I liked his smile, [M/F] [office] [public] [consensual rape]

I liked his smile. That is how it all started. He looked like the real deal, tall, kind eyes, safe. He was kind too, he had this voice that said everything was going to be ok. We were all new and of all the teachers in our training groups I liked him. So we took our places at the cubicles and turned on our computers, I kept an eye on him because I wanted to be in his group. As it turns out I had nothing to worry about, he was in charge and that was that. You know how when you start liking someone and start sitting straight so you dont look like a slob? Well….. That. Yes, I had it bad. I couldn't even hear what he was saying, ny heart was beating loudly and ny insides felt coiled around ….aroooouuund… idk, thought processes .exe