Island Vacation pt6 [mf][ff][oral][exh][anal]

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The knock on the door seemed to break the drowsy spell we'd all been under. Vicky sat up and stretched, her breasts rising high as she raised her arms and drew my fingers like magic to tickle her peaks. She tossed my long t-shirt over my head with a laugh so I took the hint and put it on.

Robby grunted in the other bed as he sat up to reach for his shorts. He seemed to notice Camden was standing up to pull on a pair of his boxer-briefs and smacked her on the ass with the back of his hand.

"Hey!" Camden danced away with a grin.

"Don't wash those before you give them back to me," Robby said as he pulled over his t-shirt.

"Perv," she smirked.

"I gotta have something to remember you by until you transfer down this fall."

She stopped cold and gave him a searching stare. Her mouth opened as her eyebrows drew together, but then her warm chuckle stopped her frown. "I never said I was gonna do that."

"You should, though. Weather's much better in Houston."

Island Vacation pt5 [mf][ff][oral]

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"Renauld, we have to go after them," Robby screamed as Renauld throttled the old fishing boat down.

"It would do no good," Renauld said with a helpless shrug. "This boat is too old. That ship is already going faster than we can go."

I watched Robby's face screw up in frustration for a moment, then he ran to the side rail to scream, "Sarah! Sarah!"

It was no use. The wind was blowing in our faces and Sarah was still trying to push away the guy forcing his kiss on her. Some of the other people on the deck were laughing at her feeble attempts to defend herself. I swear, no matter how much I hated my sister, if I had a gun right then I'd shoot that bastard or die trying.

I pulled out my cell phone but cursed when I saw no bars. On impulse, I started snapping pictures, zooming in as close as I could. The boat was passing ours just then, so the shots were clear. Then back of their boat threw up a larger wake as it accelerated toward open water. My stomach clenched as I read the name painted across the stern; Stolen Kisses. I stared, helpless, wanting to cry and scream at the same time.

Island Vacation pt4 [mf][oral]

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Chills or no, sometime over the last twenty-four hours Mom had lost her ability to frighten me. I texted her back.

"I'm busted? I just had a lovely dinner with Theo's sister. I'll be there when I get there."

I put my phone down and stretched, reaching my fingertips up to towards the ceiling. My back and neck made alarmingly loud cracks, but I felt wonderful to my toes.

"Everything okay?" Renauld whispered as he padded over to me from the bed. Vicky was still snuggled into a pillow.

I put my arms down around his neck and pulled him in for a soft kiss. His lips were warm. The way he looked at me and kissed me made me feel like the only woman in the world.

"Yeah," I said and meant it.

He gave me such an intense look that I felt a little twinge of embarrassment. Inspecting him in return, I let my gaze drift over his brown eyes, strong jaw, and curly hair. We had shared something unique in my life and I'd be forever grateful for his tenderness and passion. It was foolish given how long I'd known him, but part of me felt closer to him than anyone I'd ever dated.

Island Vacation pt3 [mff][oral]

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I shuffled into the sunlight, but my heart was full of darkness and dread. It was one thing for me to explore my sexuality. It was practically expected, after all, with a teenager's hormone overload and poor impulse control. But my mother was an adult. A married adult. She was supposed to have all that shit worked out at her age. Theo was the same age as my brother Robby for fuck's sake!

The beach spread out in front of me with the blue-green ocean roaring in waves. Colorful beach umbrellas and happy people didn't do anything for my mood so I turned and went back into the lobby.

"Kat," Mom called with a satisfied smile on her face. "Did you enjoy your massage?"

For a moment my mind flashed back to Renauld's face as he came inside me. Of Vicky slipping into French as she murmured next to me. Then I recalled the vivid moment when Mom slipped her arms around Theo's neck to kiss him. The rush of memories must have shown on my face somehow.

"Are you okay?" she asked, her smile replaced with motherly concern.

Island Vacation pt2 [mff][mast]

Click on my name for previous parts of this story. Let me know if you want me to continue by votes or comments.

"I saw you last night," Robby whispered when Mom and Sarah were busy talking. Dad was oblivious as he ate his third helping of Eggs Benedict from the resort breakfast buffet.

His words chilled my heart, but I refused to let him know he'd scored a hit. "And you snored so loud the window rattled."

"I mean I saw you at the bonfire," he hissed as he bent closer while he pretended to pick up his fork.

"So what?" I asked with a shrug.

Of course, I knew what. I had made sure to shower and brush my teeth when I got back to the suite to cover up the scent of sex and beer. Then Mom had grilled me for an hour about where I'd gone and who I'd been with. The lies came easily as I described the volleyball game going on longer than it had, hanging out with an imaginary group of teens around the hotel, then going in the lazy river with my new friend, Renauld. The soreness I still felt inside made me smile at the cause despite my anxiety about Robby's pointed comments.

Island Vacation [mf][first][oral][mast]

Mom and Dad insisted we do the big summer family vacation thing over all of our objections. Robby was pissed he was missing hanging out with his buddies over the last summer before leaving for college. Sarah was constantly texting her latest boyfriend and refused to speak to anyone. That suited me fine because she's a bitch. And me? I wanted to squeeze my new bigger boobs into last year's bathing suit and finally convince that hunky life guard at the YMCA to show me what I've been missing. Oh well…

I have to admit the island resort was great, but as soon as we got checked in Mom did her whole take over the schedule thing and dragged Sarah and me to the spa. Don't get me wrong, I love being pampered but I want it on my terms. When the girl at the front desk greeted us, I asked for the gorgeous, dark-skinned masseur to rub me all over, but Mom insisted I get a masseuse instead. Then she took the masseur for herself with barely suppressed smirk.

I got undressed in the changing room and wrapped a towel around my chest before going into the dim, candle-lit room. The masseuse had set up small bowls of fragrant oils around the table.