[timestop, other tags] Jake’s Magic Remote, Part VII – Sweet Dreams

“And ever since then, you’ve been able to-”
“Stop time, yes.”
Petra blinked, staring at her father. “That is so cool…”
Jake felt an instant surge of relief. “Yeah,” he said, “It really is.”
“So at the restaurant, when that woman’s top kept opening…”
“Yep, that was me.”
Petra giggled. “That’s awesome! I love you, Daddy!” She stopped and thought for a moment more. “At the end there… what happened to her?”
Jake looked away. He was not looking forward to explaining some of his recent adventures. “Well, I’m not proud of that…”
Petra leaned over to make him look at her again. “Dad. Given what I just did, I don’t think we need secrets anymore.”
Jake sighed. “You’re right. Okay. What happened there was that I was so pissed at her for being such a bitch that I… fucked her right there in the restaurant.”
Petra covered her mouth with her hands, eyes wide. At first Jake thought she was horrified, but then her shoulders started shaking and he realized she was laughing. He smiled in relief as she started laughing out loud, her voice echoing through the silent theater. “Oh my God! That is amazing! She never even knew what hit her, and that poor loser with her probably got jumped after!”
Jake grinned. “Yeah. Yeah, he probably did.” He leaned back, relaxing. “I’m glad you’re okay with this. I’ve been feeling pretty guilty about it.”
Petra snuggled up against his chest and pulling his arm around her again. “Was that why mom was so excited before?”
Jake felt himself blush and knew that she was trying to embarrass him the way she always did. She loved keeping him on the defensive. So he counterstruck. “Yes,” he said, “I was testing a theory on manipulating people. I feel bad about it. I also went upstairs and saw something interesting there, just after we were done.”
Petra stiffened up in his grip, clearly ashamed of her spying. “It was pretty hot,” she admitted after a moment. “Did you… did you do anything to me?”
“Not just then,” Jake said, stroking her hair.
“Oh.” There was a moment of silence. “…OH!”
“Heh… yeah.”
“Daddy, you perv!”
“Says the one who’s getting off while calling out to me.”
“Well, yeah, okay. We can talk about that later. So the remote… it’s on you?”
“In my pocket, all the time.”
“And you stopped things just now?”
“I guess so, but I didn’t mean to. I didn’t press the button. It just stopped by itself.”
Petra looked over at the usher, who’d been just about to sweep his flashlight in their direction. “Good thing it did. Has that happened before?”
“Once,” Jake said, “when a car almost hit me. I haven’t been able to do it on purpose.”
Without any warning, Petra punched jake in the leg.
“Ow! What the hell?”
“Sorry. Just checking.”
“We’re already stopped. Or, everything else is.”
“Oh yeah. Sorry.”
“You wanna just watch the end of the movie?”
“One second.”
Petra got up and eased out of the aisle. Careful not to disturb anything, she walked up and over to where the other couple were sitting, the ones who’d been fooling around before them. She giggled, then leaned down to inspect something. She was still giggling to herself when she returned.
“What’s so funny?”
“You’re bigger. And she’s not as pretty as me.”
Jake rolled his eyes. “Come here, you.”

[timestop, other tags] Jake’s Magic Remote, Part VI – Shenanigans

Does anyone mind if I drop the string of tags now? Eventually there will be some FF as well I think.

Jake walked into the steakhouse with his favorite two women close behind him. It looked like a pretty fun place, with a real “barbeque in a cabin” sort of feel. There were snowshoes and animal skins and road signs and all sorts of other crazy crap up on the walls, and the Hostess put a cup full of crayons on the table as she seated them. Petra grinned and immediately got to work drawing on the brown paper that was draped over the booth’s table.
Sarah sat next to Jake and opposite their daughter, engrossing herself in the menu. Jake was a little worried about her; ever since he’d brainwashed her into sex Thursday night, she’d been affectionate enough but a little cold, like she wanted to avoid it happening again. It was a little troubling to have your own wife seem like she was upset about wanting sex, but then given the way she’d cooled down about it the last couple years it was not that surprising either.
Jake decided to put it out of his mind and enjoy the dinner. The menu looked pretty great, and none of the prices were too awful. He glanced over at the table, where Petra was busy drawing a very attractive woman’s ass. “Already know what you’re going to order, Pet?” he asked her.
Petra smiled at him. Goddamn, she had a pretty smile. And she’d done her hair up in pigtails, which along with the skirt and high socks she wore gave her an adorable schoolgirl look. “Yes Daddy,” she said. “I’m having the Rib sampler.”
Jake nodded. “That looks pretty good. I think I’ll stick with the steak, though.”

[Str8, MF, voy, nc, reluc, inc, mast, timestop, oral] Jake’s Magic Remote, Part V – Cruel Temptations

Let's keep it rolling! Part V is a light interlude, but it sets some things up. As always, feedback is welcome! I've been working on part XI today, it's pretty fun.

Sarah showed up while Petra was cleaning up, so Jake decided to let things rest for a bit; he’d had his fun, and he was more than a little worried in hindsight about how readily he’d molested his daughter just because she was wearing tiny shorts and he was uncomfortably horny.
Then again, he thought to himself, she was sort of asking for it. It was obvious that Petra had a mild exhibitionism or voyeurism fetish developing, and all he’d really done was fulfil her own fantasy for her, so why should he feel bad?
Petra changed into pajama pants and the three watched the rest of the movie together. Once again, Jake got to enjoy having his favorite two females on either side of him. As evenings go, it was pretty nice, and he’d soon put his daughter’s rampant sexuality out of his mind.

[Str8, MF, voy, nc, reluc, inc, mast, timestop] Jake’s Magic Remote, Part IV – Home Movies

Jake’s mind was racing as he went through the motions of working. He’d stopped time without the remote! Was it him that did it? Was it a safety feature? And why did he keep getting in near-misses with cars?
Speaking of cars, around lunchtime he realized he’d never called Carol to let her know he was okay. Granted he thought he saw her in the food court when he was messing with those girls, but she was gone so fast he couldn’t be sure. He reached into his bag to find the card she’d left in there and dialed the number on it, putting on his phone headset.
While the phone rang, Jake took the opportunity to discreetly move the panty collection from his bag to a locked drawer in his desk. Carol’s voice came across the line after a few rings. “How are you, Jake?”
“I’m great,” Jake replied, closing and locking the drawer. “My head’s much better. Sorry I didn’t call sooner.”
“That’s alright,” she replied. “You’ve been very busy. We’ll catch up later this week.”
Jake was about to respond when the line went dead. “Huh,” he said to himself. He was starting to wonder if the appearance of the remote in his bag was really an accident.
He might have followed that train of thought further, but something drilled into his brain at that exact moment. Specifically, Marta’s shrill, too-loud laugh, coming from the Deskside guys’ office across the hall. He scowled in irritation. She was at it again, showing off her fake tits so she would never have to remember her password.
Jake slapped his pause button. He still hadn’t figured out how he’d stopped the car, but the remote still worked just fine. He got up from his desk and stalked angrily over to the Deskside office.
It was quite a tableau in there. The guys all had big desk surfaces to work on, more like tables really. Tim, the new guy, was taking a phone call and clearly annoyed at the noise level. A couple of the other guys were standing, clearly chatting with Marta, who herself was in the middle of saying something. One other tech was bent over an open computer, but his eyeline was pretty obviously pointing at the infamous tits.
Being Friday, everyone was in casual wear in the office. Marta was wearing another v-neck today, this one a tight-fitting white tee. Underneath he could just make out the outline of her bra. Under that she had a black skirt that ended well above the knee. She was apparently pushing “business casual” to new limits.
Jake went to work immediately. First he pulled off Marta’s top and put it aside. “Won’t be needing this,” he said to nobody. He snatched a sharpie off the Tim’s desk and went about leaving his calling card. Across her back was the usual “I AM A BITCH”, and then below he wrote “I use my fake tits and pushy attitude to manipulate the socially inept.” Part of him wished he could see the look on her face when whoever she was fucking found that on her.
Next he flipped up her skirt and confiscated the lacy black thong she wore, shoving it in his pocket. He did have to admit, she had a really nice ass. Probably did a lot of squats to keep it that way. He squeezed it in both hands, smirking at the dual imprints he left behind.
Moving around in front of her, Jake was amused but not surprised to see that Marta’s pussy was shaved bare. His dick jumped in his pants, excited by standing here with so much power over this stupid cunt.
Grinning, Jake pushed Marta down onto her knees on the carpet. He carefully pulled her tongue out of her open mouth, then unzipped and pulled out his cock. It was partly hard already, and he ran it along her tongue, making her lick all over it and getting it a little moist from her saliva. Next he unhooked her front-clasp bra and once again exposed her globelike fake tits.
“Might as well get your money’s worth of these,” Jake quipped as he nestled his cock between them. He put his hands on either side and pressed inward, creating a warm fleshy tunnel around his shaft, and started slowly pumping it back and forth.
Marta’s flesh, warm and saliva-moist, felt simply wonderful around Jake’s dick. He moaned aloud, looking down at her, then laughed as he realized she still had her tongue sticking out of her open mouth. “Well that’s distracting,” he said, shoving it back in there and closing her lips and jaw. Once again he carefully nudged her lips into a smile. “Much better,” he said, resuming the slow stroking in her cleavage. “You should be happy that you’re being used for your intended purpose.”
Jake moved his thumbs to play with Marta’s nipples and started fucking her tits harder and faster, grinning down at her frozen smile. “What a pretty look for you. I know… just the thing to complete it!” As he spoke, he started shooting cum between her tits and up her neck to her chin. He pulled back and stroked himself, finishing the load with a last shot across her face. From this close, the cum had enough time to splatter on Marta’s skin and hair before freezing with her.
Jake squeezed the last few drops out onto Marta’s lips and took a step back to appreciate his work.
It was quite a scene. Marta knelt in the office, surrounded by smiling I.T. guys, with cum plastered across her face and chest. Her skirt was pulled up and her bra hung open as if she’d been stripped with urgency… which, really, she had been. There was only one thing missing. Jake knelt down and moved Marta’s hands so it looked like she was holding her tits up to receive the load.
“Perfect. Hold it,” Jake said, pulling out his phone to take some photos for posterity – or who knows, he thought, maybe blackmail. “That’s perfect baby, the camera loves you.”
With that done, Jake went about cleaning Marta up… sort of. He used a tissue to scrape all the cum off her skin, then smeared it in a thin coat on her breasts where the bra would be covering them. The bit that had got in her hair he left there, smearing it in until it wasn’t visible. The blob on her lips he pressed onto her tongue and smeared down also, coating its surface.
Next he closed Marta’s bra over his cum and pressed on her tits until they fit into the cups, or at least sort of fit. It was a tight bra, which helped. Finally he stood her up, fixed her skirt, and put her shift back on, carefully moving her hair back into its regular style.
Whistling to himself, Jake returned his office and pressed the Play button.
Marta yelped loudly as she felt the grip on her ass. There was nobody behind her, however, so nobody could be blamed for that. Jake could only imagine how she must be feeling: tits sore and abused, nipples teased, taste of semen in her mouth and a feeling on her skin like someone came on her but no cum to be found.
Jake heard Marta quietly excuse herself and saw her walk out toward her own desk, rubbing her tender chest. He waited a few seconds, then picked up a folder and followed behind her.
“Ow,” Jake heard Marta say quietly as she walked into her own cube. Jake stopped walking and turned to her.
“You alright?” he asked her.
“Yeah, fine,” she replied, sitting down. Her eyes widened dramatically the moment her ass hit the chair, signalling that she’d discovered the theft of her panties. If only she knew they were wadded up in Jake’s pocket right that instant!
“Okeydokey,” Jake replied, turning and walking to the copy room, grinning.
Today was really looking up.

[Str8, MF, voy, nc, reluc, inc, mast, timestop] Jake’s Magic Remote, Part III – Karma Chameleon

Let's keep this rolling! Part III for you.

Edit: forgot [oral] tag, sorry!

Sarah got home only a few minutes after the food was delivered, and the family sat on the couch together to eat in front of some mindless television. Jake sat in the middle, acutely aware of his now-fully-clothed daughter’s body so close to him. He kept seeing her in his mind, gloriously nude and splattered with his cum. Swallowing hard, he looked in the other direction at Sarah, his wife.
Sarah was like an Amazon goddess. Jake had been enchanted with her from first sight. She stood an inch taller than he did, with raven-black hair past her shoulders, a slightly crooked smile, and bright green eyes. Her figure was hourglass-like, although she carried some extra weight, and the way she slouched on the couch afforded him a nice look down at her ample cleavage. It was almost a good enough look to make him forget about his adopted daughter’s breasts, round and perfect, with the water beading off of them. Sarah smiled up at Jake. “What have you two been up to this afternoon?”
Jake felt himself blush when Petra leaned against him and answered, “Just watching TV and hanging out, mom.”
Jake smiled nervously and nodded. “How was your day?” he asked, hoping to change the subject.
Sarah groaned. “Don’t even get me started. We have this huge order to do, and the truck didn’t come in until almost noon…”
After years of marriage, Jake had learned that “How was your day?” was husband-code for “Please tell me everything that happened so I can nod and smile for half an hour.”
Jake leaned back, one hand running through his wife’s hair as she continued talking. He really did love her, even if they didn’t have sex nearly as much as he would have liked. He had no doubt about her feelings; her libido had just never been up to his. But then, he’d never had the ability to stop time before…