Wanna fall in love?

Your back pressed firm…. ….upon the wall….. …………………me…. Pressed firm upon you, as I take your sacred hands into my own.. The warmth across the…. ……………………………..nape of your slender neck….. ……….as I whisper "I love you… ……………………………………….I love you… …………………………………………………….I love you" Fluidly down your ear canal, where there is a sudden burst of pheromones deep… ……..inside…… ………….your…… …..brain….. And, slowly as these toxic scents waft up my nose, my lips land with utmost urgency atop yours… A lovers… …………first….. ………………embrace….. …………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………. ………………………………………… ……………………………. …………………. ……….. …………….. And…. ….as ou.r… ………l.i.p.s…. part, I place delicately that gentle hand on my crotch.. "Damn baby girl…. I love the way you make my…… ………………………………………d… ……………………………………..i….. ……………………………………c…… …………………………………..k……. ……………………………Hang"

Intricate B

My page.. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Poet-Intricate-B/152062208329721

Categorized as Erotica