A New Friend (Lesbian) (Public)

There has got to be a good movie in here somewhere, I can’t believe they don’t sell a bigger selection. Let me check this one “Gatestar”… never heard of it. “Three aliens travel to other planets, through a device using solar technology”. The hell is this, sound like a stupid plot… but, it’s better than nothing. Focused on the DVD, I fail to see the girl next to me and as I turn, I bump into her. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you”. She looks about my age. She is wearing a black hoodie, ripped jeans, and a blue beanie. She looks at me “Don’t sweat it. I do it all the time”. I giggle a little. She notices the DVD I’m holding “Gatestar, you don’t look like a sci-fi girl. Wait till you get to the end… Name’s Chloe by the way”. “Jennifer”. She holds out her hand, eager to shake mine and I, with a little hesitation, shake her hand “Nice to meet you Jennifer”. “You too”, I reply. Out of the blue she grabs my arm and drags me to the clothing section. “Wha… What are you doing?”, I manage to ask in the rush. “C’mon, Be a little adventurous”. “I don’t do adventures”. “I think you will like this then”. She stops for a second and looks around, before dragging me into the nearest changing room. Before I can react she kisses me on the lips, in a state of panic I don’t resist and I am suddenly overcome by this feeling, I don’t know what it is, but I start kissing her back. It feels like an eternity, her right hand hugging my lower back, while her left hand is gently holding my head in place. She suddenly pulls away and takes off her jacket and t-shirt. She looks at me, with a lustful look. “Your turn”. I stand still, overwhelmed by her directness. But, something in me suddenly takes over. I pull off my jacket and shirt… She gestures me to come closer. I, lost to temptation, follow her suggestion and approach her.