Left Hanging [M] [F] [bd] [oral]

As with my other stories, this is written for a specific person, hence the first person with wannabe second person leanings.

You stand in the middle of the room, arms over your head. Rope cuffs bind your wrists together; the ends run through a hoop in the ceiling, keeping your arms straight, and pool on the floor behind you. There’s almost no give. Even with the extra height from the heels of the long tan boots you wear, your arms are already starting to ache. You are forced to stand as rigidly, your feet wide and your chest pushed out. Exactly how I want you.

But you can’t see any of this, not with the satin cloth I put over your eyes.

I’m sitting behind you, enjoying the view. My gaze starts low, at your feet. The boots hug the contours of your legs all the way to your knees. I continue upwards, over your trim thighs and rest on your naked backside. Your cheeks beg to be pulled apart, to be caressed. I can’t linger here, not without becoming distracted. Your pale back is arched slightly to minimise the strain in your arms. Your hair falls like a dark waterfall to the middle of your back, begging to be played with. I relish the thought of running my hands through it. Finally your head is held defiantly high.

The Three of Us [M] [F] [M]

It’s terrifying. I don’t think I’ve ever been this turned on.

We’ve talked about threesomes before, but never in any serious way. There was always the thing about one of us getting jealous and it causing a huge rift between us. But, I pushed the issue, and you agreed. You agreed, but only if the first time could be with a man. What got my heart beating faster at that wasn’t the thought of you sucking a stranger’s member whilst I licked you; no, what got me going was that you said “the first time”, implying there would be more.

And so, here we are. You stand between us in that light green dress you wore to that long-ago wedding. It’s surreal, watching this strange man run his hands over your body like he was meant to do it. His fingers trail across your shoulders, brushing your hair gently away as he kisses along your collar bone. With his other hand, he caresses your breasts through your dress. You crane your neck, letting him softly nibble at you.

The Kitchen [M] [F] [Oral]

The sunlight streams through the kitchen window, dancing in the rippled purple glass of the hanging cat. You are standing by the counter, one eye on some exquisite-smelling thing in the oven whilst you skim through a cookbook.

The sight of you takes my breath. You’re wearing a lone blue wrap-around skirt and matching top; both hug your body in exactly the right places. It takes all my willpower not to scoop you up in my arms. As usual, you’re not wearing anything on your feet; bent forward on your delicate tip-toes, your pert backside is thrust out towards me. Your hair is held in a high ponytail, flowing down your back in a silken cascade. I don’t think you’ve noticed me. You could be pretending to ignore me, but even in profile, I can see your lips pursed in that expression of concentration you have when you think nobody can see you.

God, I want you.

I come up behind you, wrap my arms around your waist and put my lips to your neck. I’m not sure which is more intoxicating; your smell or the little gasp you make. I kiss my way higher, lifting your chin with one hand. You close your eyes and reward me with a quiet moan.