(MF) Taken By A Savage (pt. 2

Susana stood fearfully in the door way. Unable to move no matter how hard she tried. Trying to reason with her own body, but finding it all useless.

Just having to stare ahead at the man that just ravaged her mother, come closer and closer to her. Naked and still as erect as ever.

She couldn’t think anymore. This ‘Savage’… this supposedly less than human being had laid siege to everything she’d ever known and cared about.

Her farm, her father, and now her mother, all ruined by this man. And now, the dim reality dawned all too quickly, that she was the last to go.

“N- no…please” she could only manage to chirp out through gritted teeth as tears fell down her cheeks and her body felt waves of heat and yet cold chills.

The man tall and uncaring at the pathetic display took hold of her by the throat. Clasping hard as she immediately fainted and her legs gave out beneath her. Being touched by the enemy overloading her senses.

“Wake girl!” He demanded in choppy English. Taking her and tossing her onto her bed. Her mind quickly coming back to her senses, and immediately became kicking and screaming.

(MFF) Taken by a savage (pt. 1)

It was like a nightmare, Only all too real. And no matter how Susana tried to cover her eyes or clasp her ears, she heard it all to clear. Felt the galloping of horses outside her log cabin. The hollowing and battle cries of those people that inhabited this new western frontier.

“Indians! Filthy savages!” She could hear her fathers voice echo in her mind. Recalling how he’d curse them every night. Always clutching a gun to fend off his animals. Always muttering about how he’d wipe them off the face of the earth.

Susanna wished it was true, but now this night proved otherwise.
Her father had not come home that day after Persuing the natives with other men in her small town.

None came back. And now she could only cower and weep under her bed as every home was sacked, and raided.
She listened as cries of neighbors were ring out. She dared not peek out her window.


She heard what was unmistakably the sound of her front door being broken down. Tears flowed down her pale cheeks and she bit her sleeve to muffle her cries.

Categorized as Erotica

(MF) Taken by an Indian

“No please….no” Anna cried gently and defeated while on knees and chest upon that carpet of animal furs, to which she desperately cling onto. Clutching until her hands were sore and reddening.

But no matter what she said, or how hard she kicked and hit, nothing changed her fate as her dress was shredded apiece by piece. Thrown aside after being cut.

She felt as the man tore away her covering, and left her bare upon his dwelling floor. Big rough hands making no waste of time as they grabbed her ass and soon we’re feeling every inch of her exposed back.

Caressing and knowing her curves and back muscles. Anna wept into the furs as a ‘savage’ was taking her like a whore. “White woman” he spoke excited under his breath as he began reaching beneath her and finding the ample chest of a pale woman.

He had captured her, and she could only lay beneath him and feel a savages cock head pierce her virgin folds. Listening as he grunted wildly and pinning her down. Clutching her chest carelessly and forcing himself further and further. Every inch drawing out her cries. A reward in and of itself. Until at last his bslls hit her entrance.

Categorized as Erotica