[Part 3] Bella’s Adventure – A task, a window, and a lesson learned. [Submissive F] [Dominant M] [M/F & F/F] [Light Exhibitionism] [Light Punishment]

After a long delay, here is [Part 3] of Bella’s Adventure!! If you missed [[Part 1]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/iiz334/a_secret_reddit_account_the_end_of_a_relationship/) and [[Part 2]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ijjhdc/part_2_a_hotel_room_a_blindfold_and_a_present/), they are linked here.

Also, here is a quick visual for the hotel room setting [https://imgur.com/a/kg811A3](https://imgur.com/a/kg811A3)


[Part 2] A hotel room, a blindfold, and a present . [Submissive F] [Dominant M] [M/F]

[Click for part 1.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/iiz334/a_secret_reddit_account_the_end_of_a_relationship/)


Looking down at you, you can tell there is an inspection running though my head. You really are beautiful, and your shy smirk gives off the tone that you are well aware of this.

I step to the side and sit on the edge of the bed. I motion for you should sit as well. You take the seat next to me and feel the bedding touch the skin of your legs and butt. This bottomless skin direct to bedding contact reminds you, as if you needed one, of the situation you are in.

“Lets just chat for a few minutes. Make sure we are on the same page, sound good?” I ask.

“..sure… I mean… Yes, sir” you correct yourself.

“No, no, lets have a real chat. We will pause the rules for a few minutes. I’m Mark by the way.” I reach out my hand for you to shake.

You shake my hand thinking this is kind of awkward, but you also are starting to feel a small sense of comfort by my tone and demeanor. “Hey Mark, ..I’m Bella.”

A secret Reddit account, the end of a relationship, and the start of a naughty submissive adventure. [Submissive] [M/F]

Over the last year or so you have been pretty active on reddit. You check r/popular, browse /r/DIY, and you always comment on posts with cute dogs. Your boyfriend, Tim, was the one that introduced you to reddit. He even helped you set up your account /u/SouthernBella. It seems fitting since your names is Bella and he says you have a bit of that southern bell charm. What Tim didn’t know is that a few months later you created your own account. One where you could comment and post without him knowing. You never thought he would find out about /u/SouthernSub. …but he did find out… and that was the start of the end.

You never thought it was a big deal. So what if you fantasized about kinky sex. It was just that… a fantasy. You were fairly satisfied with you and your Tim’s sex life. It was very traditional sex, but you guys still fucked a few times a week. That’s more sex than most of your friends were having. But then, three months ago, when Tim found your reddit open with the SouthenSub account logged in he got angry. He called you a liar and basically claimed you were cheating on him. He said your post comments were disgusting and that he wasn’t sure he really knew who you were.