Hidden Pleasures – ch.4a

Chapter 4

When she finally could stand, Jennifer retrieved a towel from the bathroom to clean up. She pressed it against her pussy, and shivered slightly, still aroused and very sensitive.

She stared at the wet spot on the floor. This was definitely a first. Her orgasm had been extremely intense. She couldn’t help but think that imagining Will fucking her had been the reason.

She quickly wiped up the mess, throwing the towel with the others in a hamper.

The tops of her stockings were damp but that couldn’t be helped.

Jennifer’s fantasy had thrown off her schedule and she had to hurry if she was going to be ready on time. She quickly did her hair, deciding to let it hang loose. Bright red lipstick to match the dress put the final touches on her makeup.

Stepping into the dress she pulled it up, zipping the back. She smoothed out a couple wrinkles, checking herself in the mirror.

At that moment, the phone rang.

“Hello?” she answered.

“Bonjour, this is the front desk,” a man said over the line. “Your car is waiting Mademoiselle.”

Hidden Pleasures – ch.3

Chapter 3

When Jennifer woke a few hours later it was dark outside. She hadn’t intended on actually sleeping when she had laid down after her bath, but she was glad she did.

A quick check of the clock showed that it was getting late and she would have to hurry if she wanted to be ready by nine.

Starting with the bustier, she wrapped it around herself, fastening the clasps down the front. She wasn’t used to something squeezing her the way this garment did, but she had to admit it felt good. It restricted her movement slightly, but wasn’t uncomfortable in any way.

Jennifer noticed she also stood straighter, shoulders back with her chest pushed out slightly. It looked and felt wonderful. There was also the added bonus of pushing her breasts up so she had cleavage, something she wasn’t used to seeing.

Next, Jennifer put the garter belt around her waist, then slide the toes of her left foot into one of the luxurious stockings. Pulling it up she attached the straps, doing the same with the other leg.She reached down to adjust one of the heels and ran a hand up her long leg. The silk felt amazingly smooth under her fingers. It gave her goose bumps. Slipping on the shoes and fastening the buckles she walked around, apprehensively testing the extremely high heelsand found they were surprisingly comfortable.

Categorized as Erotica

Hidden Pleasures – ch.2

Chapter 2

Jennifer decided a long hot soak would be just the thing she needed.

As water filled the antique tub she poured herself another glass of wine.

The tile floor in the bathroom was cool and soothing on her tired feet.

Jennifer pulled her long dark hair into a ponytail and sipped her drink while studying her reflection in a full length mirror. She turned, looking at herself from different angles, pleased with what she saw.

Jennifer took good care of herself and it showed. Her gaze traveled from her long legs past the soft triangle of neatly trimmed hair on her mound, over her flat stomach, to her smallish but round breasts.

Moving her hand up across her flat belly to her chest, she cupped her right breast, caressing it gently. Her pink nipple hardened slightly at the touch and she pinched it between her finger and thumb, pulling it away from her body.

She took another drink while she watched herself, then set the glass on the countertop.

Jennifer was no stranger to self pleasure and although it may have been a bit narcissistic, her naked reflection was a huge turn on.

Hidden Pleasures

This is the first in a series of stories. It was never meant to be more than a one off, but I enjoyed the writing process and wanted to expand the story further. Each story can be read separately, but like any series, I feel they should be read in the correct order to fully enjoy and understand the characters and what role they play.

Any comments are welcome and I hope you enjoy.

FYI – Some chapters aren’t posting completely, so they may be in multiple parts.


Chapter 1

Jennifer flopped down in an overstuffed arm chair near the ornate fire place. The flames crackled and popped, warm and inviting. She swung her feet up on a large stool in front of her and wrapped the white terry cloth robe tighter, snuggling into the soft fabric.

Jennifer took another sip of wine, savouring the wonderfully fruity flavour. The bottle had been chilled and waiting in her hotel room when she arrived, compliments of her employer. She closed her eyes and relaxed, letting out a long sigh.

Categorized as Erotica