Pleasure Island – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.9 [f/f][20s-30s][kissing]


In the weeks that led up to the party, neither of the women could think of much else.

Jennifer had a calendar in her desk drawer, next to a little white box, where she ticked off the days in anticipation as they passed

Tess continued her weekly lessons with Eve, although both of them knew it wasn’t really necessary. They simply enjoyed ittoo much.

More instructions were given out as the date drew closer,informing guests that they only needed personal items. All clothing would be supplied on the island.

When the day finally arrived, Tess was beside herself. Sitting next to Jennifer in the small plane, their bare thighs touching in the cramped seats, she wanted desperately to tell her about Eve and all that she had learned. But, Tess also wanted to wait for the right opportunity to surprise her friend. In the end, she decided to wait.

After landing, the women were escorted to the room they were sharing. Neither was surprised there was only one bed.

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Pleasure Island – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.8 [f/f][20s-30s][plot]


It was about six weeks after the party at the luxury two story penthouse, and things around the office seemed to be back to normal, meaning boring.

Tess still saw Jennifer a few times a week at lunch, but her friend was busy with a project for a new client, and couldn’t always make it. When they did meet, Jennifer seemed distracted. The exciting sexual tension between them following the party had been understandable, but now that had faded.

One afternoon, Tess was sitting at her desk when her phone vibrated, indicating an email. She always kept her phone on vibrate, so it didn’t bother other people.

A funny thing happened though. At exactly the same time her phone buzzed, she was sure she heard a ding sound coming from somewhere near her.

Tess didn’t think anything of it at first, it was a busy office and people were always getting emails or texts.

When she opened the message and read it, she just sat at her desk in shock. Then a huge grin crept across her face.

The message read, ‘You have been invited to a very special gathering, details to follow.’

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Pleasure Island – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.7 [f][20s-30s][anal fantasy][short]


While Tess had been honing her skills, Jennifer had also kept herself busy exploring new sexual delights.

It started the day she fingered her ass in the shower. As time went on, she became obsessed with thoughts of some strong, handsome man, fucking her tight ass.

Jennifer began wearing the green jewelled plug Will had given her, every opportunity she got. She loved the feeling of it seated snuggly in her bum as she went about her day around the office, her co-workers none the wiser. It was so naughty, her panties were often quite damp by lunch.

Sometimes, when she was speaking with a man at work, or standing in line at the coffee shop, she would wonder how he would fuck her. Would it be slow and gentle, or fast and rough.

The fantasy was so strong, that several nights a week she would find herself in the shower, or on her bed, pushing one of her dildos deep into her ass.

Jennifer would close her eyes and dream of ‘him’ while fucking herself to orgasm.

‘Some day,’ she thought. ‘Some day.’

Pleasure Island – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.6 [f/f][20s-30s][oral]


It was raining again when Tess woke, the day promising to be nothing but dreary. In spite of the weather, she was in good spirits.

Shortly after Tess arrived at work she placed a call to Will, offering to pay for the necklace. When he refused, she thanked him, telling him she’d repay her debt somehow.

“While I have you on the line, I need another favour,” she said.

“Sure, what is it you need?”

“It isn’t for me exactly. I’d like to give a gift to a mutual friend, to thank her for all she’s done for me, but it’s not something that can be bought.”

“I think I know what you mean, how can I help?”

“Could you put me in touch with Eve? I’ve experienced her,” she paused, searching for the right words, “special skills, and wondered if she would be willing to tutor me. It would mean a great deal to me Will.”

“I’ll call Eve and have her get in touch with you. I can’t promise anything though, it’s up to her.”

“Thank you so much.”

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Pleasure Island – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.5[f/f][20s-30s][plot]


At precisely five that afternoon, Tess knocked on Jennifer’s door.

“Come in.”

Tess poked her head in the office. “You ready?”

“Yep,” Jennifer replied, “just let me grab my purse.”

As they rode the elevator down, Jennifer said, “So, where are we off too?”

“It’s a small tattoo and piercing place downtown, in that newly renovated section,” Tess answered. “I have the name right here.”

She held up a piece of paper that she pulled from her pocket and handed it to Jennifer.

“Ink,” she said. “You had to write that down?”

“No!” said Tess. “The address is there too.”

“Okay,” she said a bit sarcastically.

“Will said the owner does all the tattoos, and his wife does the piercing. Apparently he’s very talented, and has some big celebrities as clients,” Tess explained as they left the building.

They hailed a cab and arrived ten minutes later. Above the door in large letters, was simply the word INK.

“This must be the place,” said Tess.

The business looked new. In fact all the shops in this section of town looked newly renovated. Everything from trendy clothing stores to outdoor cafés lined both sides of the street.

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Pleasure Island – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.4[f/f][20s-30s][flashing][plot]


Just after twelve noon the next day, Jennifer met Tess in the stairwell on the ground floor of the building where they both worked. They had made this stair climbing workout a regular thing, meeting most days if possible.

The beginning of there friendship was due in part to Jennifer’s exercise routine. If she hadn’t popped into the ladies room to check her hair a few weeks earlier, they most likely would never have met.

As they reached the third floor landing, Tess turned and said, “Oh, I spoke with Will earlier, and he basically said the same as you. He can’t give me any names, but that he would look into it, and get back to me.”

“At least you tried.”

“I know, but I really like that chain,” said Tess as they continued up the next flight of stairs. “I think I would have to get hoops to go with it though. The barbells I have wouldn’t work.”

“You know, I had no idea your nipples were pierced, before I saw them the other night.”

“I’ve had them for a few years now,” Tess replied. “I got it done when I was in college.”

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Pleasure Island – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.3 [f20s-30s][masturbation][anal]


After leaving the coffee house, Jennifer and Tess parted ways, both having errands to run. They said their goodbyes, hugging a fraction longer than most friends do, and agreed to meet the following lunch hour for their regular workout.

Jennifer picked up a few groceries for dinner that night, then rode the subway home.

It started raining as she exited the station, and by the time Jennifer ran the short distance to her apartment, she was soaked and freezing.

A middle aged man coming out of the elevator on the ground floor, could not have been any more obvious as he stared at Jennifer’s white t-shirt, clinging to her chest.

Unfortunately for her, the thin bra she wore under the shirt, did little to hide the dark circles of her erect nipples.

*Really?* she thought. *Have you never seen boobs before?*

Jennifer glared at him and he scurried off across the lobby and out the front door.

She chuckled to herself and thought she’d probably stare too, in the same situation.

When she got to her apartment she kicked off her shoes, dropped the groceries in the kitchen and headed for a hot shower.

Pleasure Island -A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.2 [f/f][20s-30s][plot]


Jennifer arrived at the coffee house first and found a small table off to the side, near a large window with a view of the street. She was dressed casually in tight jeans, running shoes and a white t-shirt. Her dark hair was pulled back tight in a ponytail.

She sat down just in time to watch Tess cross the road, and waved her over when she entered the building.

Jennifer’s gaze followed Tess as she wove her way through the maze of tables, moving gracefully through the crowd of people. She looked fantastic in a short black skirt, a cream coloured blouse and tan ankle boots. Her fiery locks hung loose, framing her face.

Jennifer stood and the women embraced, Tess giving her friend a quick peck on the cheek before sitting.

They sat there for a moment, smiling at one another but neither said a word. The tension had suddenly returned. It was funny that only a few hours earlier, these two women had been a tangle of arms and legs with nothing between them but the sweat on their naked bodies. Now it seemed as though the gap between them was a mile wide. The silence became more uncomfortable with each passing second , until Tess said, “So….”

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The Desire – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.16 [f/f][m/f][m/f/f][20s-30s][oral][fwb][first time]


Several minutes later, Will slipped into the room quietly. He had seen the three women talking earlier and watched them come this way.

He spied Jennifer on her back in the middle of the large bed, with Tess straddling her head, both of them moaning. Eve was sitting in a chair to the right, withher attention riveted to the action on the bed. Her legs were spread and her hand was moving slowly under her dress.

Will removed his coat and hung it on the chair next to her, but she barely noticed when he sat down.

Tess was rocking back and forth, “Unh…. Unh…. Oh Jen.” Tess turned her head in the newcomers direction, nodding to Will, acknowledging his presence. The cute redhead looked to Eve, pinched her nipples, and bit her lip seductively.

“I think that’s my cue.” Eve stood and removed her dress, walking toward the bed. She kissed her way up Jennifer’s body, stopping here and there paying extra attention to certain areas.

Tess leaned forward, resting her face on the bed, ass thrust in the air. She just got settled when Eve’s tongue ran the entire length of her pussy, from front to back, circling, then probing her pink asshole. Tess nearly lost it in that instant. “Ohhh fuck!”

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The Desire – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.15 [f/f][20s-30s][oral][first time]


Tess spotted Eve and waved her over.

“Hello again,” Eve said. “Can I help you with something?”

“Yes, we’re looking for somewhere a bit more…..private, if you know that I mean,” Tess told her.

Eve smiled, understanding exactly what she meant. “I believe I know the perfect place. The master suite is at the end of the hall. You can’t miss it.”

“Thank you very much,” said Tess. “Would you care to join us?”

Jennifer and Eve exchanged a quick glance and then looked back to Tess.

“I hear you’re the best.” With that, she strolled down the hall, leaving the other two behind.

Tess was waiting for them when the two women entered the room, standing off to the left, where the entire wall was floor to ceiling windows, overlooking the lake. “Close the door and have a seat ladies,” she said.

Eve shut the door and crossed the room to the right, sitting in one of the chairs near the gas fireplace.

Jennifer sat at the foot of the enormous bed. They both had their eyes on Tess, who had turned her back to them and was looking out at the dark sky.

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