My [M 24] Night At The Club

She scooted closer to me in the back of the taxi and we started making out. She started to get a little handsy, her fingers tracing down my shirt and gently, glancing over my crotch before going down my leg a little and returning to a slightly engorged bulge.

I ran my hand over her until I reached the bottom of her short dress and copying her I was about to slide up her leg and tease her when she slapped my hand and moved it away, smirking at me, enjoying how worked up she had me. She then looked down and back at me, I watched as she slid two fingers up her leg, under her dress, made a short slow circular motion and moaned a little, giggling as she looked me in the eye.

Her fingers traced up her body as she worked it, never breaking her gaze with me, until she reached her lips, slowly lifting her chin and sucking her finger. Her playful message was clear, I’d be neglectfully teased to the point of eruption if I touched her but she was free to touch and tease as she pleased. I loved it.

My [M 24] Night At The Club

First time sharing, so go easy on me;)

I was studying abroad in East Asia over summer vacation a few years ago. Some friends and I decided to go out over the weekend and have a good time.

We went from club to club until we found one at about 1:30 that was popping. Everyone got really into it and we got separated. I was really feeling myself, still drunk enough to feel like I could do anything but coming down enough to really enjoy the scene. I ended up across the club, dancing with a group of girls and having a great time.

One of the group caught my attention. She was wearing this tight little traditional dress that ended a finger length past her waist. Her hair and make up were impeccable, her figure was stunning, and she knew just how to work it to the beat. She clearly knew the effect she had and was enjoying the attention she got. It was obvious she was feeling herself as much as I was.