The Making of an Heir, pt 2

King Jorus and his new bride, Queen Tyrae, had just finished their evening meal. As the staff was clearing the table, Jorus decided there was still enough daylight left for the two to have a walk amongst the grounds. “My Dear”, he began politely, “it’s been a lovely day thus far. Let’s go for a walk. I want to show you the grounds out back.” Tyrae mulled it over for a moment and agreed. Jorus smiled and walked over to her and escorted her from her seat. He placed her small, gentle hand into his and helped her up as they exited the large dining hall.

As the sun was setting, the two arrived at Jorus’ favorite spot, a small pond just beyond the garden and led his wife to a bench beneath an old oak tree. She took her seat next to him, curled up on the bench and placed her head on his broad shoulder. They watched the sun begin to disappear behind the horizon when she asked him something that had puzzled her since they reunited during the war. “Jorus”, she began. “If I may be so bold, why did you vehemently insist I marry you so when you passed through my village? I mean, we only knew each other briefly when we both labored at the forge several years ago, but we both had other lovers at the time. Why then?”

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The Making of an Heir

King Jorus sat in his throne, awaiting her arrival. His advisors stood about him droning on and on about things he needed to take care of, but their words were just white noise. His bride, the new royal, Queen Tyrae, would finally be arriving to the palace today. Their wedding was several months ago, but as leader of the army during the last war he had to leave before they had a chance to consummate their marriage.

Finally, the king’s councillor announced Queen Tyrae’s arrival. Jorus leaped from his throne and ran towards her. He picked up her tiny frame, spun around, and passionately kissed her. “My dear, you are a sight for sore eyes”, he said as he admired her in her beauty. He continued, “So, what do you think of the accomodations so far?”

“Well, it’s a lot to take in at once”, she replied.

Jorus shook his head in agreement. “Indeed it is. I’m still getting used to it myself.” He then took her small, soft hand in his. “Come, let me introduce you to the rest of your new home.” A couple of the advisors protested, there was still work to be done for the day, but Jorus wouldn’t have any of it. There were more important things to be done.

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Adventures in Broadcasting, pt 12: uh oh

D was the most drop dead gorgeous woman at the station. She had brown hair, perky tits, slender legs, killer smile, brown eyes, and a tight ass with a sultry voice and brains to boot. I eventually came to discover that whenever I spoke to her, I would eventually say something stupid that either made me look like a jackass or a total creep. Yeah, she made me feel like an awkward schoolboy and there was nothing I could do to change it. After she’d make a hasty getaway, I’d kick myself for being an idiot.

One day, D was passing by my office when she peeked her head in the doorway and asked what I was doing in there. I replied it was my office and pointed to my name on the door. She looked at it and then back at me and said, “Oh, that’s you?” Internally I felt as small as an ant, but faked a smile and played along. What a kick in the nuts.

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A Chance Encounter With an Acquaintance II

Kennedy DMed me asking what I was doing. Before I had a chance to respond, she asked if “we” could come over. When I asked who “we” were, she said it was her and her cousin. Breathing a sigh of relief, I said it was fine. About ten minutes later, they arrived. Kennedy was in tight black leggings that showed her large ass and a camo tank top that accentuated her large tits. Her cousin was the one who caught my attention. Nina was twenty years old with tan skin, long brown hair, brown eyes, long legs, and B cup breasts. She was wearing a flowered sundress that exposed her shoulders.

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A Chance Encounter With an Acquaintance (fiction) (m/f) (creampie)

Due to situations beyond my control, I had to move back to my hometown. I was living with my aunt and found myself at a dive bar off the main strip. I was a couple beers in when a female voice said to me, “Hey, aren’t you (my name)?” I turned to look and saw Kennedy. She graduated from our high school a year after me. We never hung out in the same circles, but we had many mutual acquaintances. She’d had four kids and wasn’t as thin as she was back in the day, but she was still very fuckable.

We talked and had a few drinks between us when closing time came about. I was about to tell her goodnight, but she cut me off and asked if I wanted to go back to her place. She told me her husband was out of town and her kids were at her mom’s house. Turns out, her house was only a block from the bar.

Adventures in Broadcasting, pt 10: the Gift

Her name is Y. She was always early. She’d always show up when we had about an hour to go, even though she didn’t go on until noon. She was T’s best friend at the station, but I don’t know if Y was aware of T’s personal life. Every morning I’d catch T and Y chattering although I could never hear what they were talking about. Inevitably, one of them would say something and they’d both giggle like schoolgirls.

So on the day of my promotion, I left the station manager’s office to find the whole cast and crew (except for C, of course) was there to meet me for a surprise congratulatory celebration. As I made my way through the throng of well-wishers, T came up and whispered in my ear, “I got you a surprise. I can’t tell you about it now, but you’ll know it when you get it.” I didn’t know what she meant by that, but the mysteriousness gave me a semi. Knowing T like I did, it had to be good.

Adventures in Broadcasting, pt 9: Back for More, Eh? (m/f) (creampie) (fiction)

“That’s pretty ballsy trying to get the guy who knows what you did last year in Las Vegas fired.” C slowly turned around with a look of panic in her eyes. I got up from my desk and got behind her. I pulled her skirt up, exposing a black thong. “I see your choice of undergarments has improved since then”, I said. C yelped as I gave her ass a smack.

I guess some backstory is necessary. Our longtime news director retired and I was promoted to his spot. I now had an office, which C barged into after we went off air for the day. She was bitching about how lackluster the production was that day and threatening to get me fired. Seeing as I’m not afraid of her and wasn’t going to put up with her, I told her I thought she was cute when she was angry. She got even more pissed and said she was going to the station manager when I brought up Las Vegas.

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Adventures in Broadcasting, pt 8: the Wallflower (m/f) (fiction)

“Want to grab a bite when you finish up”, T’s message read. We had been off air for about an hour and I had stayed behind to finish up some work. I was getting hungry so I accepted the invitation. “M is going to tag along with us if you don’t mind. She’s going through a rough patch, so it would do her good to have some company for a moment.” M had been briefly at the station before leaving for another market, but came back to do the morning weather after O left. She was cute with dimples, shoulder length brown hair, and an all right build. She had a small child and her and her husband had just separated. I figured the more the merrier so I told T it wouldn’t be a problem. Besides, if T liked you, she’d go out of her way to help you. It must be her maternal instinct.

We found a place not far from the station. The food was good and T and I laughed and joked about anything and everything under the sun, but M didn’t say much and picked at her food. Eventually she opened up a little, but my first experience around her was pretty underwhelming.

Adventures in Broadcasting, pt 7: the party (mmf) (fiction)

“Will do, ma’am. I’ll let him in.”

The guard handed my ID back to me and pushed a button inside the guard shack. The giant metal gate slowly opened to let me into the gated community. I had grown up in a pretty affluent suburb, but as I made my way way around the neighborhood, I started to feel a little self-conscious. I eventually made my way to the cul-de-sac where T’s house was located and let out a slow whistle. I found a place to park and walked up to the massive oak double doors. I rang the doorbell, trying to gain my composure. You see, I had been invited to a get together at T and her husband’s house. From what she had told me, these parties were just excuses for various couples to meet up and have sex with different partners.

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Adventures in Broadcasting, pt6: vacation III (m/f) (fiction)

The sun shined through the windows illuminating the glorious form in front of me. There in all its glory was L’s naked form. I leaned in and kissed her to show my appreciation. She originally protested but eventually relented. I placed my right hand on her toned thigh and felt the bumps begin to rise on her smooth skin and my kiss grew more passionate. She deeply exhaled as my hand began to explore the rest of her body. Eventually my lips made their way to her neck as I dragged my fingertip along her waistline. Her breathing labored when my hand made its way down to her pelvis. She parted her legs as my hand started to explore her already wet pussy. I started rubbing her clit with small circles which made her squirm in rhythm with my motion. She arched her back as I inserted my middle finger in her sopping pussy. She quickly came and my cock grew harder.

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