She hadn't mentioned the library or the security guard, however). He was a good listener and had shared in her outrage that someone would do this to her. Kerina listened to the conversation.

"…so we want to know if you sell them, or if anywhere else does that you know of?" Jack asked the guy.

Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.10: Kerina the Sleuth [f][huml]

In a few minutes Kerina was in sight of the Security Office, and her nerve failed her straight away. She almost turned and fled at the sight of the office, but using all her self control, Kerina told herself that is was simply a matter of priorities. She would go and look into where the condoms came from first. Yes, that's it, come back to the office later.

Anything not to see that gross guy, Pat, again.

No, no! Practicality; she wasn't scared of the security guard. She was in control. Okay, good. Confidently, Kerina set off to look for the pharmacies on University Campus.

Walking into the small pharmacy in the main plaza of the university, Kerina glanced around the little store, a couple of rows of shelves, and a counter at the far end. Kerina walked confidently up the centre aisle and spoke to the little middle aged lady at the counter.

"Hi there, how are you? I was wondering if you sell….uhhm… condoms' Kerina finished blushing a little.

"What's that?" the old lady asked confused. Surely she had misheard the question this sweet little girl was asking.