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Anyone else here struggle with guilt over sex/masturbation? I was raised super religious (Catholic) and struggled with guilt for years. Going to Catholic school through high school didn’t help with the guilt complex. I eventually got better, but it took a while. Growing up, it kept getting drilled in that my job was to “save myself” and not have sex until marriage. Sex was supposed to be saved for my future husband and also it was SuPeR iMpOrTaNt that I knew that my body was made for making babies. I bought into the religious story, didn’t really realize I was missing anything. Then I discovered masturbation – I thought it was a fine way to enjoy myself while still saving myself for marriage. Until I accidentally left a porn story up on the family computer and my mother found it. I got in so much trouble, and was told in no uncertain terms how wrong it was to touch myself – that God was watching, and didn’t I want to save myself for my future husband. I cried myself to sleep. I couldn’t see anything wrong with something that hurt no one and brought pleasure to myself. But it was apparently a major sin.