My last night as a single man

Looking for a woman to write me a fiction from their point of view about my last night as a bachelor. Criteria as follows

I’m going on my bachelor party this weekend and I’m searching for a short term pen pal to help me play out the fantasy of my last night as a single man. I’d like to correspond with a woman who has more sexual experience and/or is older than myself. I am between the ages of 23-27. I am 6’2 245 llbs. I have had 10 sexual partners whom I’ve all considered to be much more attractive than myself. I’ve always been an over achiever.

Full disclosure I am trying this as a way to reconcile having one sexual partner for the rest of my life, I feel no urge to go out and seek a physical relationship outside of my current one. I just want to live out a fantasy through texts and possibly photos that I’ve been playing out in my head for the weeks leading up to my bachelor party.

The rest is for you to fill in the blanks your way…