CAPTURED BY THE ORC: Chapter Two [MM, Orc X Human, Fantasy, TW: Noncon]


Chapter Two: *Oral Initiation*


They had been traveling for days, and Samson’s body, unaccustomed to riding for so long, was aching. He shook his head; he wanted to stretch his legs.

“I said, sit. I’m going to build a fire.”

Samson cast a quick glance around at their surroundings.

“If you try to run I will catch you, and it will be the belt again.”

Samson sighed and lowered himself tenderly onto the ground. He watched as Dalthu moved quickly, gathering dry kindling.

*His great size doesn’t affect his speed.*

Soon a roaring fire heated the chilly air, and the illumination of the flame danced and cast strange shadows on the trees around them. Dalthu handed Samson a small portion of food: some dried meat and half a loaf of bread. Samson ate them both greedily.

Dalthu pulled out a wineskin and, after taking a pull from it, offered it to Samson.

Samson eyed the flask warily. “No . . . thank you.”

“Drink,” Dalthu insisted.

“I said, no.”

“And I won’t tell you again, little tiger. Do what I say.” His hands strayed toward his belt.



Chapter One: *Lesson Learned*

Samson was in the field gathering crops when it happened. The warning bell rang from the watchtowers.


He threw his basket of corn aside and sprinted toward the safety of his village. Behind him, he could hear the shouts of the other workers, who were scattering. The ground began to tremble underneath his feet, and he could hear the howls of wolves growing louder.

*Almost there!*

Samson burst out of the field of tall crops and felt a flood of relief as he saw his family’s hut. His younger brother, Kane, was standing at the entrance. Kane spotted him and swung his arms, motioning to Samson to keep running. Then Kane’s expression transformed to terror, and he pointed wildly to just behind Samson.

Samson had only a moment to register what his brother was trying to tell him before strong arms grabbed him around the waist and hefted him into the air. He kicked and punched at what had grabbed him, but it easily overpowered him and tossed him across the back of the mount.
