Best Laid Plans


It had been nearly a month since Andrea and Chris last had sex. It wasn’t for lack of desire on either part either. Jobs and kids can both really screw with timing. But finally, with a fair amount of planning ahead, the coming weekend looked like it was starting to present opportunity. Both were off work, no pressing errands, and the kids were at Grandma and Grandpa’s for the weekend. Now Chris just had to make it the four days to the weekend.
Chris had been out of town on business twice in that month and between Andrea’s job and feeding the ravenous children and getting them down for bed, little time had been left for each other. They got to talk and kiss daily, but anything more active than a slap on the ass here or there was not in the schedule. Chris hated that their adult time had to be scheduled as he was the more spontaneous of the two, but he understood and accepted the necessity.