Shawna: Roma Revenge – Part III – Dramatic Urges [MF nc nosex]

Author's note: this chapter is less sexy than my usual work, sorry! But I'm building up to something.

I walked out of the gym feeling fresh and clean, mostly. Mostly, because my clothes were now sweaty in ways that were entirely new to me. All my life, I’d thought of breasts as magical bags of fun-filled flesh. It had never dawned on me that they could function like two extra armpits.
I switched to a spare tee in my car, but it fit me like a tent. “Fuck,” I said, looking up at the rearview mirror. “Guess I better get this over with.”
I had planned to leave the parking lot, getting about more important business, but instead I drove to a different part of the same lot. Parking again, I got out and walked into the shopping mall that the gym was attached to.
I walked into the first women’s clothing store I found. The place was a little dimmer than the rest of the mall, and trendy, bass-heavy music was playing somewhere in the ceiling. As obnoxious as it sounds, I couldn’t help but respect the subtle manipulation.
A salesgirl marked me immediately and walked over, smiling. “Hi there!” she said with a little more enthusiasm than I was prepared to deal with. “I’m Cindy. Can I help you with anything?”
“Shit, I hope so,” I said, pushing some hair back from my face. “I’m new to… well, I’m new in town, and all my clothes are gone due to shenanigans. I need, you know, woman clothing.”
Cindy grinned, and I could swear I saw little dollar signs in her eyes. “You’ve totally come to the right place…”
“Shawna. Just follow me. Do you know your measurements?”

[FINAL CHAPTER] TimeBender: Jakes Magic Remote – Part XXV – Closure [timestop MMF Mf str8]

The next morning was pleasant enough; the only one feeling remotely awkward was Jake, and he’d become quite adept at hiding that particular emotion. The others at the breakfast table – Tony, Lauren, and Lauren’s hangover – betrayed no sense that anything had gone wrong the night before. Nor should they, since nothing had.
Jake met up with Carol and Petra around lunchtime. The two had clearly bonded, and there was much giggling and sharing of pointed looks between them, but they refused to talk about what they’d been doing while he’d gone through his moral crises the day before. It was just as well, since he didn’t particularly feel like sharing either.
There was a lot to do, regardless. Jake unfortunately had to put his plans to make love to Petra on hold; as open as she seemed about sexuality, it still seemed weird to have sex with his girlfriend-daughter in front of their time-travelling future-daughter. And he knew from experience that he couldn’t freeze Carol; she had been practicing “timebending” for years, and he had no idea how her defenses worked.
The three of them walked into the office of a divorce lawyer in the early afternoon. He didn’t ask a lot of questions about the origin of the evidence against Sarah, and seemed convinced the case would be fairly open-and-shut should she decide to fight it. It was going to take most of the week to draw up the papers, he said, but he could draw up a notice of separation and intent for them right away.
Jake paid the retainer in cash and discussed with his new lawyer what his plan was for making a clean break.

[MF serial nc timestop voy] Jake Part XXIV – Making Amends

After he heard Lauren’s bedroom door close, Jake stopped time and got up to investigate. Rewinding time and hiding in the living room, he winced to see Lauren and Tony both “wake up” in extreme distress. For a long time, Tony held Lauren while she cried in his arms. There was some discussion of what they’d experienced, how it could even be possible, had it really happened. Lauren got up to check on Jake, finding him in bed; rewinding time was weird, Jake thought. He made a note to be careful not to interact with his other self so the other him would still go back the way he had.
Tony, meanwhile, started inspecting everywhere Jake and Lauren had been. He checked the couch, the floor, the back of the kitchen door. The formerly jovial and friendly man looked murderously angry. With a sigh, Jake wound time forward to the point where he’d gone back from.
He found Lauren in the master bathroom, examining herself with a hand mirror. There was some minor bruising, and a shine that Jake recognized; he’d clearly failed to remove a significant amount of the load of cum he’d filled her up with.
Tony was next to the bed. He’d pulled back the covers and found the wet spot, and was in the process of dialing something on his phone.
“Shit,” Jake said aloud. “Shit shit fucking shit.”
This was the exact opposite of what he needed right now. He could be arrested with this sort of evidence linked so closely to his presence, DNA tested… he’d go to prison. Or he could run away, and Carol’s dire prophecy about Sarah’s decades-long revenge on him would come true.
No, that couldn’t happen. He had to find a way to silence them, maybe steal and burn the evidence, keep cleaning Lauren every time she leaked more cum…
Or maybe he could change it.
Rewinding didn’t change time. It just moved him back through it.
But frame skip changed everyone. He could skip back to a time before he had made such a terrible mistake.
He could make amends.
Slowly, Jake started winding things back. Lauren walked backward out of the bathroom. Tony put the covers back on the bed. He followed, pushing them further and further back. He’d only ever done a few seconds this way, but now Jake pushed further, speeding up the reversed time. He watched Lauren and Tony lay down on the couch, then in reverse watched the moment he himself had laid them there. In his place was a sort of shimmer in the air, or rather in the lack of air; it was the hole in reality where he fit. He could step into that hole and resume events from any point.
Going back further, Jake watched the specter of himself using Lauren, from the moment he came in her back through positions and locations. He could see her face as he came inside her and then in reverse as she bounced under his ghost with each thrust. He could watch her from the side as he had fucked her against the door. He could watch Lauren’s tits swinging in Tony’s confused face while she was slammed from behind. He could even look inside of her and see the way her pussy opened and closed around the space where his cock had been.
He watched her face alternating between emotions, but in the clarity of mind after having relieved his lust he could see now just how much of that had been fear. The poor girl was terrified from the moment he took her. Cumming like a freight train and feeling intense pleasure, but definitely terrified as well.
That was going to change, however. The moment Jake stepped into that shadow and started time, the whole timeline would erase, a blank slate. He kept going back further, seeing the moment he had gone down on Lauren, and then the breast “accidentally” slipping free of her tank top. Back to the moment when he had first approached the couch from behind. Jake stepped toward the shadow, ready to take his place.
He stopped mid-stride. There was something on his face, something wet. Jake frowned and touched his upper lip, and his fingertips came away dark red. Blood. Why would he be bleeding?
Jake ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror and stared at the stranger before him. His face had grown pale and gaunt, and blood was running freely from his nose. Even more disturbingly, his earlobes were painted by blood as well. His eyes were bloodshot and sunken, and his lips looked almost blue.
As he stared, his skin seemed to darken. The room darkened as well. By the time Jake realized he was passing out, he was already on his way down. There was a loud impact and a flash of light, and then Jake slipped away into the darkness.

[serial MF nc timestop] Jake part XXIII – Fallen

The rest of the party went pretty smoothly. Dave kept finding excuses to stand up, probably hoping that time would stop again. Jenny and Brian eventually came back to the head table, both looking a little tired. Jake checked between moments and was amused to see Brian’s cum dripping out of Jenny’s pussy. It had certainly been a busy evening for her womb.
Lauren, getting a little silly from the screwdrivers that Jake kept doubling without telling her, insisted that he slow-dance with her. He was a perfect gentleman, but there was no way that she didn’t notice how hard he was with her hips pressed against him. She didn’t say anything, but she knew.
Then again, Jake thought, who wouldn’t be? If anything she should take it as a compliment.
After the dance she realized her dress was hanging low in the front. “Whoops!” she said with a giggle, pulling it back up into place. “Sorry, I don’t know what’s up with this dress tonight.”
Jake chuckled. “I’m sure nobody noticed. And anyone who did, well… we don’t mind.”
Lauren scoffed and punched Jake’s arm, then ran her hand down it. “Shut up, jerk,” she said.
The hall was starting to clear out. Jake took one last look around in stopped-time, taking some pictures of IDs so he could follow up with Brian and Jenny later. After some thought, he also took details for Julie and the chubbier maid of honor. Julie was too adorable to lose track of and Dave might bear some watching. As for the other girl, Jake just sort of liked her titties.
It took him a while to find the gothy girl with the butt-plug, but eventually Jake located her in a mens’ room stall, in the middle of taking what looked like a pretty hard fuck from behind in one hole while her other was still plugged. Jake opened her purse and snapped her ID too, if just because it’s good to know a girl who likes to party.
Returning to Lauren, he put his arm around her waist. “You’re drunk,” he said. “Someone ought to put you to bed.”
“You’re drunker,” Lauren countered with a grin. “What’s that mean for you?”
Jake scoffed. “You never could hold a half-dozen drinks. I’ll call us a cab.”

[serial nc MF str8 oral timestop] Jake Part XXII – Unexpected Enchantments

The wedding guests were filing out toward their parked cars, so Jake started walking in the opposite direction down the path further into the park. He hadn’t gone far when a familiar voice stopped him.
“Hey, Jake! Jake Stevens, is that you?”
Jake stopped and turned around. He blinked in surprise at the owner of the voice.
“Lauren?” he asked, taking a step toward her. “Wow, is that you?”
Lauren smiled. It was definitely her. Lauren, Jake’s old college girlfriend. He’d fallen in love with that smile and gone through a lot of really memorable experiences with her. But back then she’d been a shy, awkward girl with no real fashion sense. She seemed to have fixed much of that. She’d gotten rid of her glasses, showing the world her dark eyes, eyes that were narrowed by the push of soft, rosy cheeks as she smiled with her entire face.
She’d straightened her hair into a long flow of black that framed her face, spilling over her shoulders and down to the curve of her breasts. And that was where the eye tended to linger, because they were gorgeous: round and very large, enough so they would sag a little if they were hanging free. Right now they most certainly were not doing that; Lauren had donned one of those strapless “lift and separate” bras under a red spaghetti strap cocktail dress that generously advertised her assets.
“I was just here for my cousin Jenny’s wedding,” she said. “And then I saw you… what are you doing here?”
Jake shrugged. “I work near here. I needed to clear my head from some… problems. So I took a walk, and I happened by you folks so I watched the vows from across the path there.” He found himself smiling back at her. “That was pretty intense, huh?”
Lauren giggled. “They’re so in love. Could you see the look on their faces from back there? I would swear they’d just come back from a quickie.”
Jake nodded. “I saw a little. So, you’re off to the reception I assume.”
Lauren sighed. “Yep. Gonna put in my appearance.”
Jake tilted his head a little. “Something wrong?”
“No, it’s just that you know how I hate being alone in a crowd. And my husband couldn’t make it.”
“Oh, yeah. I know the feeling,” Jake said. “Well, you can always hook up with a groomsman, right?”
“Hah!” Lauren punched Jake in the shoulder. “I don’t think so. So I heard you got married. How’s that treating you?”
Jake looked down at his wedding ring. “Actually,” he admitted, “things are not great there.”
“Oh wow,” Lauren said, taking his hand. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize.”
“It’s alright,” Jake replied. “I found out today that she’s seeing some guy.”
“Well then,” Lauren said, pulling his arm into her own. “let’s go.”
“Come on. You’ve already got a suit on. You’ll be my plus one, and we’re going to drink your troubles away.”
Jake chuckled. “Well, if you insist,” he said, “but no taking advantage of me in my compromised state.”
“Scout’s honor,” Lauren said with a laugh.

Jake Part XXII – Dearly Beloved [timestop nc MF voy oral anal]

To say Jake was disturbed by Carol’s revelations was an understatement. He sat distracted at work the next day, performing no mischief at all on his coworkers. Even Danica, who very overtly used her secret code word to try to summon “dream jake” before lunchtime, didn’t get a visit. He was simply too bothered by the revelations about Sarah.
Sure, she was frigid. And controlling. And pushy and aggressive and all the things Carol had said. But Jake loved her, and he just couldn’t see her doing any of the things Carol had described. Stalking, harassment… it just seemed beneath her.
But then again, so was adultery, and yet there she was. Jake had the pictures in his bag, but they might as well have been tattooed on the inside of his eyelids. His wife, fucking some black guy he’d never met. What had driven her to do something like that? He had been anything but inattentive. Had Petra influenced her mind using the remote?
No, that wasn’t likely. His daughter was a jealous lover, yes, but she had never shown signs of wanting to sabotage anyone else. Jake thought back over the things Carol had said.
“She found out about the two of you in my timeline,” she’d told him. “And some of the other women you had. Stole hair from the neighbors’ son for a DNA test, things like that.”
Okay, it was true, Jake thought as he left the office in the afternoon. He had fucked a lot of women in the last few weeks. But they all deserved it, one way or another. He was doing the right thing, wasn’t he? Natalia desperately wanted a child… Marta was a manipulative bitch… Petra…
Well, there’s no accounting for love, is there?
Still, setting that aside, his behavior was startling. He’d fucked.. no, raped… enough women that he lost count. He’d molested even more in other ways, and thinking back he didn’t know that they all deserved it. There were the girls on the street who he’d made to flash guys, and that girl at the food court honestly probably didn’t deserve to be fucked for not holding a door open. And that jogger in the park who he left cum all over, she hadn’t even done anything; he’d used her on a whim. Before he’d found – no, before Carol had given him the remote, any of these actions would have disgusted Jake. Well, maybe not fucking with Marta. But any of the rest. But now… he’d justified greater and greater sins, in the name of selfish pleasure and revenge.
Jake stepped around people on the frozen sidewalk as he walked, deep in thought. Was it excusable to act this way? Did he have a right to do these things? And if so, did he have a right to judge Sarah for what was arguably less of a betrayal than his own?
He turned onto a walking path through a park and came upon an afternoon wedding. The group had set up some benches for the guests, and Jake took an empty seat near the back. He rested his arms on the bench in front of him and laid his head on them, then closed his eyes and dove deeper into his thoughts, eventually falling into a nap.
Jake had always heard that sleeping on a thing always helps to clear the mind. This was no exception; after an amount of time that defied measurement, he awoke refreshed, if a little sore from the position of the bench, and looked up at the bride and groom.
They were a nice-looking young couple, and they seemed completely entranced in one another. The groom was tall, well built, dark haired… actually, he reminded Jake a little of himself back when he was young and hopeful and standing at the altar with a woman he loved.
The bride was shorter, blonde, with dark eyes, round cheeks and a tight, cute smile. Her hair cascaded down across the tops of her breasts, which were round, full, and on glorious display due to the strapless white gown she was wearing. The rest of her was difficult to see, but she definitely had a nice hourglass shape to her.
Jake leaned back and let time resume for a few minutes, sitting and enjoying the ambience. It really was a beautiful day for it, with clear skies and birdsong and a river far enough away that it was a soft undertone instead of a roaring distraction. The couple just stood there the entire time, holding hands and smiling and looking into each other’s eyes. Just like he and Sarah had, years before anything had gone wrong.
The ceremony was near its close, and the preacher was reading the vows. Jake smiled as he watched the young bride say “I do,” then stopped time and stood, wandering up toward her.
“I wonder how it will go for you,” he said to the groom. “Is she as sweet as she looks? Will she really love, honor, and cherish? Or will she want to control everything around her… will she turn away from you as soon as you start showing spine?”
That was what Sarah had done, after all. Jake had not just made himself available as in the past few years; he had actively pursued his wife. Despite getting all the sex he wanted with anyone he chose, he had come home and tried to express himself, tried to make love to his wife. And she had not only denied him any time he didn’t actively brainwash her, but then turned around and found another man who she could control! Her vows had broken because shey were inconvenient.
Jake fingered a lock of the bride’s hair – Jennifer, the preacher had called her. Jenny to her friends, probably. “Jenny, Jenny, Jenny,” he sighed. “I hope you succeed where we failed.”
Except had he failed himself? He had, after all, tried to keep the marriage together, when he could just as easily have stolen a fortune and vanished into the night. Instead he had stuck around. And as for the other women… sure maybe his punishments and rewards were more than what was deserved. But each and every one of them… well, maybe not the jogger he came on, but almost every one of them had resulted in the world being a slightly better place afterward. Even Petra’s mischief had resulted in good; she’d ended a perverted stalker’s harassment of her, and obtained evidence of Sarah’s sins against him.
Jake smiled to himself. That was right, They were the Timebenders, and they were a force for good. Who else if not he and his daughter were qualified to judge the world? To fix it? To ensure things go the way they should? He looked at Jenny once more, at her smiling face, into her eyes, trying to judge the sincerity in her heart from her frozen visage.
She looked so much in love, but it was difficult to be certain. On the other hand, Jake knew of a way to be certain of a woman’s heart: positive reinforcement.
He stepped back and got a better look at the woman. Her bodice was tight but at the hips the dress flared back in an exaggerated cascade of layered fabric and lace. Really beautiful, if you were into that kind of thing. On the other hand, Jake was more into what was underneath the dress. He bunched and lifted the back of Jenny’s dress, pushing fabric up behind her back and watching as her body was revealed.
She’d worn heels and stockings, in white of course. As demanded by tradition, but Jake couldn’t help being amused by how difficult it had probably been to walk across the grass to the altar without leaving deep divots. Her legs were long and smooth, with the gentle curves of someone not yet touched by time or hardship. Past the garter clips, an equally white pair of panties reflected the sunlight. Silk, it looked like, with lace edging. Jenny had dressed to impress.
It took some time to roll the back and front of her dress up without damaging it, but time was a luxury Jake had. He ran his hand up her thighs and hips, across her ass – tight, round, and perfect, just like the rest of her – and along her sides. She was everything a girl ought to be in a scene like this one. Soft, curvy, and warm.
Curiosity got the best of him, and Jake unzipped the back of the dress as well, pulling it down a little. Jenny had worn a corset of some kind underneath that held everything in place, but it stopped under her breasts like a shelf, leaving them with a very natural curve and likely a lovely bounce.
Jake cupped Jenny’s breasts in his hand, rubbing them with his fingers and palms. She had pale pink nipples that were already a little hard. “Why Jenny,” he mused, “are you as excited as I am?”
Kneeling, he pulled her silk panties down off her hips, leaving them around her knees, and touched her sex with his fingertips. She was soft and warm there, too, but as he parted her lips he felt the telltale dampness that proved his theory. “Mhmm, someone’s looking forward to tonight,” he said, running a finger across her clit and along the triangle of soft yellow hair on her pelvis. “That’s good. Definitely a good sign. But it never hurts to be certain, does it.”
Leaning in, Jake parted Jenny’s lips and ran his tongue along her pussy. She even tasted young and sweet. It reminded him of Petra. They smelled the same too, fresh and nice. He licked at her again, dragging up along her folds and giving a little sucking kiss to the pearl where they met. It poked outward after being pulled by his suction, and he had no doubt it would provide an intense sensation. Running the tip of his tongue across it, he slid two fingers carefully up inside her.
“Hmm,” Jake said, looking up at her, “will this be enough to seal the deal? We want you to remember that vow forever. Best to be certain.”
Jake stood up and started to unzip his pants when a distraction caught his eye. Specifically, a row of distractions, all in matching aqua-colored bridesmaids dresses. Jenny’s bridesmaids. Jake grinned. “Well, while I’m here…”
It seemed that beautiful girls ran in packs. There were three maids, and they were all as beautiful as Jenny herself. Jake walked down their line, appreciating the views. The dresses were backless and had scooped necklines that showed off a generous amount of cleavage, but never more than the bride; he’d heard that was a major faux pas among women. It was a little more difficult to expose the girls without doing anything that would be noticeable like messing up their elaborately updone hair, but a determined man will always find a solution to a problem.
Lifting the part of the dress that ran up behind the neck proved to be the easiest way to get a real view of the girls’ breasts. One of the girls, a brunette a little heavier than the rest but still well within the range of sexiness, was in a little tight, and Jake had to unzip it down her read to loosen it enough to move it easily.
It was worth the effort. She had really amazing breasts, probably about as large as they could get before sagging would become an issue.Single or double D, he guessed, but since bras and backless gowns don’t mix he would never know. Her nipples were small, but she had large pink areolas around them, which gave a deceptive look to them, as if they’d literally been photoshopped to be larger. Jake gave each one a heft and squeeze, leaving a handprint behind. No photoshop there.
The second girl was raven-haired and pale. She looked like she probably had a closet full of black dresses that she would rather be wearing. Her breasts were nice, but the really interesting surprise was elsewhere. Noticing a little ink on her leg, Jake lifted her skirt.
Winding its way from her knee up around her thigh, a jade-colored dragon breathed fire while staring at him. Lifting even further, Jake learned what sort of panties dark-haired tattooed girls wore to weddings. Specifically, he learned that they wore none. Jake gave the girl’s slit a little rub and slid his fingers up inside her, spreading her passage open. “Some groomsman is gonna thank me for warming you up,” he said with a chuckle. Then he noticed the shiny jewel at the end of the buttplug she was wearing, a color match to her dress. “Then again, maybe you didn’t need the help.”
The third bridesmaid was shorter than her friends, with a petite shape and a blonde pixie cut. “Adorable” was the first word that sprang to mind. Glancing back at the three pairs of exposed breasts behind him, Jake smiled and unzipped her dress as well. He lifted and pulled until it was a belt of aqua folds around her midriff.
“Oh wow,” he said, snickering in amusement. The girl was cute as hell, with thin little arms and legs, but not so thin that she looked unhealthy. Her nipples were covered by little white dome-shaped pasties, presumably because they were too sensitive for the dress. There was some double-sided tape on and between her breasts as well, valiantly turning an A into a B and a half. And down below…
She was wearing striped panties with a cartoon cat on them.
Jake grinned. “You’re just the cutest thing,” he said, peeling the pasties off her perky little breasts. “I wish I could take you home. I mean I could, but… you know.” He leaned down and sucked on each of her nipples, running his tongue around them slowly. If his guess about her was correct, that should be plenty motivation to get a reaction.
Returning to Jenny, Jake stood next to the groom and surveyed the scene. “Nice catch,” he said to the man. “I hope you don’t mind me borrowing them.”
He lifted Jenny and carefully turned her around, facing her toward her friends and bending her at the waist until it looked like she was staring at her maid of honor’s large exposed tits. Maybe marvelling at the handprints left behind. Sliding his pants down and off, Jake pulled out his cock, now aching from the teasing of playing with the bridal party.
Jenny’s pussy felt as good around his cock as it had looked, spreading open before him as he eased slowly inside her. He ran his hands up her body again, from her hips along her sides to her breasts, taking them in his hands and squeezing gently as he slid inch by inch into what would soon be another man’s wife. Jenny had spoken her vow, but her groom had yet to do the same, and Jake would be the last man inside her while she was still free.
He moaned and kissed her neck as he felt her ass press against his hips. “So perfect,” he whispered in her ear, holding her against him and savoring her heat wrapped around his shaft. He pulled back just as slowly as he’d entered her, moving his hands to hold her hips again, then thrust in more swiftly, slapping his hips against her ass.
“Mmm,” Jake moaned as he started pumping into Jenny, thrusting at a relaxed pace and enjoying the fresh air and sunlight. “That’s nice… someone’s going to be a lucky husband indeed.” He reached around to her stomach, pressing in to keep her from loosening too quickly around him as his cock left her displaced in its wake.
Eventually Jenny did widen around him, and not wanting to subject her to the deeper fucking that would pleasure him more, Jake pulled out and stepped back. “That should make sure you remember,” he said. “As for me…”
Jake moved down to the maid of honor and gave her breasts a firm squeeze. “Sure would be a shame to let the opportunity pass,” he mused as he moved her down onto her knees in the grass. He shifted her arms forward to frame her tits, making them squeeze together over crossed forearms, then slid his cock between them, still wet from Jenny’s snatch.
It was easy to hold the girl’s arms in place, keeping her cleavage tight while Jake thrust between them. He tilted her face up to look at him, smiling down at her as he used her to help celebrate Jenny’s union. “Beautiful,” he said with a little moan. “I should do this outdoors more often.” He looked around, enjoying the sunlight, the sound of flesh sliding on flesh, and the sight of all the happy guests watching him. Happy except for one, that is.
Blonde, around fifty, and wearing a scowl, a woman who had to be Jenny’s mother looked on disapprovingly. She seemed to be the only person who didn’t approve of the union, for whatever bitchy reason. Jake sighed and drew back from the ample cleavage he was fucking, stepping over to the front bench and removing the woman’s hat. He placed it over her face and grinned. “Much better. Where was I?”
Jake returned to the girls and lifted the maid to her feet once more. He thought about brushing the grass off her knees but decided to leave her wondering instead. On a whim, he kissed her, softly teasing her lips with his tongue, then slid a hand in her panties to make sure she got a little thrill as well.
Moving on down the line, Jake considered the probably-goth girl. Consumed by curiosity, he bent her forward and spread the cheeks of her firm ass. “So what are we working with?” he asked her, gently tugging at the little jewel hidden back there.
Without any muscle response to hold it in, the girl’s ass gave up the plug easily. It was just over an inch wide, he guessed, and shiny silver in color, extending three or four inches inside her. Jake left it floating in the air and pulled the girl down on the grass where her friend had knelt before.
Laying her prone on her front, Jake straddled her thighs and gave her ass a two-handed squeeze. Her hole gaped invitingly at him, so he pressed forward, touching the head of his cock to the opening. slowly, careful not to damage her, Jake began pressing down into her.
There was a moment of resistance before the head slipped inside. Not as long a moment as with Natalia’s awake and squeezing hole, but a moment regardless, and a feeling like a tight cockring stroking down his flesh. “Mmm,” he said, pulling one of the girl’s arms back and wrapping her fingers around his shaft. “Here baby, hold this. I don’t want to get carried away.”
Jake began moving into her again, pushing forward until his hips touched her hand before pulling back again, avoiding going much deeper than she’d already opened herself. He ran his hands up her back to her shoulders, gripping her, and pulled back, starting to move in a steady rhythm once more.
“Lovely friends you’ve got, Jenny,” he said to the bride, smiling at her as he fucked her friend’s hand and asshole. “They really know how to make a guy- mm- feel welcome.”
The girl felt great, but Jake soon found himself pushing harder and wanting more, and the last thing he wanted was to have a bridesmaid scream and double over right after the vows, so Jake moved back once more and pulled the girl to her feet. He turned and considered the last girl, taking in the sight of her.
Looking from one girl to the other, Jake decided this must be Jenny’s sister. She was probably around twenty-one or so. Unlike the other girls, her hair was not a concern, only her dress and panties, so he removed them both.
Standing there in nothing but ballet slippers and a smile, Jake couldn’t help but admire the girl. He also couldn’t help but take a few pictures of her. And of her friends, and her sister. Weddings need to be captured for posterity, after all.
While his lust for record-keeping was satisfied, however, Jake’s lust for something else was only rising in intensity. He lifted and turned the naked bridesmaid, laying her flat on her back and spreading her legs.
She had the same triangle of soft blonde hair that Jenny did, making him wonder if they shared more than just a circle of friends. Jake smiled down at her, imagining how fun it would be to tease and play with her little body until she squealed, but his cock throbbed and ached, drawing his attention. Kneeling down, he pulled her knees up on either side of himself and started to press down inside of her.
Her pussy was tight, almost the tightest he’d ever felt. Jake stopped as the head slipped inside, then got an idea. He pulled the girl’s legs around his waist and lifted her up off the ground, walking with her stuck on the end of his dick over to the benches and laying her across the lap of the scowling woman and her husband.
“Much better,” Jake said, holding her hips and again pushing into the girl. From standing, he could more easily work his way into her tiny passage, as well as see her beneath him as he did. She accepted him inch by inch, as she had to in the frozen moment, and Jake slid a hand across her tummy and breasts, caressing her like a lover until he felt the top of her vagina in his way.
Jake still had inches to go, and he was so excited that it hurt. Every beat of his heart sent a pulse of blood through his cock, pushing against both his own skin and the bridesmaid’s narrow passage. “Sorry, kitten,” he said, gripping her waist and pushing forward again, “Daddy’s gotta get his, too.”
He had to pull back and pump into the girl a few times, but soon he was moaning in pleasure as her cervix dilated around him. He glided through the even smaller passage into her womb, deeper with each slow, firm stroke, until he felt the back of that as well. Then he pushed even further.
“Holy shit that’s good, babygirl, you’re so tight and-” Jake stopped, running his hand over her stomach. He pressed down and grinned. Pulling his hand back, he marvelled at the bulge in the girl’s stomach, distended as his cock pushed to the base inside of her.
With one of his hands on her waist and the other pressing down on that bulge, Jake began fucking the girl faster. Her body stretched and shifted around him, opening enough to let him pass but resisting enough to remain pleasantly tight on his weapon from root to tip. He groaned, tweaking her nipples and tugging them upward, turning her little breasts into eager cones that pointed toward the sky.
“Damn, babygirl, now I really want to take you home,” Jake said with another moan. He pulled his phone out of his coat pocket and captured a few seconds of video for later; Petra wasn’t going to believe this.
His pleasure started cresting and Jake slowed to a stop, holding himself inside the cocksleeve who had once been a bridesmaid. “Shit,” she said reluctantly, “I can’t cum in you, it’ll run down your legs.” He looked around, then chuckled. “On the other hand, this I can do…”
Jake lifted the girl up, holding her against his chest. With one hand on her back and the other on her ass, he pumped once more into her, stroking himself with her cunt until he was ready to blow. “Mmm god thanks baby,” he said as he pulled her off his cock and tossed her to the side, then reached for the mother of the bride.
Pushing her hat out of the way, Jake pulled the woman’s head down and shoved his cock past her lips. He was almost too late, as he felt the first spurt of seed shoot onto her tongue. He moaned loudly, voice echoing off the trees as he stroked his shaft and filled the bitter-looking woman’s mouth with more and more of his spend.
Finally, with a contented sigh, Jake pulled the woman off of him to admire his handiwork. Her mouth was open in a surprised-looking “O” shape, and inside was so much cum that her tongue and teeth were almost hidden. Carefully closing her jaw, Jake pushed her lips up into something resembling a smile, then wiped the last drops off the end of his cock with the inner lining of her dress. “You should at least pretend to look happy, ma’am,” he told her, placing her hat atop her head at a slightly jaunty angle. “Or next time, I may just go down your throat with it.”
It took a while to put everything back to rights, but it was a labor of love at this point. Jake re-dressed all the girls, moving dresses back into place and brushing off visible grass stains, replacing the pale girl’s buttplug as well as he could with her hole gaping from his entry and finally turning Jenny around and putting her hands back into the groom’s. The panties he kept, however, three pairs stolen from the four ladies. He admired the scene for another moment, thinking something was missing, then reached over and very slightly pulled down the bodice on Jenny’s dress. Just enough that her husband-to-be would be able to see her pert nipples between the cascading locks of her hair. “Perfect,” he said, returning to his seat at the back and starting time once again.
This was probably his best work ever, Jake decided as the ladies all desperately tried to keep all hell from breaking loose. It was so amusing that he wound the clock back a few times just to take it all in.
Immediately after saying “I do,” Jenny felt everything he’d done to her, from the touching to the groping to the licking and greedy fucking. She gasped, hands tightening on her groom’s, and let out a tiny squeak. Apparently it was a recognizable sound, because the groom’s face flushed when he heard it, and his eyes flicked down, noticing and lingering Jenny’s the exposed nipples.
The well-stacked maid of honor almost dropped the bouquet in surprise at the teasing she’d received and the strange sticky wet friction between her tits. Best of all, however, was the way she blushed and touched her fingers to her lips, as if she’d just been kissed by a ghost.
The goth girl’s eyes widened in shock as her asshole suddenly was stretched and snapped closed around her plug. She bit down on her hand hard to keep from making a sound that would certainly be very noticed by everyone present.
Everyone, that is, except the little sister. She too made a squeaking sound, but bit down on her lip to suppress it. Her hands shot to her stomach and her knees quivered as she experienced simultaneously what looked to be an intense orgasm and what she no doubt thought was the worst cramp of her life. Jake felt a little bad about that, but only a little.
As for the mother, that reaction Jake needed to see first-hand. He wound things back a final time and hid behind a tree with a better view, watching as the shocked woman hastily slapped a gloved hand over her mouth. Her cheeks puffed out a little and she looked around, worried that she would be seen apparently throwing up into her mouth at her daughter’s wedding. Finally, after a moment of composure, she swallowed, taking Jake’s load and removing the evidence, save for a drop that she wiped off her chin with a monogrammed handkerchief.
It was a while before Jake finished laughing at that one. Finally, returning to his seat at the back, he let the ceremony continue. There was one last gift to give the newlyweds.
The preacher waited a moment, noticing some of the fidgeting, and continued when he was sure everyone had settled down. “And do you, Brian…”
Jake waited again for the right moment, stopping time just after “I do”. “Alright, Bri, let’s make sure you remember that vow just as well,” he said, once more approaching the altar and the happy couple. He was amused to see that Jenny looked even happier now. Brian was happy too, from the looks of the bulge creeping down the leg of his pants.
Jake lifted Jenny’s dress to her waist in the front, once more exposing her pussy and that soft yellow hair. She was glistening from before, wet and ready. Turning to Brian, he reached down as well. “Excuse me,” he said, undoing the man’s pants and pulling them down. “You’ll thank me later.” Then he laid Jenny on her back on the grass, brought Brian down to his knees, and guided him into her.
Fucking a woman with another man’s cock was an exercise in logistics, but Jake soon found he could move Brian easily enough by holding his hips. It was awkward, but worth the effort. Still, it wasn’t long before he could tell that Jenny was loosening up from the lack of resistance, and he wasn’t sure how much coaxing Brian would need.
On the other hand, what Brian didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. Jake left Jenny in the grass and moved Brian behind the maid of honor, bending her over and pulling up her dress to guide him inside her. Once again angles were a problem. Spooning behind Brian and pulling at the girl’s hips worked, but felt really awkward and more than a little gay, but moving around to the other side Jake was able to get a good rhythm worked up by standing her up straight and reaching around to pull him back and forth instead. This had the added effect of shoving her breasts up against him and he had to dry-hump her pelvis to be able to reach properly, but that wasn’t so much a problem as a perk of the job. Jake dropped his pants and lifted the front of the dress as well, stroking himself against the soft pillow of her hips and the hair there, and soon found himself hard again.
It was easier to do with the goth girl after “Miss Tits” (as Jake had come to think of her) had widened up. He still pressed himself against her, holding his chest tight against her tits while he rubbed his shaft against her bald mound and pulling Brian into her from behind.
Finally, Jake considered the smaller girl. The same position wouldn’t work, but Jake was able to hold her in the air, legs spread, and pull her down onto Brian’s cock while her fingers wrapped around Jake’s shaft to keep it warm. He used her like a feather-light sex doll, stroking Brian with her tight and now very wet slit, but didn’t push down hard enough to stretch her out like he had himself.
After using all four of the girls Jake was pretty sure Brian would explode immediately, and lifted him to carry back to his bride. He started to kneel the man down between his near-future wife’s knees, but stopped for a moment, looking at her. “What the hell,” he said, “one more for the road.”
Kneeling in front of her, Jake pressed his cock down on the downy pillow of Jenny’s pubic hair. “You don’t mind me getting ready, do you hun?” he asked her as he started rubbing himself up and down against her. He held her hips and leaned down to suck her nipple while he pumped his hips against her. The sounds of shuffling fabric filled his ears, reminding him that this was a bride beneath him, about to be another man’s wife, and he felt himself grow even stiffer.
Angling a little, he rubbed the base of his shaft along her open pussy and across her clit. “Mm, that’s nice,” he said, leaning down to kiss her while he bucked against her. “I think that’ll-” he cut off his words, feeling the moment nearing, and pulled back to shove his cock up inside Jenny’s almost-married hole.
Brian was a little smaller than Jake, and had generously left him some tightness in his bride. Jake groaned, thrusting hard, holding Jenny’s ass and pulling himself deeper while he felt himself begin to explode inside her. “Fuck yes,” he moaned, pumping her over and over. “Take it baby, take it all!”
Jake’s load was even bigger than before, and he could see rivulets of cum along his cock and the edges of Jenny’s slit, pushed out by his furious thrusting. When he was sure there was no more, he pulled back, leaving the head of his dick inside her long enough to wrap his hand around the shaft and milk the last bit of the wedding present out into her. Then it was Brian’s turn.
Jake moved the groom down onto his bride, guiding his cock into her messy opening, and pushed down until they were joined at the hip. Then he stepped back out of their field of vision and pulled them both out of time with him.
“Do-ooooh fffuuuck!” Brian exclaimed, hips bucking hard against Jenny as he was suddenly balls-deep and cumming in her clenching, spasming pussy. “Ohgod Jenny,” he groaned.
Jenny’s arms and legs wrapped tight around him, both lovers forgetting where they had been and losing themselves in one another. “Fuck, Brian! Fuck me!” she cried, grinding up into him and trying to somehow pull him deeper.
It went on for several seconds before they both seemed to settle at once, panting. “Wow,” Jenny said softly, “that was…”
“Wait, where are we?”
Jake stopped time before either one of the lovers could panic. He separated them and righted their clothing, then positioned them hands-in-hands as they had been throughout the ceremony. He even covered Jenny’s nipples again, hiding them from any eyes other than her husband’s.
They both looked confused and excited when time started again, but neither bride nor groom raised a concern as the preacher continued. Jake was standing further back now, leaning against a tree across the path and watching from there, but it was clear that they felt like they had shared something special. It was equally clear that nobody had really noticed all three bridesmaids cumming again, each one squirming and silencing herself in some fashion.
It was a beautiful ceremony, and after the kiss, the dress was long enough that only Jake and Jenny realized that something was running down her leg while the happy couple walked back down the aisle together. And of the two of them, only Jake knew what it was.
Still, a truly beautiful ceremony. Everyone was happy, the couple had shared a supernatural vision of love, and the bridesmaids had gotten off. If that wasn’t making the world a better place, what was?

Shawna: Roma Revenge – Part II – The Viking and The Lawyer [FF, FFF, MF, mast]

It’s funny how people’s minds work. I read somewhere that since the world’s become so online-connected, we no longer file facts the way we used to. Instead we file search strings. Ways to find the information. Usually it’s a good policy; if I look something up online (and I’m clever enough to filter out bad data), I’m going to get the most accurate and up-to-date information possible. It’s much more reliable than “I heard somewhere” or “This book I read said”.
Unfortunately this method falls short when you’re trying to find information on someone who is off the grid. There were no hits online for Lyubitshka Tokar, no information in the phone directories, no news articles, nothing. Not even a “find your classmates” or “free family tree” advertisement. The woman (I assumed it was a woman’s name) was a complete null entity. I won’t even mention what I found when I searched “gender change curse”. There are some real weirdos out there.
After a couple hours of frustration, I decided to go blow off some steam. Usually for me that means a hard workout at the gym. Under the circumstances, I decided a little normality would be nice, so I packed a tee and some drawstring sweats, pulled my hair back with an elastic – not a cute girly one, but the kind you use for holding a poster rolled up – and headed out into the world.
Everything seemed just a little off, and it took me a few minutes to realize it was because I was shorter now. Doorways were larger, handles were higher, and before I could get my car out of the underground lot I had to do a lot of adjustments to the seat and mirrors. Still, I was soon on my way, cruising the sparsely-populated saturday morning streets to my local gym.
I used by little keyfob to beep in at the entrance and nodded to the girl behind the counter, then headed for the changeroom. It was getting toward midday, so the place wasn’t too terribly busy. I dropped my bag on a bench and reached for an empty locker when somebody shouted.
The other guy in the changeroom was reaching for a towel to wrap around his waist. I looked up just in time to see what he was hiding. Of course, it was nothing new to see a naked guy in the changeroom. You do your thing and don’t stare, that’s the rule. Then I remembered where I was.
“Oh shit!” I said. “I’m sorry, I thought this was the mens’- er, I mean womens’… uh, excuse me.”
I drabbed my bag and retreated out and across to the ladies’ changeroom. My heart was pounding and my cheeks were on fire. It was stupid, I knew it was, but still, I felt completely embarrassed to have seen that poor guy’s body, from his chiseled abs to his godlike glutes, including a brief side view of a cock as long and thick as mine had been yesterday…
And why was I picturing that? I shook my head. Just another naked guy, no big. I’d probably never see him again.
“Hey, are you okay?”
I looked over at the owner of this new voice. She looked about thirty, in great shape, and was wearing nothing but a pair of shorts and a concerned look. Her skin was glistening with the sweat of someone who has earned her washboard abs.
“What?” I asked, trying not to stare at her firm-looking breasts and nipples that were a little darker than mine. Not mine, Shawna’s. You know.
“You look like something’s wrong, did something happen out there? I can go get someone from staff if you need-”
“Oh god no,” I said, shaking my head. “My fault, totally. I walked into the wrong change room, and surprised some poor guy mid-change.”
She gasped and covered her mouth with her hand, a sudden motion that made one of her breasts bounce distractingly. “Omigod,” she said, “was he buff?”
I chuckled. “Well, yeah,” I admitted before I could stop myself.
“Wait, what did he look like?”
I thought for a moment and described him. It was easy, since apparently I’d filed a mental photograph of him for future embarrassment, as is the way with upsetting memories. “Uh… tall, with short kinda dark blonde hair, some stubble, sorta almost pointy jaw and chin, blue eyes…”
“Holy crap, I know him. Well, not know, but that’s the Viking I keep seeing.”
“Yeah, I figure he’s probably from Norway or something. What did you see?”
I felt myself blush again. “Well…”
She stepped closer. “Come on, dish. Is he… you know, big?”
I grinned at her eagerness. “Like a baby’s arm,” I said.
We both got a good laugh out of that. It was weird, partly because she was mostly naked and partly because I’d never been friendly with strangers in change rooms before, but it felt comfortable enough so I went with it for now.
“So,” I said, “do you have secret racist names for everyone who comes here?”
“Just the regulars. I’m Katlyn, by the way. Call me Kat if you like.”
“Shawn,” I replied, sticking out my hand.
“Um, I mean Shawna. Sorry, my brain’s a little weird today.”
Kat nodded as she shook my hand, which suddenly felt even weirder than the half-naked chatting. “I know the feeling. You’re new here, aren’t you?”
“Not exactly, but I’m changing up some things in my life,” I said, lying with practiced ease. “My cousin goes to this gym, and I just moved in to watch his place, so I thought I’d come here.”
“Oh? What’s he look like?”
I described myself as I knew me for most of my life. She thought for a moment. “Maybe… hey Di, come over here!”
Another woman, this one with black curled hair and biceps that would make a superhero jealous, strutted over. Her skin was olive-colored and dripping wet; she was patting herself dry with a towel, evidently fresh from the shower, and she was gloriously nude. “Yeah?”
“You know that guy who comes here in the mornings? Kinda tall, chiseled jaw-”
“The Viking?”
“No, the darker-haired one.” She repeated my description of myself.
“Oh, the Lawyer.”
I coughed. “The what?”
“Yeah, that’s it,” Kat said, grinning. “I knew we had one for him. Diana, this is Shawna, the cousin-of-the-lawyer.”
Diana smiled. “Nice to meet you, Shawna. Remind me to get your cousin’s number sometime, he looks like he could go eight or nine rounds.”
This time I blushed for entirely different reasons. Kat laughed. “I can’t get a bead on you, Shawna,” she said. “You’re confident one second, shy the next. Give me your phone.”
“Hand me your cellphone, please.”
I did as she asked and watched her take a selfie and put her details into my contacts. “There,” she said, handing it back to me. “Give me a call, we’ll do lunch. I need to figure you out.”
We exchanged our goodbyes and they both left, Katlyn to shower off and Diana to get dressed. I couldn’t help but watch Kat as she went, staring at her ass while she slipped the shorts off mid-stride.
“Yeah, it’s pretty great,” Diana said, scaring the crap out of me. I whirled and faced her, since apparently she hadn’t gone very far. She had put on her bra and panties and was in the middle of applying a stick deodorant to herself. “Don’t worry,” she said. “I won’t tell her you were staring. I will tell you that she’s single, though.”
“Uh… thanks,” I said, turning around and focusing very hard on the task of finding a locker and changing into my gym clothes.

Jake Part XX – Divergence [MF NC reluc timestop oral]

My name is Carol Dane. Well, not really. It’s just an alias I chose for all this Traveling, and I intend to ask my parents not to name me that before I go. Anyway, for now, you can call me Carol.

I’m a Time Traveler.

More specifically, I’m a second-generation timebender. That’s what we eventually started calling ourselves. My parents and I are the only ones we know of, although we check in with my half-brother from time to time just to be sure. And a couple other “accidental” relations. Dad gets around a little bit.

We’re pretty sure none of them will develop the power. Not the way that I did. Dad developed it on his own, at least in my original timeline; I’ve sort of muddied those waters. He created a “Magic Remote” with his mind, totally by accident, and it awakened the power to stop and control time in him. My mother, who is also his daughter, developed the same abilities after she started using the remote. But I never once touched the thing, and when I hit puberty, I accidentally froze the world during gym class. To my credit, that dodge-ball was coming right for my face.

Shawna: Roma Revenge – Part I – The Metamorphosis [nc, MF, mast]

My name is Shawna. At least, according to my license it is. I used to be Shawn Milner, a relatively successful businessman with a bit of a drinking habit. I had lived as Shawn for twenty-seven very satisfied years, taking what I wanted from life and giving it my charming company in return. Even when that company was unwanted.
I was handsome, bold, strong… I really had it all. Not that I didn’t work hard at some of it; it takes more than wishful thinking and good genes to earn a square chest and a six-pack. But the art of communication, the gift of manipulating people? That came naturally to me, and I had no problem reaping its benefits.
I still remember the party that changed my life. It was a business function, after-hours drinking in the office. I suggested to Maria, one of our younger interns, that she should stick by me for the evening. Didn’t really give her a choice, to be honest. A strong personality can be like that.
Maria was smoking hot. She reminded me of that slutty-looking girl in that Disney movie, the one with the hunchback, but with more clothes on. I’d set my sights on her, but she was playing hard to get, acting like she just wanted to be friends. I’d have been fine with that, except that I wanted a piece of her. So I spent the party nursing one drink in a red plastic cup while making sure she had considerably more than that. Granted, there’s nothing wrong with fetching a lady a drink when she’s thirsty. Not at all.
Crushing up a few allergy pills into the drink, on the other hand, is more of a gray area.
At the time I didn’t see anything wrong with what I was doing. Or at least I didn’t let myself see. I justified what I was doing, telling myself that she was obviously drinking like a fish, and she’d get wasted eventually, so there was nothing too bad about giving her a little nudge in the right direction. And besides, there was like a fifty-fifty chance that she’d wake up, remember nothing, and thank me for taking care of her. So I felt no guilt – consciously, at least – when I dragged her down to the parking lot and into my car. And I felt even less guilt when I pulled the car over, leaned back her seat, pushed up her skirt and shoved myself inside of her.
The really hilarious thing is, it wasn’t even that good. I barely lasted a minute, pumping into her at an awkward angle, and I came before I was ready to. I had planned to shoot it over her chest or face or something, but instead I exploded mid-thrust inside her. That was probably my real mistake.
I took her home and laid her on my couch, then went up to bed. The next morning, she was gone, and I had a hangover so bad I wasn’t even sure what had happened wasn’t some weird dream. It couldn’t be, though, because I found Maria’s panties in the pocket of my slacks when I went to toss them in the laundry bin.
Maria didn’t show up to work the next week, but nobody said anything to me. I was starting to think that I’d gotten away with my little indiscretion and had pretty much put it out of my mind by Friday night.
Saturday morning proved how hasty that had been.

Jake’s Magic Remote Part XIX – Tempered in Fire [MF inc timestop anal oral preg]

Carol held her coffee as though it was the elixir of life. It very well looked like it was, too; in the cafe’s more direct light, Jake could make out dark circles under her eyes that hadn’t been there before.
“Are you alright?” Jake asked. “You look…”
“…like hell,” Petra offered.
Carol gave that crooked smile again. Something about it was really familiar. “I’ll be fine. It’s just… really exhausting getting here.”
Jake shook his head. “I don’t get it. Getting here? From where? And why?”
Carol chuckled. “You know, my father told me you’d ask that. He said you’d be… ‘methodically and relentlessly inquisitive’. I guess he would know.”
“Would he? Do I know him?” Jake was starting to dislike the number of things about this situation he didn’t know.
Carol sipped her coffee again. How she stomached it black and extra-strong like that was beyond him. “You will,” she said. “Pretty intimately.”
Jake frowned. “Carol. This is beyond frustrating. I think you owe us an explanation. So let’s start with who you are, and who your father is, or else Petra and I will just have to leave you to it.”
“Jeez,” Carol said, sighing. “That brings back memories. You haven’t used that tone since I was nine, Dad.”
Jake wasn’t quite sure how to respond to that. Fortunately, Petra was. “Bullshit,” she said bluntly. “He’d have been a kid when you were born.”
Carol smiled at Petra. “That’s true, Mom. Or it would be, for any other family.”
Jake opened his mouth to protest, but found he couldn’t speak. He stared across the table at Carol as she took another sip of her coffee with those soft-looking lips… lips that curved the same way as his daughter’s. There was a mixture of relief, fatigue, and love in her eyes, and those eyes looked familiar because he’d seen them in the mirror thousands of times before. “Holy crap,” he finally said.
“Holy fucking shit of God,” Petra replied. “How… well, I know how… when??”
Carol smiled. “Soon, actually,” she said. “I’m younger than I was when we first met, so some things have changed. Which is good, because you both told me that you wished you’d found the family talent a few years sooner. Before what happened with Sarah.”
Petra leaned forward. “Family talent? You mean I can stop-” she lowered her voice. “I can stop things too?”
“Not as well as Dad,” Carol replied. “You always carried the remote to help. But yes.”
“So the remote,” Jake broke in, “You planted it?”
“Yeah… sorry about that. You’d have found it in a few years, anyway. Or rather, sort of accidentally made it. Subconsciously. I don’t really know how it worked. But it just focused a power you already had. One that you both have. I think it’s a recessive gene or something.”
Jake raised a brow. “So then you…”
“Have two copies, yes. I learned to bend time from a very young age. But by then, Sarah was already… well, let’s just say that she took the news about you two really badly. Oh, and she’s been cheating on you.”
“That seems far-fetched. She practically hates sex.”
“No,” Carol said, “she hates losing control. Think about it. She used sex to control you when you were younger, used it to make you fall in love, to make you marry her… can you name one major life choice that didn’t start with her jumping on you and then making the decision for you?”
Jake thought about it. As much as he hated to admit it, Carol was right. The wedding, the pregnancy, the house, his job… every time something important was to be done, Sarah slept with him. The only exceptions were lately when he’d used the remote to influence her.
“Okay, so she’s a bitch,” Jake said, leaning back. “I knew that. It’s not an ideal basis for marriage. But that doesn’t mean she’s cheating on me.”
“Actually,” Petra said sheepishly, “she has been. I was going to… I don’t know what I was going to do, actually. But I followed her when she went out with- holy shit wait I know you!” She pointed at Carol. “You’re Cheryl! That girl from mom’s work!”
Carol shrugged. “Yeah. I may have been keeping an eye on things.”
“You introduced her to Jerome!”
“Who the hell is Jerome?” Jake asked.
“This is Jerome!” Petra shoved her phone under Jake’s nose.
Jake took the phone and stared at it. On the screen was a series of images of his wife with a black guy who he’d never met before. She looked to be eagerly kissing, sucking, and fucking him. “Hang on a minute, how did you get these? And how did ‘Cheryl’ get involved?”
Carol sighed. “Look, I’m only doing what you yourself told me should be done. You said ‘If only it’d all happened sooner, and if only the Jerome thing hadn’t gone on so long’ so I fixed it.”
“You fixed it.”
“Well… almost. I mean if it was fixed I’d leave you alone. But it’s not, yet. I went home and things are still pretty fucked up.”
“And the pictures?”
“Well,” Petra said sheepishly, “I have a bit of a confession to make there.”
Jake frowned and stared at his daughter. She looked more than a little guilty.
“Well, you see, I sort of followed her, and- well, here.” She fished the remote – his remote – out of a pocket and handed it over.
Jake felt angry and disappointed at the same time. “Petra, this… you can’t just steal a thing like this without asking. What else did you do?”
“Well… there was this thing with Jeremy.”
“What ‘thing’?”
“This thing where he found out about us and tried to blackmail me into fucking him.”
Jake blanched. “Why didn’t you tell me about that?”
“Because I handled it. He hasn’t so much as looked at me since.”
“What did you do?”
“I… tricked him… intofucking his mother.”
Jake coughed on a sudden urge to laugh. “What?!”
“Yeah… she thought it was her husband and he thought it was me, and then I wiped the pictures off his drive.”
Jake chuckled. “That’s brilliant. I shudder to think how that little family discussion went.”
“So… not mad?”
Jake leaned over and kissed his daughter. His younger daughter. Or rather his physically younger… this was confusing. “I can’t stay mad at you, Pet,” he said. “And clearly you’re responsible with it. Just… you should have talked to me. About this, about Jeremy, and about your mother.”
Jake suddenly became aware of Carol smiling across the table at them. “I’m sorry,” she said, “it’s just that seeing you two like this… it’s pretty different for me. Where I’m from, you’re both older. Still very much in love, but this is just sweet.”
Jake smiled back. “That’s good to hear, I guess. So, then.. what is it you want to accomplish here?”
Carol finished her coffee, waved to the barista for another, and started to explain.