The new neighbors (F/FM) (VOY) Part 2

Part 2

The couple above continued exploring each other’s bodies as she watched below. They turned slightly, now she could see his partially hard cock hanging heavily between them, as thick as she’d secretly hoped it would be. She bit her lower lip as she watched the wife’s small hand grip firmly around his shaft, a soft “fuck” escaped her lips as she allowed one of her fingers to lightly caress herself, shocked and thrilled at how wet she suddenly realized she was. The mans eyes above were closed as his wife brought his manhood to fill arousal. Below a sharp inhale could be heard as the voyeur began sliding her fingers over the hood of her clit, keeping time with the slow rhythm of the wife above stroking full length of her husbands shaft.

The new neighbors (F/FM) (VOY) Part 1

The Kelly’s were nice enough to have next door, if not a little dull., she thought. Hopefully the new couple will at least have something more to add during the summer block party than small-talk and the same three tired jokes that she’d gotten so bored of. The cool evening air was a nice change from the humid late-June day; not that she had anything to cool down from, as she’d spent most of her time watching the new couple move their endless stream of boxes from the moving truck to the house next door.

She remembered doing the same almost six years ago, what seemed like an eternity of a day moving and unpacking with her husband, finishing the day exhausted and content in their happy little home. She let out a dramatic sigh, thinking now of how long it had been since she felt content with, much less exhausted by, her husband. Both of them worked too much, saw one another too little and had fallen into a dreary, repetitive pattern. “Oh god,” she thought to herself, “we’re becoming the Kelley’s.” The idea brought a small, albeit concerned, smirk to her face. He mind wandered back to the young couple next door, who hadn’t stopped to chat beyond a quick exchange of names while her husband had left for work. Richard and Molly? No, that wasn’t it, but it sounded close. She tried pull the names to the front of her memory before shrugging it off.