Journey to Jaipur: Chapter 1 [mf]

It was certainly an awkward way to get to Jaipur. My driver Raj was either lost, stupid or both, but I didn't mention anything and just waited to see if he would eventually pull over and ask. At least the car was air conditioned, and in the sweltering heat I'd rather be inside than out. I was being reassigned from Delhi (after being reassigned from Manchester) thanks to my now-deserved reputation of ignoring work for play and taking a special delight in exploring people instead of files and documents.

Finally, Raj rolled down his window and yelled out, ignored by the first passerby, similarly by the second, and finally catching the attention of the third. As it turned out, we had missed the roads that cut in to the city; that idiot was headed to Agra! A wave of heat slugged across my face and I let out a groan, half at Raj's incompetence, half at the increasing beads of sweat on my upper lip. "Pull up the window, let's go!" I protested at my driver. He muttered something under his breath that was probably "Yes sir" but with the tone of a swear. He swerved a turn and we were now headed back to Jaipur.