Request fulfilled: A story about nipple eroticism

“You have to get the Grand Tour!”

Monica beamed a broad grin and pulled me by the hand. She had just finished decorating the house she bought with her long term boyfriend. Rumor was that the house is in her name; so if they split she gets to keep it. A newly minted charge nurse, Monica seemed prepared for the responsibility.

“Look at Monica in those white tie-sides!”

A small cluster of scroungy guys laughed, smoking.

“Makes me want to commit a crime.”

Even though she bought a house with her cop boyfriend, her friends from back home were always in tow. Looking at them, I wondered if “back home” was a rough neighborhood, or if Monica had simply gotten in with a strange crowd.

“Get out of your head!”

She startled me.

“You’re such an introvert! C’mon the grand tour starts in the kitchen.”

She led me through a neat kitchen, where everything matched, and pulled me past laundry rooms and up a winding flight of stairs.

“You have to see the candles I got for the bathroom!”

Monica’s voice echoed melodiously through the house.

Just World Theory Part 3

The hearing commenced at 10:00 AM on November seventeenth in the year 2018.

“Honorable Judge Robert Lyons will preside over the case. Harper Grais versus David Helms”


“It was so insane. It seems like a strange dream Dr Praxter please tell me I dreamed it a million dreams ago and it wasn’t just last night.”

“What happened at the hearing?”

“It was like verbal chess. We tried to put each other in check. It was just like chess.”


“Ms. Grais, do you realize the severity of filing a vexatious lawsuit? I hope you don’t plan to submit false evidence.”

“At this stage we can still help you realize how things really work. Why don’t you just cooperate?”

“We wouldn’t want you to be disbarred by the US Attorney’s office after you must have worked so hard to pass your exams”


“I threatened them. Oh my God I threatened a judge!”


“Gentleman I’m sure you’re well aware that the United States attorney’s office is capable of prosecuting corrupt judges”

“Ms Grais tell me, please what that has to do with your frivolous lawsuit.”

Categorized as Erotica

Just World Theory Part 2

“Yo Chang.”


“Hit the exits my dude.”

Chang hung up and ran.

Two Israeli security guards pounded the stairs with heavy boots.

“That’s not David Helms!” The hulking guards shouted, pointing at Chang.

Chang ran outside into a waiting car. Security couldn’t pursue off their property. Just to be safe, Cavaggio used a fake car service account with a prepaid Visa. They could have connections to law enforcement. Besides, he already had a fake account for personal reasons so it wasn’t hard. He hung up his phone and pulled Chang into the ride. It didn’t matter if they got the plates.

“Helms, David” Chang panted.


“Helms, David” Cavaggio slipped a piece of paper to Harper, along with the fob she’d swiped off her “acquaintance” at the alumni club.

She held it up in the air and walked a slow strut toward the exit.

She stopped in the threshold and put her hand on the wall.


She tapped her painted fingernails on the molding’s edge sequentially. She turned and looked over her shoulder.

“Yes Ms Grais?”

“Since you did so well, could you do me one more little favor?”

Categorized as Erotica

Just World Theory Part 1

“Which one of you boys could handle a top secret special assignment?”

Harper Grais crossed her legs on Cavaggio’s desk and made eye contact with the new junior engineer, Chang.

“Boyos, give us a minute” Frankie Cavaggio barked over his shoulder, still staring at Harper from the corner of his eye.

The other IT guys fled the basement server room as Cavaggio, flustered, gathered himself.

“Ms Grais anything. Miss. Ma’am”

Chang’s face turned bright red as Harper adjusted her skirt and puckered her red lips.

“Wonderful. Here’s the super secret assignment. Head down to P. S. Harrington’s…”

“The bank?”

“Yes Frankie, the bank. Well, technically, private equity firm.”


“And find out whose security badge this is.”

Harper placed a black plastic fob on the desk that had “P. S. Harrington” impressed on the face of it.

Frankie Cavaggio had a background in computer hacking and social engineering. He was never caught so he “went legit” and made his way into a relatively comfortable information security post at the United States Attorney’s office.

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