Sex Therapy. To my horror I realised I’d reached that time of life when I began to have what are discretely called “male problems”. My faithful friend downstairs didn’t stand up so stiffly to attention as he used to do. Though my wife had kept her shapely figure through the years even watching her undress from my favourite sexy underwear sometimes didn’t get him up as hard as he once used to. Then that night came when in the cosy darkness snuggled under our duvet I felt my wife’s bare thigh nuzzling against mine, her soft breasts pressing against my arm, her light fingertips creeping across my thigh and her softly whispered “want you!” My muscle should have been steel hard and straining for her vagina at the first touch of her naked flesh and for the next half an hour, oblivious to the kids hearing through the bedroom wall, we should have been grunting and squealing passionately and our bed should have been rocking and rattling. But this time she had to be satisfied with a finger-fuck, and me with her well practised hand on my half hearted muscle sending my semen barely up to my belly button. After a few nights of erections barely stiff enough to slide up between her legs and just about good enough for a hand job she suggested I made an appointment to see my doctor. I reluctantly agreed to see him. When I arrived at the surgery and gave my name the receptionist told me my own doctor had been called out on an emergency, but his colleague Dr Matthews would see me. Making the appointment had been embarrassing enough, but what was even more embarrassing was when I stepped into the consulting room and saw Dr Matthews was a woman! I thought of turning round and running but I knew I’d come too far for that. Dr Matthews gave me a welcoming smile, the door clicked shut behind me and I was trapped. She was younger than me, perhaps mid thirties and attractive with neat blonde hair. Her doctor’s white coat was thin and tight enough to show the outline of a very shapely figure. Between a couple of the buttons of her coat at the front I caught a glimpse of a black bra. I suddenly realised to my amazement that up top at least she was wearing nothing under that white coat but her underwear! Though I was almost too embarrassed to notice it, I felt that familiar stirring down below. “Now Mr Thompson. What’s your problem?” she asked.
She fixed her eyes enquiringly on me. I felt my face go red and the sweat break out, but I’d come this far and I had to bite the bullet. “It’s a bit of a male problem doctor. I ……” At that my throat went dry and my voice faded into a croak. She smiled as if to reassure me. “Erectile disfunction? I fully understand. Most men your age suffer from it from time to time. I’ll need to ask you some questions.”