The Mysterious Mistress (OC)

Only at 20 years old, Alex has always been a kinky individual, but today marks his greatest feat yet. The Mysterious Mistress randomly appears once a year on the dark web looking for individuals who would become her slave. Many people from across the world enter a drawing and one person gets picked to become the Mysterious Mistress’s full-time slave. Her contest information states: “ Looking for a full-time slave. You must be willing to abandon your old life. One person will have the opportunity to never have to worry about bills, social obligations, food, water, or any other necessities in life. All of that will be provided by me. I will email the winner by April 1st.”. Alex received an email early in the morning on April 1st from the Mysterious Mistress. Full of excitement, Alex reads through the rather short email: “ You have been selected to be my full-time slave, you will have 2 weeks to get your affairs in order and be fully prepared to abandon your life and start a new one. I will be waiting for you at Portland International Airport in 2 weeks’ time. Travel lightly, you won’t need much for it will all be provided for you. A slave of mine will wait for you when you get off of your plane. Ensure you are not followed.” Alex, quite stunned, quickly gathers a small number of his possessions and documents. Over the next 2 weeks, Alex manages to get all of his things gathered up and affairs set. Alex scrounged up his savings to afford a plane ticket from his home town of Florida to Oregon. At the end of the 2 long weeks, he finally arrived in Portland. After getting off of his plane, a tall man stands to hold a sign with his name. A mixture of excitement and fear roll through his mind as he gets in the black limo that once he got in, sealed his fate. After a surprisingly short ride, Alex is dropped off in an abandoned parking lot with one grey van sitting in the middle. He slowly approaches the van and opens the side door. Inside, a medium-size cage sits in the back with a note reading, “ Take off all of your clothes. Put on the handcuffs and collar and lock the cage with you inside. Do it fast or you will be punished severely.” Alex looks at the handcuffs and collar sitting inside the cage. He quickly takes off his clothes and gets inside the cage, completely naked. He picks up the rather heavy collar, inspecting it. It is a 1-inch thick stainless steel collar with a few mechanical looking bits on the side of it. With minor hesitation, he puts on the collar and feels a small “click” as it locks into place. He locks himself in the handcuffs and locks the cage with him inside. Several moments pass as Alex feels the bulky weight of the massive collar and the airiness of being naked. Fear quickly shoots through his body as the van door reopens. A woman stands, tall, beautiful, and seemingly gentle outside of the van. Her lace corset accompanied by a gorgeous lingerie set complete with fishnet stockings compliment her natural curves, absolutely amazing Alex. Her thick black choker moves slightly when she finally says, “ Congratulations, you managed to do what I commanded, that can take you a long way.” She slams the door shut and gets in the driver’s seat. Her head turns back a bit and says, “ Oh, you won’t need to know where we are going now do you?” The Mysterious Mistress presses a small button on her watch and instantly, a beep on Alex’s collar goes off, making him jump. A small compartment opens within the collar, launching out a latex mask up and around his entire head and compressing to form around his face, rendering him sightless. The collar beeps one more time and Alex feels a strong force leading the collar toward the side of the cage. The magnet overwhelms Alex and holds him up against the metal cage. Rendered completely helpless, Alex finally starts to realize what is happening to him. After what seemed like an eternity, the van comes to a stop on a gravel road. The van door slides open as the magnet releases. The cage is opened and he is abruptly carried out by what seems like a muscular man. He is thrown on the sharp gravel, still completely blind. After his handcuffs are unlocked The Mistress in a silky smooth voice says, “ Here is your first lesson, lesser slaves such as yourself will learn to crawl everywhere. They will also be wearing their hood, such as the one you have now, 95% of the time. The other 5% will be for cleaning. Soon, you will have a feeding tube implanted so you don’t need to eat or drink. Now, follow me.” Absolutely stunned, Alex hesitantly crawls toward the sound of her footsteps. After about 5 minutes of crawling and heavily cut and bruised legs and arms, her footsteps stop. The Mysterious Mistress types in a 16 digit pin code, releasing the sound of a heavy metal door opening. Alex follows her on smooth concrete flooring down a gradual decline. Alex finally thinks more critically now. “ The floor is getting dirtier as we move further down, this must be where the lesser slaves are kept.” The decline halts as they continue down a corridor. By the sound of The Mistress’s heels clicking the concrete, Alex can tell that the hallway is very long and large. He starts to hear soft moans and whimpers coming from either side. “ These are the lesser slaves”, he thinks. After a few minutes of walking, he is nudged to turn to his right. Another 16 digit code is typed in his direction following the movement of another heavy metal door. Crawling inside the doorway, Alex immediately notices the extreme chill that the room brings in both figurative and literal form. The latex mask that blinds him finally releases as the door behind him shuts close. The room is a large 16×16 foot room with several instruments of torture hanging on a rack on the right. He sees a drain grate with a large hose in the right corner. In the center of the room, stands a tall bar cage, reaching to the top of the ceiling. Inside the cage, is a series of metal chains connecting to several cuffs. Interrupted in his thoughts, The Mistress cooly states, “ This will be your room, you will only be allowed to leave that cage for cleaning and working. Now, go to the cleaning station in the right corner.” Alex slowly crawls toward the cleaning corner. An extreme pain shoots through his body indicating that his crotch was just kicked very hard. “MOVE FASTER SLAVE.” yells The Mistress. He quickly recovers from his pain and moves to the cleaning station, moving faster than he has ever moved in his life. The Mistress stands him up and grabs his arms and inserts them into the cuffs suspended over his head. She takes off his collar and proceeds to spray him with high-powered, icy cold water. After several minutes of this torture, the spraying halts. She latches the collar around his neck and takes off the cuffs. He falls down to the ground, resuming the crawl position. He is led to the tall cage and is put inside. The Mistress brings down the suspended cuffs and latches them around his wrists, forearms, ankles, thighs, waist, and forehead, locking him in a standing position. The Mistress goes to the torture weapon table and pulls out 3 large syringes and a small spiked chastity device. She walks back over and injects the first syringe into his neck, causing him to hold back a yell. The second and third syringe went into his ear as he felt a sharp pain on his eardrums. She pulls out the tiny spiked chastity cage and locks it around his penis. “ I’ve noticed you’ve had an erection the whole time, why don’t we make sure you never need to get erect again?” Alex’s erection immediately subsides as the spiked tip pierces the head of his penis. She then returns to the table and pulls out a peculiar instrument. She places the instrument on his stomach. An agonizing pain shoots through his body. He looks slightly down to see a washer sized metal ring implanted on his stomach. “ I have inserted several standard implants such as a tracker, speakers in both ears, and your feeding tube. Like I stated in my email, you will not need to worry about food, water and obviously, clothes. Your belongings have been burned and discarded accordingly. You are now a lesser slave here. Anytime outside of work and cleaning, you will spend time here. The chains attached to all of your cuffs will change and vary in height randomly at all times. We are in a rural location, the next town is several days away by car. I used a disposable email and the license plates have already been changed on the van. No one knows you are here and no one ever will. Now, I will need you to sign off on some documents to protect me if anyone could ever find you. These documents declare that you are mentally unfit and anything you say is deemed untrue. After signing these documents, you will officially be my slave and legally mentally ill. I will loosen your chains so you may sign.” The chains slightly loosen, allowing Alex to sign. Alex hesitates as he understands that this is the deciding moment that will forever alter his life. “You will sign the document now, or you will be severely punished.”, The Mistress states. Alex then quickly signs the stack of documents, sealing his fate. “ Now, your first day here will officially start your life as my slave. You will very rarely see me anymore for an Elite Slave will take care of your cleaning and will be in charge of your work schedule. You will now be hooded for the next 48 hours all while your chains will move randomly, allowing you to experience every position, even in the air. Also the new speakers I attached to your eardrums will play white noise for you to think about nothing but serving as my slave. Last thing, the temperature in the room will alter randomly just like the chains. Your work starts in 48 hours, try to get sleep and be prepared both mentally and physically for your life.” She walks over to the table again and brings a long, clear tube. She then attaches the feeding tube into Alex’s implant. Alex barely gets a glimpse of the room before the cage shuts and the hood slowly forms around his head. The chains slowly raise Alex into the air, putting him into an awkward position that starts to make his arms fall asleep. Alex begins to think about how cold the room is and how soaked he is from his cleaning until an extremely loud white noise bursts into his ears. Alex, alone, cold, suspended, chastised, hooded, collared and deaf begins to scream and cry in both pain and fear, thinking about how large of a mistake he just made. END OF PART 1 Hey, Guys! Jeykaa here, let me know in the comments how you like the story and if you want to see more! Alex is in some deep shit so be sure to look out for part 2!

Categorized as Erotica