That Time I Died and Ended Up in an Afterlife Full of Horny Fantasy Women: Chapter 4

If one were to look at the Faerie Arts Academy from a bird’s eye view, most would immediately recognize the shape. A pentagram. Stone brick walkways made up each of the mystical shape’s lines, including the circling border. Most of the campus’ buildings were inside the central star or alongside the roads. Each of the five triangles were known as the “Spears” and contained all the classrooms and teaching areas, the gaps between the star and the outer circular border were called “Sheilds”; these were where the dormitories were located for the students, and they were surrounded by large and beautiful parks and gardens.

The pentagon shape in the center of the star was the “Core” and it was where many of the administrative or common buildings were. It was in one such building that I now stood. I had decided that the best option for earning experience would be to kill two birds with one stone.

Money wasn’t easy to come by in the academy, everyone got weekly allowances based on their performances during the past seven days. But unless you were the perfect student, these were tiny sums that only allowed for the basic necessities. If a student wanted more money, they’d need to do something extra on their own time.

That Time I Died and Ended Up in an Afterlife Full of Horny Fantasy Women: Chapter 3

“I… I want to feel your boobs,” I said.

“Silly, you’re feeling them right now, and even groped them,” Naomi giggled.

“I didn’t say I wanted to feel them with my hands,” I replied sharply.

“Oh my,” suddenly I felt a fantastically smooth sensation on my penis. Was that her hand? Wait, was I naked? Had I been naked this whole time!? “Could it be? One of the students I’m charged to take care of wants to use my breasts as his personal toys? How scandalous…” she giggled.

“Please Nurse Naomi, it is for my own mental well-being!” I boldly declared.

She gave my member a few gentle strokes, teasing it with her dainty hand, “I suppose it can’t be helped, it’s my duty as the nurse to ensure the health of the students in my care. I’ll need to spoil you rotten.”

She gently eased herself out from under me and I sat up in the medical ward’s bed. I was immediately struck by my surroundings; it wasn’t at all like any doctor’s office I’d ever seen before. Not only did it share the same ornate floral and sweeping patterns as the rest of the walls of the academy, but the beds were also spacious twin-size canopy beds with privacy curtains around the frames.

That Time I Died and Ended Up in an Afterlife Full of Horny Fantasy Women: Chapter 2


That was the first sensation I felt. Amazing softness all round my head. I tried to open my eyes, but something was on the top part of my face preventing me from doing so.

“Uh,” I vocalized hoarsely.

“Oh my, you’re awake Murasaki,” someone replied, her voice was feminine and almost motherly. It was very close and just above me. Wait a second. Extreme softness everywhere, both the sensation on my face and the one on the back of my head had a distinctive curve to it. Two curves, actually, with a dip between them. The curves on the back of my head were firmer, but still very soft, and the curves on my face were impossibly soft.

Could it be?

“Where am I?” I asked, even though I was almost certain that I was in the legendary and highly coveted lap pillow, that still wasn’t very specific.

I felt a hand on my cheek, an amazingly smooth and delicate hand, “You’re in the medical ward. Morgana put quite the nasty death curse on you.”

Death curse!? “Am I gonna die?” Wait, I already died. What would happen to me if I died in the afterlife? I really didn’t want to think about that.

That Time I Died and Ended Up in an Afterlife Full of Horny Fantasy Women: Chapter 1

Here I was in a beautiful classroom with a high-vaulted ceiling and numerous ornate carvings in the wood. I was seated at a comfortable and large desk with a magic pen that never ran out of ink and a mystical notebook that I could lock so that nobody but me could open it. There was no need for a backpack because I had an extradimensional pocket that I could store things in and retrieve with a thought. I was surrounded by a veritable ocean of women with a variety of both mundane and exotic appearances, but all sharing the common traits of being absolutely gorgeous and either amazingly busty or perfectly flat as a board.

They were in uniform, as this was one of those kinds of academies, but the outfits seemed like they were designed by someone like me. Probably the least objectionable piece of these eutopic uniforms was the belt worn around their waist which made the white blazers with gold trim and milky pink blouses more form fitting. These latter two items, by the way, were tailored specifically to show off cleavage with a criminally low neckline that often went below the breasts.