Maddie Chapter 1

(This is my first Erotic Book, So please bare with me)

I was out on my porch looking at my phone, watching the traffic go by. It was 5:30, I knew she would be by anytime now on her way home from soccer practice. Just as I was checking the time again I heard the familiar sound of a bike quietly whirling down the sidewalk. I peered up to watch her on her voyage home, which happened to be right next to my house. Maddie smiled as she rode past my porch and gave me a quick little wave. I waved back and watched her ride into her driveway.
Short denim shorts, concealing her tight little butt leading down to her white legs in blue sneakers. A red t-shirt with a bear on the front of it, that would ride up past the small of her back with every turn of the pedals, revealing just a sneak peak of bright pink underwear. Smooth brown hair in a ponytail bouncing up and down at every bump in the sidewalk.
She leaned her bicycle against the garage and headed inside, with a cute little perky bounce in her step. I couldn’t help but fantasize about her little perky breasts and her skinny little body being sweaty all over. All I could think about was ripping her tight little jean shorts off and getting a peek inside those pink little panties. I noticed a large bulge forming in my pants.

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