A Halfling’s Winter Problem [mf][anal][rimming]

In the dead of winter, even the temperate regions of Argwyll get particularly chilly, forcing those without homes of their own to go out of their way for warmth and shelter. Elves and varani in particular loathe these cold conditions, but more than anyone, halflings are positively unsuited for the ice and snow. In the stone city of Ganall, in northeastern Alanjeh, conditions often call for immediate shelter when it starts snowing hard, and it’s far from unheard of to find stowaways sneaking into one’s home to keep warm. During this time of the year, those who are arrested for trespassing are often let off lightly on account of these circumstances–sometimes, people hiding in others’ homes aren’t even reported, and are instead welcomed as a temporary house guest. While wholesome on paper, this does open the door for some less savory individuals to take advantage of the situation and steal from their generous hosts.

Tales of an Elven Alchemist, Part 1: Halga [mf][fdom][oral][rimming]

It wasn’t a busy day at The Elven Brew. Whether one wanted to call it a peaceful quiet or just slow and boring was, as always, a matter of opinion. Just as the owner of the cozy little potion shop was about to stand up from sorting out some of his stock, the doorbell rang, and the sudden entry of a customer prompted Adiran to get up too fast and bump his head on the bottom of the table. Rubbing his head, irritated and in pain, but nonetheless excited to have a potential client, the elf stepped up to the shop counter to meet the entrant: a voluptuous, lightly-armored orc woman twice his size, lugging a hefty battleaxe on her back.