My first attempt at erotica

Trigger Warning: non-consensual sex

A drop of water clung to the skin stretched taut on her spine. As she stood up, a few other drops from her hair combined into a transient stream that ran down her back.

The stationary drop from earlier joined them on the journey towards her bottom, navigating the curves.
They finally pooled on the rug below her feet for a split second before they disappeared into the patterned texture.

She felt a warm chill rise through her spine. Her nipples hardened instantly. And then relaxed slightly to a rigidity that would last longer.

Shivering, she reached for a towel to dry her hair. The shiver spread to her stomach.

And lower.

Her breasts wobbled slightly as gravity took over. Her arms had grabbed onto the piece of cloth. Her frame straightened to regain balance. As she towelled her hair, the cloth brushed her scalp occasionally, through the growing tangle of thick, matted hair. She then ran the towel once over each of her arms, traversed her stomach upwards to her breasts. Then she unclenched her fists and let the full length of the towel fall, one end still scrunched up lightly under her chest.