My most recent experience with my Ex part 1

Hello everyone, you can call me Journey! This is the first part in a hopefully long term… blog? I’m not sure what to call it so we can start… here!
I just got off work around 3:30, drove to pick up my subbie from work and we drove off to my Eyelash appointment. On the drive I felt overwhelmed with everything that was about to happen. I was about to drive FOUR hours to my Ex’s house to finally get the dominance I craved in my sex life. To say that my mind was racing would be an understatement. I tried to push it down for the moment though. I walked inside the salon and let myself relax one last time while subbie sat in the car, I assume to think over everything that was about to happen. After about a hour and a half it was roughly 7:30. We drove home, ran upstairs and I grabbed a few remaining items I needed for the drive. I grabbed my subbie and kissed him for a long moment, held him close, and whispered how much I loved him, and how thankful I was for this opportunity.
For the first 3 hours I was just playing music and jamming out, it wasn’t until that last hour that the realization of where I was going and what I was about to do finally dawned on me.
My first thoughts were things like “Is this going to be awkward?” “Is this about to be a waste of time and gas money?” “Is he a good kisser?” “Is he as fit as I remember?” Thoughts like this ran through my mind as the anxiety started kicking in. I called my subbie at about the thirty minute mark to let him know I was getting close and to see how he was doing. I think because I was excited he reflected that excitement back, but I knew this was going to be an interesting night for him, but I trusted him to trust me. After a few minutes I went back to my anxiety ridden thoughts.
5 minutes until I arrived I called Subbie again to let him know, I told him I loved him, I expressed my excitement and he expressed his. As I backed in, I told him I had arrived and that I loved him, and we hung up the phone.

Categorized as Erotica