Mid-Meeting Entertainment (MF)

Today’s business meeting was one for the ages. Since I finally curated the super-powers I wanted recently, I hopped on SuperBang and met someone who also had powers. Wendy. It turns out she works in the office too. We hardly cross paths because we work in different departments but today there was a meeting for folks who were in consideration for roles in management and we were both in attendance. It was perfect.

Talking to Wendy on the app started out tame. There was all the typical get to know you stuff and then we began talking about powers. She’s got a couple, but the one that stood out to me was her super-sensitivity. Once we realized we worked together she suggested I try my powers on her next time I see her.

Not two days later did I spot her riding the elevator when it stopped on my floor. She looked insanely hot with all her cleavage on display in a button-up shirt that should’ve been buttoned higher but physically wouldnt have been able to contain her breasts then.