Submitting Abroad: 2a [FF]

I’m back!

Unfortunately the character limit meant I had to split part 2 across separate posts: 2a and 2b.

I’m also preparing to start writing some shorter one-off stories while I’m continuing to edit this story down in to parts. PM me if you have requests or suggestions!


Gallo left the makeshift privacy room shortly after the flight attendant did, departing without a word. I guess he was done with me for now. Sitting up, I stretched and took a peek out the window, watching as the swiftly approaching Italian countryside rose to meet us. I spent a half hour admiring the golden hills and valleys, vineyards dotting the landscape, surrounded by communities that grew denser as we approached the capitol.

The attendant popped in past the curtain, causing me to turn.

“We will be landing in 20 minutes. Please remain here until I come get you.”

I nodded. She had changed out of her uniform, donning a tiny black dress that barely covered everything, though her rose-gold choker remained. I was transfixed, tracing her body with my eyes, letting my imagination fill in the details. Did she even work for this airline? Before I could ask, she had departed again, curtain falling back into place. At least I knew I would see her once more before the flight was over.

Categorized as sexystories

Submitting Abroad: Part 1 [MF/MFF] [mast][oral]

**Note from the author**: Hello! I’m Alice. This post is the first in my “Submitting Abroad” series, the rest of which has already been drafted. I’m currently working on editing it down into parts, which I’m aiming to upload twice a week.

Feedback is greatly appreciated, both on content and writing style! Requests for future works are accepted as well, if messaged privately. My dream is to one day take commissions, but for now I’m content to try and build a name for myself.

Thanks and enjoy!

It was during my senior year of university that the opportunity arose: a semester abroad in the heart of Italy, Roma herself. It had always been my dream to live outside the States for an extended period of time, and coupled with my passion for Roman history and collegiate focus on antiquity, it was the perfect finish to an arduous scholastic career.

Now I found myself at 35,000 feet over the Atlantic, alone, having left the few good friends that I still had back in Los Angeles. My parents hadn’t come by to see me off, nor had I expected them to. They had effectively cut me off earlier that year after discovering some unwelcome news about my sexual orientation.