The Soccer Mom – [MF] Fiction

“Jesus Christ Brandon! Kick the ball not the other kids!” Johnny yelled towards the boys on the field. He wondered why he let himself get talked into coaching his nephew’s soccer team. Watching a bunch of 7 yr olds running around trying to kick a ball was not how he liked to spend his Saturday afternoons. Some of the kids were funny to watch, some were little bastards, and some were just completely spastic. Certainly not Olympic material despite what their parents seemed to think. Regardless he had a few cold beers left in his cooler and the game was almost over.

“Sir! Mr. Coach! Whoever you are!” a shrill voice came from behind him.

Johnny turned to see a woman in her mid thirties wearing a typical Karen outfit and haircut gripping a big Starbucks cup in one hand and jangling her Mercedes SUV keys in the other. A large designer purse hung from her elbow.

“I’m Coach Johnny. What can I do for you?” Johnny said.

The woman looked Johnny up and down with a sneer on her face.

“You can start by telling me why my son isn’t out there playing soccer. This is a soccer team, isn’t it?” she asked angrily.

Categorized as Erotica

From Hunter To Bunny [M/t]

Bunny’s Story
Hunter left school glad it was finally Friday. He looked around the parking lot for his mom’s car but didn’t see it.
“Strange,” he thought, “She’s usually waiting for me when I get out of school.”

At 18 years old Hunter still didn’t have his own car, his parents wouldn’t allow it due to bad grades. He had no choice but to wait for a ride. After a few minutes he saw a large pickup truck rumble into the parking lot. He immediately recognized it as his Uncle Johnny’s truck and waved it down. Uncle Johnny was an old friend of his parents and every since Hunter was a child he always just called him Uncle Johnny.

Hunter opened the door and climbed into the truck.

“How ya doin’ boy?” Johnny asked.

“I’m good. Where’s mom?” Hunter replied.

“She and your dad decided to take a little holiday together and they asked me look after you for the weekend. I rented a cabin up by the lake for us. You ready to go?”

“Sure. Sounds like fun. Can I stop home and get some clothes?” Hunter asked.

Categorized as Erotica