A Ski Trip With Another Couple [FFMM]

Hello! For those that have asked, I’m still working on Part 2 of the Blair story. I’m on rewrite #3 😅. This is something I put together to try and work through some of the writer’s block I was feeling with that story. Let me know if you have suggestions for future stories!

Alana always got what she wanted, and for a brief period in our lives she wanted me. I wasn’t quite sure why; it wasn’t as if I were exceptionally good looking or adept at anything. I was pretty normal, all things considered. Frankly, she was out of my league.

I knew I wasn’t in control either. She wore the pants in the relationship from day one. My mind and body were bound to her desires, yoked to her whim, whatever it was on any given day. Even in those brief moments when I felt like defying her, I could not muster the courage to go through with it, overwhelmed by my own lust and desire to please. Alana was my master..

A Surprise Encounter with Sisters [MFF]

The summer after I graduated college, I spent a month backpacking in the Sierras. It was a retreat from the civilized world, as well as an attempt to decide where I wanted to go with my life, rudderless so far save for my love of the windswept wilderness. The many hours I spent plodding over stony crests and dusty troughs were the perfect therapy, my feet winding through the bleak landscape as my mind wandered yet farther.

Near the end of my trek, I made camp in a wide valley, a plateau between two peaks, verdant given the elevation, scattered patches of pine trees dotting the landscape. Some clumped together into a thicket traced the shoulder of a stream, running down from the foot of one of the peaks, an underground reservoir bursting forth and pooling into a placid lake. At night wind rushed through the saddle-shaped pass, funneled down by the unshakable steadiness of the bordering mountains, skating across the surface of the nearby water leaving ripples behind that slowly stretched and lapped at the brink of the land. I pitched my tent right next to the lake, enjoying an evening spent staring misty eyed into the dying tongues of a campfire, its reflection stretched along the mirror of the water, shimmering in a way that made it seem endless miles high.

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How my husband [34M] and I [30F] brought a girl [21F] into our life, and how I made her my bitch [Part 1][FFM][long]

I knew the question was coming. I had known for weeks. I should have known far earlier, but I had let my own naïveté get the better of my reason. It was always the little things; James was too clever to mess up in an obvious way. Leaving for a work trip without a fresh stack of business cards, a fleck of nail polish on the collar, a small pause when describing his day over the dinner table. All in and of themselves nothing to worry about, much less lose sleep over. But they just kept happening…

And since I knew the question was coming, I had prepared an answer.

My head was on his stomach, his cock in my mouth and the aftertaste of cum still on my tongue when it finally arrived. He had his fingers wrapped around a handful of my bright red curls, breathing slowly, our love making having just ended. We often fell asleep like this. I knew he liked it, if only for the sense of dominance.

“Have you ever wanted to sleep with someone else?”

So that was his tact. Clever. Feeling out where I stood before revealing his own intentions.

Plotting Princesses – sisters work together to secure their thrones [ff][Fffm][inc][oral]

Ella stared out over the city that lay below her, wishing for a breath of fresh air to blow away the doldrums of summer. Her father had court wizards at his beck and call, and surely he payed them more than enough for them to be able to conjure up a light breeze. She rolled over in her chaise onto her back, facing up towards the yellow and white striped awning that covered the balcony. At least up here, one of the highest points in the castle, she could stare out towards the eastern mountains in peace, willing them to send down a stream of fresh air from their snow capped peaks. Yet it was futile.

She picked up a small novella that she had tossed aside earlier, finding her place once again. It was a romance novel, gifted to her by her father. It was terrible. Full of knights in shining armor, and damsels in distress and love at first sight. After a few more minutes of attempting to power through it, she dropped it to the floor again.

Where was the passion? Where was the sensuality? Where was the *sex*?

The New Concubine [MFff] [fantasy][inc][oral][reluc]

Elia knelt before the throne, axe brandished across her thigh, allowing the faintest of smiles to tug at the corner of her mouth as the thunderous applause washed over her. She had returned a hero, not just to this minor royal family and their petty-kingdom in the northlands, but also to herself. Adventuring had been scarce as of late, with many of the fey beasts and creatures retreating into their caves and wooded dells for the winter. The cold months were always the hardest, loitering in half frozen inns and public houses looking for work, stretching each penny to its fullest extent.

Yet now a fortune awaited her, as the slayer of a hill troll that had tainted the lands for years. Elia’s eyes gleamed with the prospect of hot food every day for the next few months, and even a feather bed here or there when she felt like it.

“Now,” a booming voice called out, quelling the applause. “You shall have your reward as well, shieldmaiden!”

Showering With My Sister [MF][Inc]

Hot rivers water ran down my shoulders, pulling some of the aches and pains of the morning’s workout away with it. Even during the summer, no longer bound by my regular collegiate soccer regime, I tried to stay in shape. Better to put in a little work now than play catch up later, I figured. This off season in particular had been easier than most to remain focused; I had found a bottomless well of determination from which to draw from, filled ever to the brim with the mixed emotions of a sudden breakup.

I tilted my head back, allowing the shower head’ s stream to wash over my forehead. She was gone for good this time. Not much I could do about it, and the many miles I had run since had carried me beyond caring until the raw hurt had been scarred over. Perhaps now it was safe to return to such thoughts.

Small flickers and vignettes of memories passed across my closed eyelids. Our first backpacking trip; dinner dates in the tiny college town I now called home; the time we ran naked across Avett Cove, moonlight streaming across her hair. I smiled in spite of myself, knowing such times were now over. Yet still the fragments stuck with me.

Breeding Material [Ff][bst]

Submitted as a response to a prompt on r/DirtyWritingPrompts. See my account for the original.

Dr. Mira and her assistant stared at the panting husky, both pairs of eyes focused on the animal’s massive erection poking out between its legs. The experiment had clearly been a success, yet the dosage had been far too high. The poor dog had been like this for an hour now, with no sign of stopping, pacing back and forth, pulling at the leash that kept him attached to the wall.

The lucrative world of dog breeding had driven their company’s research, kennel owners ever eager to shell out for any supplement or additive that could assist their alphas in rutting. Nothing was more disappointing to them than arranging a breeding session, only for the male dog to lose interest half way through. Dr. Mira, a trained chemist, had spent the last few years developing such a drug, studying the chemical impact of Viagra on humans and translating those substances to canines. Today had been their big breakthrough.

“Poor boy,” her assistant, Chelsea, murmured.

Dr. Mira turned to her young counterpart, noting the compassionate look in the girl’s eyes. Clearly something needed to be done.

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Working as a Nude Model [Ff]

Submitted in response to a prompt on r/DirtyWritingPrompts . See my account for the original.

Lita’s embarrassment began when she signed up as a model for a master’s level art class: *Form and Action of the Human Body*. Intrigued by a modest payment awarded for each session, the promise of steady money proving too strong for her inhibitions, she had figured the attendees would never be the kinds of people she would run into regularly. While no supermodel, Lita was still very attractive: 19 and nearing, if not already at, the peek of her physical beauty. She wore her blonde hair long, reaching down to the base of her small round breasts: perky, especially when exposed to an entire classroom. Her lower half was beautiful as well, long tan legs that attached to a well toned ass and immaculately kept pussy. Knowing she would be meticulously examined day in and day out via this course, Lita had made sure she was always ready to disrobe.

Categorized as sexystories

Seven Minutes with Sister [ff]

My sister and I had always been close. Only a year apart, we had been inseparable since grade school. Of course, there was a friendly rivalry between us, one which she often came out ahead on despite my year long head start. She was the brains of the family, and I was the butt.

At least, that’s how we joked about it, given how “well endowed” I was. A natural beauty by my junior year, strawberry blonde hair that I kept shoulder length, brown eyes and light freckles, with a bust and ass that left little to be desired.

My sister, Elana, for the most part inherited the same looks. She adopted a different style: hair longer, often braided, opting as well for wide-rimmed glasses where I chose contacts. She tended to dress more casually as well, a hoodie and a pair of jeans for every occasion. Beneath all that her own assets were slightly less gifted, though only just, I often noted.

Submitting Abroad: Part 2b [FF]

The villa was hidden away in the hills outside Rome, nestled within a sprawling vineyard that kept the rest of the world at bay. In truth, villa may have been an understatement. Two large structures made up the primary residences, surrounded by other smaller buildings that served to maintain the surrounding estate.

I was still at work on Claire’s pussy when she began the explanation, now driving up a dirt road that led to the central buildings.

“There are two buildings at the villa you will be acquainted with, three if your training progresses well.” She was looking out the window, admiring the scenic drive. She began to stroke my hair, a small sign of affection, as if petting a dog, fingers running across my scalp encouraging me to continue servicing her.

“The first is the big house, the primary residence of Mr Gallo when he is in town. He often hosts parties and invites associates here, some of whom may require your services.”

I was getting further turned on than I already was at the thought of it. I was truly owned now, an item to be loaned out to guests, having sealed that deal on the cum-laden tongue of my now mistress.

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