What Happens in Vegas… [FFM] [Part 2]

“I still can’t believe you did that with me in the room” Cassandra laughed and rolled her eyes, taking a sip of her bloody marry. We had decided to get some brunch and morning bevs to fight the lingering hang over from the night before. It turns out Cassandra had been awake the whole time and was forced to lay, listening to Jason and I.

“And where else would you have wanted us to do it? The bathroom?” I jabbed back between bites of bacon. I shivered, remembering the way Jason handled me the night before. I had woken up that morning to an empty bed, Jason having crept off before the sun rose in order to avoid the awkward interaction between him and Cass. “Anyways, what if we get together tonight?” I laughed at Cassandras exhausted sigh but watched as she began to blush. “What?” I asked through narrow eyes.

What happens in Vegas…. (Fm)

When my brother wanted to go to Vegas for his birthday I was ecstatic. Living in the prairies leaves us with little fun besides drinking and other totally legal activities. A trip down to the states was a welcome thought. Our parents deal to us was that they would go with us and pay for everything (yeah I know, spoiled) since it was his 21st. I had the same deal when I turned 21 and now again at 25 thanks to my younger sibling. Each of us brought a friend, I brought Cassandra, both of us stood around 5’5. She wore her hair short and dyed blue which went along with her many tattoos and piercings. I had long auburn hair and no love for body mods. My brother brought his friend Jason, kind of an awkward and quiet guy though the two were inseparable for as long as I could remember. Let’s skip ahead a bit.