
The air was filled with noise and smoke, 10,000 feet stomping into the mud, cheers and shouts deafened by the sound of drums and guitars, the atmosphere at the festival was intoxicating, a seperate world free from conventional troubles and woes, all that mattered was the music and the search for good feelings. People were abound with drinks and smoke, no one cared what each other was doing, too fixated on the pounding music, the lights, and their own primal urges.

A sea of people formed a crowd against the stage, leaving barely enough room to stand, the roar of the crowd singing along to the Red Hot Chilli Peppers was overwhelming but that’s when the trance was broken for him. He felt his face hit with a long wisp of hair, the girl just infront of him, jumping and dancing, her blonde hair covered in colours and ribbons, an eye catching display, it danced with her every move. She wore a tight top held up with faith alone, he looked down and saw her legs wrapped in fishnets, ending with a short skirt that spun and rose up with every jump.

Categorized as Erotica

Cucking my little brother

My little brother and his gf have been trying to have a child now for a few years, I’ve sat there and watched at family parties, BBQ’s, and dinners all the false hope my brother is giving that poor sweet sexy woman, the glimmer in her eye when they think they’ve got there…and the disappoint when they realise he failed again.

We’ve always been close her and I, exchanging glances, moving past each other closer than we should in the hallway. I hate seeing someone who has such a beautiful breedable body like hers go to waste. She’s caught me staring a few times, at her cleavage bounce as she walks, the way her tongue dances in her mouth, the tightness of her trousers when she bends over. I’m always met with a coy smile, sometimes a shake or a wink. She’s ran her hand over my bulge a few times, we meet with glistening eyes and sharp breaths.

My little brother is a failure, always has been. She doesn’t deserve it, and he doesn’t deserve her. One day our family are gathered at our parents house, it’s a hot summers day, everyone is in the garden enjoying food and cold drinks, I’m desperate to get close to her, my body and my seed yearns for her soft warm embrace.

Categorized as Erotica