Beauty of Consent

Such a word that is so neglected.

Such an action that is so overlooked.

Consent is so beautiful yet so under thanked.

It is an action of trust from a meek heart.

A trust that all need in order to move forward.

It is an action of strong will from one viewed as frail.

For one must be strong in order to consent to the will of another.

But how often is that action thanked?

How often is the action complimented?

That answer…

Every time a Dominant praises his submissive.

Every time a Dominant gives his submissive what they need.

Consent is celebrated within the arms and heart of the kinky.

That is where you’ll find the Beauty of Consent.

Categorized as Erotica

Flames of Passion

The bite of the tails of a flogger.

The smack of the flat surface of a paddle.

The slap of a bare hand upon the bottom.

All are just sparks upon the fuel.

The abrasion of course rope on delicate skin.

The stretch of a gag strapped tight in place.

The pinch of clamps placed on each nipple.

All are just sparks created by you.

Whips and cuffs are my pleasure..

Of which this you do so know.

Blades and paddles are my excitement..

Of which you use against me.

You, my dominant, my top, my sexual Master..

Only you stir the dark beast within me.

Only you can make me cry in painful pleasure.

Only you can sate my flames of passion.

Categorized as Erotica

Submissively Yours

By D.M.E.

Bend me to your will..

And I will flow like water.

Bite me like an alpha wolf..

And I will growl in pleasure.

Restrain me like St. Andrew..

And I will smile with sweet compliance.

Work me like a butler..

And I will jump with a “Yes, sir.”

Punish me when I’m bad..

And I will take it without verbal complaint.

Task me with assignments while away..

And I will do them with the diligence of a class pet.

Command me to crawl..

And I will ask if I should bark on my way down.

Flog my body and cover it with stripes of marks..

And I will beg for more with a smile.

Paddle and cane my sweet ass..

And I will cry tears of joy as I thank you.

Use me as your outlet knowing I need it too..

And I will never runaway and hide..

But walk with you to our playroom in pure happiness.

Ask you why I would do all this and more..

And I will always answer because..

Categorized as Erotica