Pleasure Island – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.20 [f/f][20s-30s][plot]

This is the final chapter in the story. I’d like to thank all my followers, and I hope you have enjoyed it so far. There are more adventures in store for Jennifer, so stay tuned.


The bright morning sun streamed through an open window, and birds chirped happily in a nearby tree.

Tess yawned and stretched her limbs, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She rolled to her left, to find a beautiful dark haired woman lying next to her.

Jennifer Stokes. Her best friend and lover, slept soundly, her chest rising and falling peacefully with each breath.

Turning onto her back, Tess stared at the ceiling, thinking about the previous day.

“Thank God it wasn’t a dream after all,” she said quietly.

Ten minutes later, Jennifer stirred.

“Good morning sleepyhead,” Tess said, rolling over to kiss her friend on the lips.

“Good morning yourself,” replied Jennifer.

“Come on get up, I’m hungry.”

Jennifer’s stomach rumbled at the mention of food, “Me too. I could go for a nice big plate of bacon and eggs.”

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Pleasure Island – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.19 [f/m/f][anal][20s-30s]


Tess, Jennifer, and Marcus, made their way upstairs to the girls room.

Apparently, Will had been with Jennifer for a few minutes, but was called away to tend to some incident concerning one of the guests.

Tess apologized repeatedly for leaving her alone, and hoped that bringing Marcus for some private fun would cheer her up.

Back in their room, Tess took charge. She helped Jennifer out of her skin tight dress and told her to sit on the bed.

Next, she stood behind Marcus, unfastened his belt, and pulled his pants to the floor.

Reaching around, Tess grabbed his half erect cock with both hands, and started stroking it slowly.

This was Jennifer’s first good look at Marcus and she was impressed. He seemed very fit. His body was hard, with well defined muscles that weren’t bulky, and the way the candlelight shimmered off his ebony skin made her tingle.

Jennifer followed the movement of her friends hands as they moved up and down his now, rock hard shaft.

“Marcus?” Tess said.


“Isn’t Jennifer beautiful?”

“She is. Very beautiful,” he replied.

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Pleasure Island – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.18[f/m/m][oral][spit roast][masturbation][20s-30s]


Sitting on a bench not far away, Jennifer and Marcus were getting quite the show, but he was still unsure whether or not to stay.

Watching Tess suck Will’s enormous cock was making Jennifer eager for some herself, and she glanced sideways at Marcus. She felt tingly between her legs and desperately wanted to scratch that itch, but she restrained herself. Jennifer had done a lot of freaky things, but masturbating next to Marcus was pushing it.

Outwardly, Marcus still seemed upset, but the bulge Jennifer was staring at, told a whole different story.

When Tess stood, her pale white ass clearly visible under her short skirt, Jennifer nudged Marcus.

“There you go, now is your chance.”

“What do you mean?”

“Wow, men can be so dense sometimes!” Jennifer said. “Can’t you see she stood up to show you her amazing ass, practically begging you to go over there.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“Just trust me on this will you?”

“Okay, thanks,” Marcus said.

Tess sensed his presence, even before he touched her, and when he did, she felt that spark again.

Pleasure Island – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.17 [f/m][20s-30s][oral]


Tess and Jennifer strolled around the party speaking with people here and there, but none compared to their new Korean friends.

Making their way to the pool, they found it was nearly vacant, with only a few people swimming naked in the warm water.

There wasn’t anything overly interesting happening there, but just before they moved on, Jennifer spotted Will on the far side and waved to him.

“Who is that he’s with?” she asked. “He’s cute.”

“That’s Marcus,” Tess replied. “Come on, I’ll introduce you.”

After meeting him, Jennifer clearly understood why Tess had been so eager to track this man down. He was hot, and in an instant, she knew he was going to be the one. The one to bend her over and take her ass.
*’Tess would share, wouldn’t she?’* Jennifer thought with a sly slime.

After some small talk, Tess said, “Could you two excuse us for a minute? I have to speak with Will about something.”

“Uh, yeah,” said Jennifer, “Sure,” said Marcus.

Tess and Will moved off a ways, near one of the canopied day beds, that littered the pool deck.

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Pleasure Island – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.16 [f/f/f/m][20s-30s][kissing][mild groping]


The party was in full swing by the time the girls arrived, just as the sun was beginning to set.

Tiny white lights were strung between the trees, sparked like tiny stars in the sky, and tiki torches lined the pathways, lighting them with their fiery glow.

Grabbing a drink from the nearest server, they strolled amongst the other guests.

There were quite a number of people gathered around, and Jennifer had some concerns about someone recognizing her. She said as much to her friend.

Tess stopped her and said, “Jenn, we’re on an island in the middle of nowhere. Come on, relax. Let’s grab another drink and see if we can’t find someone to fuck. That’s why we came, right?”

Nodding her agreement, Jennifer said, “You’re right, let’s go.”

A few minutes later, Tess spotted a cute asian couple she had seen earlier that day near the pool, and steered Jennifer toward them.

They quickly struck up a conversation after the introductions were made. As it turned out, the couple were married and heading up the newly acquired South Korean branch.

Pleasure Island – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.14[f/f][20s-30s][oral]


It struck the women as rather funny, that not a single person they passed on the way to their room gave them a second look. Jennifer’s face was still wet, her hair was a mess, and Tess’ suit was in shambles.

Apparently the other guests had better things on their minds.

When they reached the room, they weren’t two steps in the door before the clothes started coming off. As Jennifer’s suit hit the floor, Tess nudged her toward the large bed.

“Whoa, what’s the rush?”

“It’s your turn to do as I say,” Tess told her, in a commanding tone.

“Yes, ma’am!” Jennifer said playfully.

Tess spun her around, smacked her ass, leaving a red hand print and pushed her face down on the white sheets.


Before she could protest further, Tess grabbed Jennifer’s ass cheeks and spread them apart, running her tongue over the length of her glistening pussy.


“God you taste good,” Tess said, going in for a second, long lick.

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Pleasure Island – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.13 [f/f][20s-30s][oral]


The girls rounded the corner of the house and Tess burst out laughing. “Did you see that guys face? I bet he still wonders what just happened!”

Jennifer turned on her friend like a wild animal, and shoved Tess against the house, pinning her to the wall. “Shut up!” she hissed, as she leaned in, kissing her hard on the mouth.

She eased back a fraction, their lips almost touching and whispered, “Do you have any idea what you do to me? The

way you make me feel? Teasing me? Touching me?”

Tess started to speak but was cut off.

“I said shut up!” Jennifer kissed her again, but softer this time, pressing against her, their bodies seeming to melt into one.

Without saying another word, Jennifer sank to the floor, her face only inches away from the nearly transparent triangle of fabric covering Tess. The blue bikini was so wet, that when Jennifer pulled it to one side, long sticky threads clung to it.

In an instant, her mouth covered Tess’ pussy, licking and sucking the smooth pink flesh with abandon.

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Pleasure Island – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.12 [f/f][20s-30s][public groping]


Tess had to find Jennifer and tell her the news about Marcus. She wasn’t sure, but she felt like her bikini was soaked again, and decided to go for a walk to cool down a bit. She past a cute couple here and there flirting or kissing, but didn’t see any outright sex. It was still early, and she was sure things would kick up a notch as evening approached.

There were quite a number of people gathered about now, and Tess had her eye on one or two that she might like to get to know better.

Tess spotted Jennifer near the main house, to the left of a set of wide stairs that led to the large wrap around porch. She was with a small group, sipping a drink and laughing at something one of the others said.

For a moment, Tess just watched the interaction from behind a large palm. A topless blonde who seemed to be doing all the talking, stood directly across from Jennifer, her tanned breasts, much too round and perky to be real. A skinny, creepy looking guy in a speedo stood beside her. He payed absolutely no attention to what the woman was saying, but instead, kept his eyes fixed on Jennifer, who looked as though she was doing all she could to avoid eye contact.

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Pleasure Island – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.11 [f/m/m][20s-30s][plot]


Shortly after Jennifer went off to find Will, a shadow fell over Tess, blocking the sun. She opened her eyes to find their host, standing beside her chair.

“Will, how are you?”

“I’m good, and you?”


“You certainly look it,” he said, his eyes running over her body.

“Thanks. Please, have a seat,” she said pointing to the chair beside hers. “Did Jenn find you? She just left.”

“No, I haven’t seen her, but I’m sure we’ll catch up later. Does she know about your ‘lessons’ with Eve?”

“Not yet, but she will, trust me.”

“I see. By the way, is that the chain you were looking for? I like it.” he said, gazing at her breasts through the sheer fabric.

“It is, yes! And I have to thank you again,” Tess said smiling. “That reminds me, did you have any luck with my other request?”

“As a matter of fact I did.” Will turned to search the pool deck and a few moments later waved to a tall, handsome, black man on the far side. The man returned the wave and Will motioned for him to come over.

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Pleasure Island – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.10 [f/f][20s-30s][plot]


There were not many people around the pool when they arrived, so the girls easily found a couple lounge chairs under a large palm tree.

Tess sat down and stretched out. That was when Jennifer noticed it, the large dark spot on the front of Tess’ bikini.

“Umm, Tess?”


“You have a…”

“I have a what?”

“You have a bit of a wet spot on the front of your suit.”

“I do?” Tess swung her legs off the chair and look down at her suit. There was indeed a very wet spot, making the fabric of her bikini virtually transparent. “Hmmmm.”

“Is that from kissing me?” Jennifer asked.

Tess looked up at her and shrugged as if to say *’Of course it is.’*

“Oh,” said Jennifer, a bit surprised and pleased at the same time. “Well, what are you going to do?”

It only took Tess a second to think about it, and without a word, she stood and strolled casually toward the pool. She walked down the nearby steps until she was waist deep in the water, turned and climbed out, returning to her lounger.

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