The Desire – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.1

**The desire**

This is the second story in the Jennifer Stokes series. While it isn’t absolutely necessary, reading the proceeding work will give a better understanding of the relationship between some of the characters. The first is titled “Hidden Pleasures” and can be found in my profile.

Thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoy it. Any feedback is welcome.



Jennifer Stokes reached her destination, climbing the last few steps to the eighth floor slightly out of breath. Her busy schedule didn’t allow much time for exercise so she’d been climbing the stairs to help keep her legs and butt firm. Her daily lunchtime routine had been interrupted by a recent trip to France and it felt good to get back on track.

Turning left at the top of the stairs she headed down the hall toward the woman’s washroom to freshen up. Just as she reached for the door handle, Mary, a co-worker of hers came barging out nearly knocking her over. She was talking loudly into her mobile phone and only paused for a moment to wave an apology to Jennifer before she was off, her high heels clicking on the tile floor as she rushed toward the elevator. Mary was always working on the next big deal, apparently even in the washroom.

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Hidden Pleasures – ch.8

The next morning Jennifer woke in her bed at the hotel. She slowly opened her eyes, shading them from the sun, streaming through the windows. She yawned and stretched, snuggling into the blanket, still drowsy.

Jennifer suddenly sat straight up, wide awake, looking around the room. Confused at first, she started to remember the events of the previous evening. The dress, the masks. She remembered Eve and Ivy. And Will.

Her confusion grew when she couldn’t find the dress, or any of the rest of the outfit. How had she gotten back here? She now stood in the middle of the room, turning in slow circles trying to piece it together. Wandering into the bathroom, she splashed cold water on her face and slowly went over the whole night in her mind.

Okay, the tub she remembered. And the wine.

Back in the bedroom she spotted the hairbrush on the nightstand. She remembered that too, but there was no evidence that she had left this room and gone to any party. No dress, no shoes, no nothing. Had she dreamt the entire thing in a post orgasm, sleep deprived state?

Hidden Pleasures – ch.7c

Jennifer lazily stroked him with one hand, her thumb rubbing circles over the tip. When she was satisfied he had calmed down she took him in her mouth again. Having him in her control was exciting in a way she had never felt before, the power was exhilarating.

She teased him for another ten minutes before she stood up, ordering him to strip. As the last of his clothes fell in a pile, she kissed him tenderly on the lips.

Will pulled her close, his erection pressing into her stomach. They kissed again, a deep passionate kiss, searching tongues intertwined. He broke the kiss at last, and as their lips parted he whispered, “I want you.”

“You want me?”

“I want to be inside you, to plunge my cock deep into your tight wet hole. To feel your cunt gripping me as I slid in and out faster and faster until I explode, filling you with my cum.”

“Yes, I want that too.”

Jennifer turned and grabbed the corner post of the bed as she bent over. She looked over her shoulder flashing a smile. “Fuck me.”

Hidden Pleasures – ch.7b

Jennifer walked around the room slowly, turning on both bedside lamps making sure he followed her every move with his eyes. Finally, she came around to stand in front of him and undid the buttons of his jacket, removing it and tossing it on a nearby chair.

Jennifer turned her back to him and asked, “My zipper, do you mind?”

He grasped the zipper and slowly started to undo it but she stepped away before he could finish. “That’s enough. Now you just sit there,” she said.

Jennifer unzipped the rest of the way and peeled her dress off, letting it fall to the floor at her feet. She stepped out of it and moved closer to Will. Grasping the clasps of the corset, she released one after the other, agonizingly slow. As the last clasp came undone, the corset joined her dress on the floor.

She stood facing him with her hands on her hips, posing, her eyes alight with desire. Jennifer’s hands traveled up her sides, caressing her skin as she breathed deeply, free of the restricting garment. She cupped both her breasts and as her nipples stiffened she took them between her fingers and pinched, twisting and rolling them until they stood out like diamond points. Glancing toward Will’s crotch, she was pleased to see him getting aroused, his cock slowly swelling.

Hidden Pleasures – ch.7a

Together they strolled slowly from room to room. Just about anything she could ever imagine was happening in this enormous house that night, from quiet conversations to all out orgies and everything in between.

When Will said he wanted to introduce her to some people, she was hesitant until he assured her she had never met any of them before.

While they were having a nice chat with a small group in the library, Will’s hand strayed to Jennifer’s bum. He rested it there for a moment and without anyone else the wiser, he pushed his index finger against the plug. Jennifer nearly choked on her drink but kept calm, muttering an apology about wine and the wrong hole, at which everyone laughed.

A few minutes later they excused themselves and as soon as they were in the hall Jennifer spun on Will.

“What the hell was that?” she demanded.

“I’m sorry, but I couldn’t resist,” he replied as he tried unsuccessfully not to laugh.

She wasn’t really angry with him, but he couldn’t know that.

Soon, they passed through the dinning hall, leaving their empty wine glasses behind. Their tour had come to an end as they entered the foyer.

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Hidden Pleasures – ch.6

As Jennifer sat down, another chair was brought out for Will. It seemed he had some influence around here.

The light that had been the focal point of her “initiation” as it were, was dimmed further, now that the show was over.

She could hear people in the shadows, people who had watched her unashamedly orgasm in public, thanks to the talents of two other women. The spectators were speaking quietly and shuffling as they left the room, off to find something new and exciting.

After a few minutes Jennifer felt like she and Will had the room to themselves. She sat there, just watching him, studying him.

“Why did you invite me here tonight?” she asked the one question that had been in her mind all night.

“Are you happy you came? I mean, here, to the party?”

“Yes. Strangely enough I’m glad I did, but why choose me?”

“Why not you?” he asked. “You’re young, smart, single and beautiful. Also, your contributions to the company have not gone unnoticed. Let’s just say this is one of the perks for a job well done.”

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Hidden Pleasures – ch.5c

Eve sat back on her haunches, looking up into Jennifer’s pleading eyes and smiled. It was obvious the two of them had played this game before.

“Eve has quite a talent for making girls cum. If you’re patient she might continue,” Will said in Jennifer’s ear. “Would you like that?”

The desire was evident in her voice. “Yes.”

“Well then, you’d better ask nicely.”

Eve sat waiting, looking up expectantly. Jennifer’s couldn’t believe she was asking this but as their eyes met, she said in a shy tone, “Could you continue, please?”

“Hmmm? I don’t think she heard you,” he said.

With a bit more bravado, Jennifer said, “Could you continue? Please.”

“That’s much better.”

Eve leaned forward, her mouth covering Jennifer’s pussy again.

Twice more Eve took Jennifer to the brink of orgasm only to stop just in time, denying her of the release she needed. Each time she had to ask with more and more graphic detail what she wanted Eve to do. Only then would the woman start again. This was torture.

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Hidden Pleasures – ch.5b

“Do you like what you see?”
Jennifer jumped and almost screamed at the sound of a man’s voice. Was it Will? He spoke so quietly she couldn’t be sure. He had appeared from nowhere and was standing so close she couldn’t believe she hadn’t noticed him approach, but her mind *had* been elsewhere.

She quickly pulled her fingers free and tried to straighten her dress. She was too stunned to speak and started to turn around but stopped when he spoke again.

“Please forgive me, I didn‘t mean to startle you,” he said softly, his mouth close to her ear. He gently pulled her hair aside, his lips brushing the back of her neck.

Jennifer’s knees went weak and in spite of the fact that it might not be Will, but a complete stranger, she turned her head exposing more of her skin to his kiss.

“Does watching excite you?” he asked. “It excites me.”

He slipped his hand around her, resting it on her flat stomach and leaned into her. Jennifer could feel he was hard, and pushed back against him. Her mind flashed to the fantasy earlier that evening, “Mmm…Will,” she mumbled.

Hidden Pleasures – ch.5a

The room Jennifer entered was pitch black except for a spotlight focused on a single leather covered chair in the centre.

Music played softly from somewhere, light and hypnotic. It took her eyes a few seconds to adjust and although she still couldn’t see anyone clearly, she could sense their presence in the shadows. It was a little unnerving and she was about to turn to leave when something caught her attention.

A woman walked into the bright circle of light from the darkness on the other side of the room and sat in the chair, lounging, her legs crossed, hands on the armrests. She was completely naked except for her mask. Her long blonde hair hung down, partly covering her large breasts.

A moment later a man entered the circle from the left, stopping at her side. He looked like one of the servers from earlier – the Chippendales. He too was naked, not even a mask to cover his face.

The woman turned to him, looking up at his face. She smiled at him as she reached up, cupping his balls in her right hand. With her left hand, she grasped his semi-erect cock. She squeezed and rolled his balls gently while slowly stroking his ever growing shaft.

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Hidden Pleasures – ch.4b

People around her were socializing, chatting and laughing while they sipped their champagne. No one seemed to think that several mostly naked women passing out drinks was at all, out if the ordinary. They must have attended this sort of party before.

Still stunned, Jennifer drifted into an adjoining room. Here, in the centre of the room other women lay on tables, hors d’oeuvres covering them, their naked bodies like human serving trays. One had an array of cheeses fanned out across her torso, another puffed pastries. One was covered in sliced vegetables, several dips in bowls placed between her legs.

Guests caressed the women, fingers brushing nipples as they filled small plates.

Six men standing along one wall and looking like Chippendale dancers, wearing only a bow tie and cuffs, served wine. Jennifer noticed they were in various states of arousal, one of them was fully erect. A woman gripped his cock firmly, stroking it slowly while he poured her drink, nearly making him spill.

Jennifer heard the woman’s friend say, “Lucy, leave the poor man alone. If you keep that up he’s going to make a mess.”