Three’s company Part 2

Three’s Company Part 2

Part 1 is here:

My other stories are here:

Three’s Company Part 1

This takes place after The Twin Part 3.

Loosely based on real events. The names have been changed to protect the innocent and not so innocent.

Andrew: Photographer at Large: Three’s company Part 1

[See the other parts here.](

Miss Hart

This happens after The First but before The Twin.

Andrew: Photographer at Large: Miss Hart
[See the other parts here.](

It was Saturday morning and Andrew had been looking forward to this all week, last Saturday he had fucked Miss Hart’s friend Fleur who was also a life drawing model and today he was fucking Miss Hart, well he was about 99% sure he was, let’s say sure enough. He had tidied the house the night before and it was immaculate. He had also groomed himself, nearly exfoliated himself raw and trimmed his pubes which had somehow made his dick look even bigger. He bought some condoms just in case and made sure he had plenty of lube and paper towels beside the bed. He was nervous because last time he didn’t have time to be nervous, the adrenaline and pure fucking lust took over, plus he also liked Miss Hart as a person as well as finding her very physically attractive. The hair, the tits, the legs and of course the face. They hadn’t actually arranged a time, just that she would be there in the morning after she got up. Andrew had been up since 8am but it’s not like he didn’t have anything to do, there was always developing or printing to do as well as scanning and adding to his website. Serena was still loitering around the house even though Andrew told her what was most likely going to happen, she was going to go out with friends and spend her day at the mall anyway. She finally left and Andrew felt a little less anxious. He had been walking around with a semi in his pants all morning and wondered if he had time to rub one out before she arrived. He was just about to get down to business in his bedroom when he heard a *dring-dring* from outside.

The Twin Part 3

Andrew woke early on Tuesday morning and unfortunately his subconscious had not solved the Felicity problem for him. He got out of bed, showered, got dressed, had some breakfast, packed his bag and headed towards the front door. When he opened it to leave there was Felicity waiting for him in her school uniform, a white shirt with school logo on the pocket and a dark green and navy blue plaid skirt. She looked adorable and Andrew wasn’t sure how he was going to be able to remain angry with her. “Hi”, she said and Andrew replied with a “Hi” also. “Can we talk?” asked Felicity, “Sure”, said Andrew, “We can talk on the way to school”. Felicity shook her head, “No, I don’t want to go to school today” she said. “Fine with me”, said Andrew, he never needed a reason to not go to school, and he let Felicity come inside, he took her bag and placed it on the floor with his bag. He gestured for her to go into the lounge and she did, he followed behind her, she sat on the couch and Andrew asked “Can I get you anything?”, Felicity replied, “No thank you”. There was a strong smell of burnt toast in the air and Serena came into the lounge “Are you two wagging school today?”, she asked. Felicity said “Yes” and Andrew said “Yup” at the same time. “Nice”, said Serena. She walked through the lounge eating her toast and as she left through the front door she said “Have fun you two, bye”, and she left for work. Felicity began to speak, “Andrew I am so sorry about tricking you yesterday, but I am just so angry with Natalie! I told her that I liked you and as soon as she could she came over here. Did she tell you that she had never been kissed? or been with a boy?”. “Yes”, said Andrew. Felicity begins to tear up. “Well that is me Andrew, I’m the one that’s never been kissed. She’s the popular one, I’m the nerdy one. She has bigger tits and smiles a lot and all the boys want her. Everything I want she wants and when I came over here the other morning, I was so mad but not at you, at her. I like you a lot Andrew, I always have. As soon as she got home from here last she came and told me you two had sex!” She began to cry. Andrew leaned in and gave Felicity a big hug, she hugged him back hard. “I have liked you for a long time too Felicity and if I am being honest, I also liked Natalie too but for other reasons, I couldn’t choose one of you in case I upset the other”. Felicity nodded. Andrew held Felicity’s face gently and wiped away her tears and kissed her softly on the mouth, she smiled bigger than he had ever seen her smile before. They start making out very slowly and methodically, kisses here and there, touching each other, rubs and squeezes. “Can we go all the way today Andrew?”, she asks. Andrew nods and says “If that’s what you want, yes”, and they pick up the pace on the making out.

Categorized as Erotica

The Twin Part 2

This story takes place after The Twin Part 1. This is my fourth go at erotica and to be honest fictional writing in general so be gentle. Loosely based on real events. The names have been changed to protect the innocent and not so innocent.

The Twin Part 1

This story takes place after The First but before The Enlarger. This is my third go at erotica and to be honest fictional writing in general so be gentle. Loosely based on real events. The names have been changed to protect the innocent and not so innocent.

Andrew’s popularity as an up and coming young photographer was growing exponentially and talk of his talents had spread around his high school like wildfire. A prominent photography magazine had published an interview with him and had included some of his work in the article. It mostly focussed on his street photography and long term portrait project with his peers but there were a couple of artistic nude photos in there too. This article had been noticed by a couple of the local newspapers and they had decided to interview him as well. This more mainstream attention of course filtered down to his school. Who were the mysterious nude women in Andrew’s photos? Was one of them really Miss Hart the art teacher? Someone’s Dad reckons his brother once drew her nude at the library. It was all hearsay of course as involved parties were keeping tight lipped and also keeping their distance from each other at school, after school however was another story.

The First

A couple of years before the event in The Enlarger. This is my second go at erotica and to be honest fictional writing in general so be gentle. Loosely based on real events. The names have been changed to protect the innocent and no so innocent.

The First

The Enlarger

Hi everyone, this is my first go at erotica and to be honest fictional writing in general so be gentle. Loosely based on real events. The names have been changed to protect the innocent and no so innocent.