Be Friends? [F]

This short story is part 2 of the Middle of Nowhere series. This is my first attempt at writing and releasing a story. All feedback, good, bad, insulting, and fun is welcome.

Part 1 is here:

I stared at my phone for what could have been hours.
or seconds.

After skipping more than one beat, my heart exploded in a mad race, my head spinning slightly. I attacked the phone, trying to pry whatever information it knew from it… the number–not on file, no idea who it might be. The message was just a text. no status, no photo, no nothing.

“Had fun?”

Had someone been watching me all this time? Someone… who? Nobody lived nearby…

The phone buzzed twice.

“Still there?”

Suddenly, I felt a chill. Even the rain seemed to feel the sudden cold, falling slower, heavier. I dug myself a nest under my plump duvet. Was I warming myself up… or shielding myself from the prying eyes of god-knows-who?
I… wasn’t so sure.

Shivering, I reached for my phone, checked if the messages were still there–they were, of course–and without almost realizing what I was doing, I hit reply.

Buzz in the night [F]

This short story is part 1 of the Middle of Nowhere series. This is my first attempt at writing and releasing a story. All feedback, good, bad, insulting, and fun is welcome.

Raindrops tapped incessantly on my small skylight, fighting with the leaky faucet for my madness.

I’ve lived here for 18 years… well, I will have in a couple of hours’ time, and in these 18 years very little has changed. The leak in the faucet had improved for a while, then it had gotten worse again. My room had changed. Twice, my parents moved around some furniture, painted the walls white, and once they even added a skylight! That very skylight that was torturing me while I lay in my bed, dreaming for a beam of otherworldly light to shine through and take me.

I’m not depressed. This is something I tell everybody, all the time. I repeat it to myself, too. Very often. I’m not happy either, though. Not unhappy. Just… not happy. I have nothing to be happy for. People always seem to expect me to be sad, or have some secret gnawing at my deepest core. They are wrong.