
“I do”


The culmination of thousands of moments, coursing and rushing through time as they make their way towards this very moment. The very last stop for both streams of life as they are no longer solitary travelers on their own tracks through adulthood.


“I do”


Sweet acceptance, devotion. From now on, the two become one. The worries of cold feet and bashful escape no longer existent. To both, this one point in time is so short, yet the longest they have ever felt. Time stands still yet passes in the blink of the eye.


“You may now kiss the bride.”


The invitation to cherish the tender lips of hers and his. No longer on their own, this union both physical and spiritual. Uplifting, fulfilling. The moment so surreal. The cheers from friends and family, are but a dull wash compared to the radiance of her eyes. The normally strong jawed, rugged manliness he always displays, is now nowhere to be seen. Him, always so concerned of how others see him, now far too engrossed in her entirety this fateful night to maintain his composure. His tearful puppy dog eyes, his quivering lips. He stands there in shock, having just realized this gorgeous angel, this divine inspiration has chosen HIM. The feeling of hopelessness before her beauty, yet he feels more strength than ever before. He takes this to mean no amount of strength can ever match up to her beauty, but she assures him that he is perfect right here in this moment.

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