Open Up | Chapter’s 1 & 2 | Going into lockdown

A story about three people who all just want to fuck each other, but manage to get stuck in their own heads.

I was at work when the notice came that the country was going back into lockdown. Compared to other nations New Zealand was doing the right thing, by my count at least. There were still anti-maskers and idiots protesting the government taking away liberties and freedoms, but at least it was something. The latest variant of the COVID virus was ripping its way across the sea and I was terrified.

Workers in infection prone areas were doing what they could, but they weren’t getting the support they needed. People make mistakes.I left the office with my laptop in tow and a plan to hit the supermarket before insanity and fear gripped the minds of those with enough money to hoard, before all the toilet paper was gone. It turned out that I was part of the chaos and soon found myself stressed beyond belief, trying to distance myself from the horde while collecting everything I thought I might need for a couple of weeks. When I was trying to pick out the milk with the furthest expired date my phone began to ring.

Categorized as Erotica