The Ranch – Chapter 14 (Jack and Jessica Conclusion) [MF][Romance][Violence]


I heard the shot and waited for the end, but a moment later, I was still breathing. Maybe Sherif Williams was really that bad of a shot? I opened my eyes and saw the Sherif sprawled out on the ground, his face cratered. I looked behind me, and through the shattered bunkhouse window, I saw the barn. Mr. Bell was still alive.

I turned to Corey, who was still bleeding profusely. He looked pale. “What the hell you look in’ at me for? You ain’t no doctor. Go get Jessica.”

Corey was right. Other than some battlefield medical training, there was little I could do to help. Plus, Corey seemed to already have it under control. He had already formed a makeshift tourniquet with his belt and was busy removing his shirt to clot the wound in his shoulder. I didn’t need to be told twice.

Barefoot and shirtless, I sprinted across the pasture toward the main house. Under normal circumstances, the briars would have torn my feet to shreds, but if they were, I didn’t care. I didn’t care about the burning in my lungs or how close I had come to death. The only thing on my mind was getting to Jessica before it was too late. My heart froze when I heard the blast of a shotgun inside the house. Then a second and third. I found another gear.

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The Ranch – Chapter 13 (Jack and Jessica) [Plot Building][Violence]


I was in a half-doze when a noise outside caused my eyes to open. The bunkhouse was still dark. It was impossible to tell how long I had been out. The noise was subtle, nearly silent, but distinct. It was the sound of a car door closing. For a moment, I thought it might be Jessica coming to pay me another late-night visit, but I quickly dismissed the thought. From a mile away, I could feel the sexual, wonderful radiance of that girl. This was someone else.

I looked over and saw Corey sound asleep on his belly with a single arm and leg hanging off the bed. I heard another series of clicks, and then the calmness of night exploded in the thunderous roar of gunfire.

Without thinking, I rolled off my bed and laid chest down on the floor. Glass from the window above my bed rained down on my head, and I covered my neck with my hands. I heard a thud on the floor from the back of the bunkhouse. I worried Corey had been hit, but I couldn’t see him. “What the fuck!” he screamed, his voice barely audible over the barge of bullets blowing tiny holes in the bunkhouse walls.

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The Ranch – Chapter 12 (Jessica) [MF][Dirty Thoughts][Love and Romance]

“I specifically said not to stop for anything!” My father wasn’t yelling, but it was close. His face was red, and his nostrils flared like steam was about to blow out of them.

“We had a flat. I didn’t really have a choice, Mr. Bell.” Jack’s voice was flat and unwavering. He had thought it best that we told my father about our run-in with Jake. I was just thankful he left out that the reason he hit the curb was because his beautiful cock was in my mouth.

I could tell by the look on my Dad’s face he was trying to think of a retort but was failing. “He all but admitted he started the fire in the barn,” continued Jack. “That confession has to be worth at least something.”

My father chuckled. “And who are we going to tell about it? His father?” Now it was Jack’s turn to be at a loss. “Honestly, I’m just thankful you saw it as early as you did.”

“Wait, you were the one that caught the fire?” I asked Jack. He hadn’t mentioned it on our drive into Danton. I had just assumed my father had woken up before dawn as he usually did and seen it.

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The Ranch – Chapter 10 (Jack) [MF][Intimate Romance]

By noon, my once gray shirt was soaked in sweat, making it a few shades darker. My hands stung from the repetitive motion of lifting the square hay bails by the wire and tossing them onto the trailer for Jasper and Cody to stack. My forearms were as red as cherry tomatoes. I could feel the back of my neck and ears sizzling like a steak on the grill. The was no shade in the pasture, and if I had to guess, the temperature was pushing one hundred. All in all, I felt great.

Since Jessica confessed her feeling for me, I had felt like a brand new man. No, I was a brand new man, and not even the Texas heat or a pasture full of square bails could bring me down.

I saw the tractor stop ahead and Mr. Bell climb down from his air-conditioned cab. “Looks like lunch is here. Y’all take a break.”

I turned to see a four-wheeler speeding towards us with Jessica in the front seat, her loose bangs whipping wildly in the wind. I smiled. That girl always showed up at the right moments.

The Ranch – Chapter 9 (Jack) [MF][Lust and Passion]

Moonlight peaked through the curtains above my bed, bathing the interior of the bunkhouse in a pale blue. I couldn’t sleep. Corey, on the other hand, snored noisily from his bed against the far wall. It sounded like a chainsaw revving up.

Missing sleep wasn’t new to me. In fact, compared to the alternative, I welcomed it. The nightmares began when I left Afghanistan. The sound of gunfire, explosions, and agonized screams terrorized my dreams. That is until I met Jessica.

From the first time I heard Jessica’s angelic voice, my head had little room for anything else. Her unexpected presence in my life overpowered any darkness. I wasn’t just in love with her. I was grateful for her.

Love. I groaned to myself and rolled over again for the millionth time. What was I doing to myself? A few short months ago, I had been lost until a random phone call from my old platoon leader told me about a man in Texas helping veterans get back on their feet. After a bus ride and an outrageous Uber fee, I was sitting in Mr. Bell’s kitchen. Now, I was dreaming about his daughter like a love-sick puppy, imagining the erotic things we had done together.

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The Ranch – Chapter 8 (Jessica) [Solo Female Masterbation]

I rolled over in bed for the hundredth time that night. I turned my pillow over to the cool side, but that wasn’t working either. Nothing was. I wanted Jack.

After dinner, I had felt a bit sorry for teasing him, but after seeing the passion burning in his eyes, I didn’t regret it. That lust that filled him was only a fraction of what I had felt from the first time he touched me. What started as something fun to cure my persistent boredom had evolved into something more profound. I was falling for him, and I felt as though my feet would never touch the ground again.

Before I realized it, my fingers had made their way between my legs, pressing through my cotton shorts. I wished it was Jack’s hands. I envisioned his lips against my neck, his muscular body on top of me, ravaging me.

My free hand tugged against my nipple, pulling an audible moan from my body. I thought back to the night I had surprised Jack in the bunkhouse. He had been so dominant, yet sensual. I slid my fingers past the cotton barrier and felt my wetness.

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The Ranch – Chapter 7 (Jack) [MF][Public Teasing]

I awoke in bed alone to the sound of Corey’s voice, “Hey man, get up. The old man is having everyone up at the house for dinner.”

I rolled over, my body missing the feel of Jessica’s body against my chest. She must have left without me noticing, and I wondered what Corey knew about our relationship now. And, if he would keep it to himself.

I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, “Dinner? What time is it?”

“It’s damn near six. You slept all day. I would have too if I hadn’t had to sleep in my truck.”

So Corey definitely knew something was up between Jessica and me. Whatever favor I had gained from Mr. Bell was going to be short-lived. “Yeah, sorry about that?” I began. “Look, about Jessica…”

Corey held up his hand to stop me. “I didn’t see nothin’, and I don’t know nothin’. I’d like to keep it that way.”

“Thanks,” I said, feeling a wave of relief.

Corey smiled and shook his head, “You lucky son-of-a-bitch. Anyway, put a shirt on. I feel bad enough about myself already. I’ll see you at the house.”

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The Ranch – Chapter 6 (Jessica) [MF] [Passion]

I watched the confrontation from my bedroom window. My mom tried to pull me away, but I wouldn’t let her. Her eyes were glued to the scene below as well. My father and Jack staring down Sherif Williams and his two deputies. Fear clutched my chest as I watched, but relief soon followed as I watched the Sherif and his men leave.

My father said something to Jack, and I could only imagine what it was. Guilt slowly crept up on me as I remembered what my last words to Jack had been. I felt awful. He was guilty of nothing other than protecting me. I watched him walk away towards the bunkhouse.

I knew I shouldn’t, but I couldn’t help myself. I turned from the window and found my boots lying on my bedroom floor. The white dress I had worn the night before was crumpled in the corner, soon to be taken to the trash. I knew I could never wear it again without remembering what Jake tried to do to me.

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The Ranch – Chapter 5 (Jack) [Plot Building Chapter]

I waited with Jake until the cops arrived. He wasn’t going anywhere. I just wanted to ensure the police had the right version of the story. Luckily for me, a few witnesses had heard Jessica’s screams as well and saw the whole thing. Jake was loaded into an ambulance, and the cops said they would be by the ranch to get statements from Jessica and Corey.

By the time I made it back to the bunkhouse, the first bit of sunlight was breaking over the horizon. I wanted to check on Jessica. Her Blazer was parked by the front of the house, and I was grateful Corey and her had made it back alright.

I parked Corey’s Dodge in front of the bunkhouse and went inside. He was sitting at the small dinette drinking coffee. “How is she?” I asked.

“As good as can be expected. Physically she’s fine.” I nodded my head, grateful for that, at least. “The old man wants to see you.”

“He’s awake?”

“Wouldn’t you be?” Corey had a point. I turned around and went back outside, crossing the dusty field to the main house. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. I wasn’t sure what was waiting for me on the other side.

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The Ranch – Chapter 3 (Jessica) [MF][Rough Passion]

I bounced in my seat as my old blazer rattled down the gravel road that led back to the ranch. It was nearly two in the morning, and the road was pitch black. Had I not made this drive close to a thousand times, it would have been a bit spooky.

My father’s ranch was technically in the small town of Brighten, but if you wanted to have any fun, you had to venture the next town over to Danton. I had gone to meet a few of my friends at a silly theme club named Rockin’ Rodeo. Large dance floor, loud country music, pool tables, that sort of place. The crowd was a mix of college students who went to Danton Community and a few middle-aged locals. I liked the vibe. Plus, it didn’t hurt that the doorman and bartender would sneak some vodka into our club sodas.

The plan was to spend the night with my best friend Crystal, but after an evening of hearing about their big plans when they left for college in the fall, I didn’t have the heart for it. Everyone seemed in such a hurry to leave Brighten. I loved the little town, for the most part, anyway. My main problem was that I was craving something else, but I wasn’t sure what it was. Adventure maybe?