Story – Relationship with my son (Son’s Version).

This time I will tell a story about my mother, to maintain the privacy of my family I will only use the names associated with the shared family bond, for example, in the case of referring to my mother I will simply call her mother or mom. My mother is a very beautiful woman with white skin, beautiful eyes, has the most sensual breasts that my eyes have seen and accompanied by a very well pronounced hips and buttocks, she professionally studied medicine and today continues to practice as a doctor in the hospital of the city, my relationship with her began to make incestuous and let’s say step to the next level when I was 19 years old just turned. This whole situation was escalating and increasing the level since I was a teenager and in this story I plan to explain as descriptively as possible everything that happened.

Story of my twins

Story of my Twins

Several years ago I found a job at a local company. I was working there for about 4 years. At that place I met the person who would later become my partner. At first we hated each other, she saw me as her enemy, I never understood why. But with time and the way things happen. We were talking and sharing, it should be noted that I am a kind person and I like my job so I seek to help others. So in the first three years we built a serious relationship of friendship. Well after those three years and so much sharing back and forth, we started dating as a couple. We started dating as a couple and everything went very well the first few months, she is a woman 13 years older than me, so you understand she is a very sexy milf, somewhat plump, but with new curves and good face, as I say it was three years of friendship and then three years of relationship. In total 6 years. So going back to the story, the first months were uff, she could have sex with me as much as we wanted and as many times as we wanted, I finished her inside, on her tits and in her mouth. It was all something beautiful and a super feeling of being able to do it with a lot of freedom. The only detail was that because of the age difference she felt insecure about making it formal with her parents and all that. So she told her family that we were just friends and I think that partly contributed to what happened later.
You see one day we went to the in-laws and I didn’t know she was a twin. She had 4 brothers plus two more females and two more males, but one more sister who was her twin and the first time I saw her I still remember my head spinning it was a strange thing because physically identical yes. But inside another totally different being. Then we met and the first few times we shared the most normal with all of them. Trips, meals, visits and so on, even though my ex would tell his family that we were just friends. I always felt that his family already knew everything.

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Story – Relationship with my son (Son’s Version).

Story – Relationship with my son (Son’s Version).

This time I will tell a story about my mother, to maintain the privacy of my family I will only use the names associated with the shared family bond, for example, in the case of referring to my mother I will simply call her mother or mom. My mother is a very beautiful woman with white skin, beautiful eyes, has the most sensual breasts that my eyes have seen and accompanied by a very well pronounced hips and buttocks, she professionally studied medicine and today continues to practice as a doctor in the hospital of the city, my relationship with her began to make incestuous and let’s say step to the next level when I was 19 years old just turned. This whole situation was escalating and increasing the level since I was a teenager and in this story I plan to explain as descriptively as possible everything that happened.

[M28 F41] My aunt – The woman of my fantasies

My Aunt – The woman of my fantasies
My story begins on a cold and rainy night, with fog and lights of some skyscrapers. I was leaving work and I took a cab. It was around 8 pm approximately. I had been lonely for months, since I had broken up with my last partner (a beautiful woman, with a perfect smile, nice body, red hair), almost the perfect woman but due to my schedule and maybe the immaturity of the moment. One day I got evidence and traces that installed in my head a strange sensation.
Which I confirmed by having installed cameras at home, one of those spy cameras models that are currently very fashionable. My apartment was very small and had only two rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and the laundry area. I bought two of these spy cameras and installed them in certain strategic places of the house (with the purpose of recording and covering the largest possible area of the structure). My girl was almost perfect as I mentioned, on several nights while I was working I kept hope on my hunch, however, to my misfortune one day I confirmed it, she was having a relationship with one of my neighbors. That hurt my soul, and I spent many days full of pain, depression and anguish, also with that strange feeling of being sleeping with the enemy. I think many people here have experienced it. Anyway, to make a long story short, my relationship ended, and my neighbor caused me such a feeling of pulsation that I ended up moving out of there. My budget was very tight, since my ex kept our dog and some expensive and important items for me. My money was little, while I was recovering I needed a place to stay and to hit rock bottom after the breakup I got sick, due to my physical exhaustion and the bad feelings harvested by the past experience, so I had to ask for help from a relative. I am currently 28 years old, I studied law at a university of average reputation but still nationally recognized, I had to call my parents. Being in a company for 3 years, a humble firm founded by two lawyers who worked for two important companies in this country when they were young.
Anyway, the call with my parents, I told them that night what happened and by their voices they sounded worried, of course they did not want anything bad to happen to me. Then I started to stay for a few days in a hotel, my routine was to go to work and return to the hotel (a sleazy hotel where you could smell the lack of cleanliness in the rest of the rooms), it was the best fit
for my tight wallet. On the third day it was almost 6 pm I remember, I was in the office and I received a call from my father and he said to me: “Well son, I know you are alone in the office:
Well son, I know you are alone in that city, but look I talked to one of my younger sisters with whom I had not spoken for years, we do not have much contact because I left home young to find a better life as you know and she was born when I was already gone, we have a difference of almost 13 years, but still I explained everything we talked about in the previous call. And look she lives there in that city, but a little further away from where you work. I’ll write down her number in a text, I’ve already talked to her and she is aware of your situation, as she is family she will support you temporarily, you should call her.
That same night I decided to call her and a soft-spoken woman answered me, she was about 41 or 40 years old. I explained everything to her, I am Thomas, your brother Jonatan’s son, she answered yes, nephew, of course.
I know about your situation and I don’t think it’s right that having family here you should be alone. Come to my house it is big and you can stay as long as you need here, while you catch up. I felt weird saying this, but I said it anyway, thank you Aunt.
The next day I went to work with my bags packed (it was just a few clothes and some tools), after finishing the schedule I went to take a cab and arrived at the address my new aunt had given me. I arrived and rang the doorbell, the first time no one answered, I rang a second time and heard a moment and then like a stumble or a knock and they opened the door. It was a tall woman of 1 meter with 78 cm approximately very large breasts and curves already worn by the years, but in shape, in her face very marked lips and a very well kept skin, she hugged me and I felt all her tits on my chest, I could not avoid the feeling that my member stood up and placed erect and hard, also thick as a warship. I advance that nothing happened that night, but still continued, she lived alone there along with two college girls who rented the lower part of the house, her previous husband had died a few years ago and fertility problems had no children, or at least that’s what they told me, my aunt asked me if I had dinner and I said no, So after introducing me to the two tenants she showed me my room and the bathroom, both upstairs near her room and then we went to the kitchen where she made me a sandwich that was delicious, but not as delicious as her buttocks which I could see every second while she was cooking. There while she was eating we talked for a while, she told me things about my father
as usual, about my grandparents and her childhood, and also about her life. From there I went to sleep and everything was normal. The next day I got up very early and took a bath, I went to the kitchen and to my surprise my aunt was already awake in a robe where you could see almost everything exposed, it was somewhat difficult for me to concentrate, but somehow I managed when the other tenants arrived for breakfast, I ate and went to work. I finished my day, after a day I got tired and took a cab to go to the new house (with the woman who had turned me on so much the night before). That day I thought several things like, for example:
Is it wrong or right for me to feel desires for a woman of my own blood?
It’s true that I didn’t grow up with her, that I didn’t even know her, but still the same blood ran through her veins. Besides, she was a mature woman, there was an age difference, so why did I get so hard when I was near her?
I also thought about something she commented, if her husband had passed away years ago then it was very possible that she was also desirous. And also from the signs I saw, I don’t think she had any suitors or signs of courting activity.
I thought many things that day, but at the moment I arrived I only cared about one thing and that was to take a bath with warm water and relax my body a little (This was a habit or better a habit in me).
I entered the house and I was surprised because I did not see anyone, then I went upstairs and there was the bathroom, I just went in and started to get ready to take my routine, the water was ready and I took off my clothes when I felt the door open, it was my aunt, she had a blue blouse where you could see more than half of her beautiful breasts, she saw me and did not close the door, she just looked strange and then she reacted (maybe she had not seen a penis in years), closed the door and left. Seeing her like that and being naked I couldn’t help but get excited so I masturbated and right there I squirted a large amount of milk, enough to overflow a glass and my aunt, despite her age, caused me a morbid curiosity that went beyond the physical,
I just wanted to put it in her and make her feel mine. I had never felt anything this exciting even when I was with my ex.
I bathed and ate dinner, I was alone in the kitchen and I was a little embarrassed, but also excited, mentally prepared for the scolding, if I received it, because in the kitchen there was no one. After dinner I went upstairs and in the hallway I had to pass in front of my aunt’s room, the door was open and I could see that she was on the bed with her robe up and she was masturbating very softly and her facial expression was of pleasure, as upstairs there was only her and me, I stayed to see a little more and she was fingering herself while moaning softly and with her other hand she was massaging her tits, it was quite a spectacle, I could appreciate everything, until a few minutes later I heard something that was going to shock me, when she was close to come, she said Thomas put it in me more, I want it deeper, she said it repeatedly, almost in a second my penis increased, and my primal instinct just wanted to open the door and ride my aunt in one wild movement, but I did not, I stayed calm, I held on as I could and waited for her to come, I stayed to see the whole show. Near the end she just screamed, fill me with cum nephew, I want all your cum here, fill me up and her voice changed a bit, from a soft voice, to a kinky and slightly sexier one plus thick (the voice of a naughty bitch).
She finishes and I went quietly to my room that same night I masturbated again and again as in the bathroom I again spurted a lot of cum, it was almost as if my penis was talking and saying the sooner we can fuck the aunt the better. It is worth noting that that night I slept like a baby, after all I had obtained very valuable information my aunt fantasized about me, I had been there only a few days and I had already witnessed unique experiences, those that you know are different and mark.
I knew that the following days were signs, that I had to move, my time there had to prove my aunt, that flesh that worked with the same blood that now also ran in my veins, I no longer thought about my ex-partner, I only wanted to be with my aunt, but I understood that something like that and although she fantasized with me there was a risk that she would reject me or worse that she would tell my parents. The work with her had to be delicate, because it was not only
sex, the days with her I began to develop affection and understanding. During the following days I took the opportunity to rub my penis at precise moments, accidentally touch her buttocks and things like that just to see her reactions, she only laughed or looked at me as if in an itchy way, so for my intuition the signs were positive. But still nothing was happening. So I thought of something risky and daring, too.
Here we have arrived at the night that I quote in the first paragraph, the night where I have taken the cab and all the way I am thinking about how fabulous my aunt is and the desire I have to taste her meat, how day by day my thirst for her increases and the desire I have to make her taste all my lactose. I admit the story is a bit long, but be glad it will be worth it. The moment I arrived for some reason my nerves went up, but I still went into the kitchen, had dinner and prepared my bath as usual, went to my room, got dressed and stayed in my robe, comfortable enough to feel lighter, but at the same time respectful, after all, there were women in the house. After plucking up my courage I went to the hallway and knocked gently on the door, my aunt answered and opened it, then we started talking, I told her I had had a very stressful day and if she could give me a back massage, I could swear I saw on her white skinned face a woman of 41 that she blushed, but she hid it by turning around in a disguised way.
At first she told me no, she could not and I insisted a couple of times more replying, aunt my back hurts help me, there was like that she came to her senses and said ok, but let’s go to your room, I think at that moment I could enter her mind, because I felt like a slight connection and complicity at the same time. She says well get in there and went to get a cream that smelled like sweet coconut, with jasmine hailstones, a delicious aroma. Once I took off my shirt I could see her expression, and I lay on the bed face down, then she starts to slide the cream with her hands in a circular way and I felt in glory, with nothing else but the massage, she continued on my back for about 5 or 10 minutes maybe more. And I think she saw that I felt better, I said if she could massage my legs too and this is where the activity got interesting, she started on my thigh, but my dick was so hard and erect that she touched it and said turn around to do it better, I turned around and was surprised, she just grabbed my penis and started to masturbate me and I felt her hands with the very soft lubricating creams, while she told me this is what you wanted
right and I answered her aunt Clara, I know you do too and she smiled like a bitch, she told me when you are close to come let me know and I told her aunt I am close, do it faster and so it was I came in her hands, but the milk by the morbid and friction of the moment came out a portion shot straight to her face, very close to her lip and she took it with her finger and tasted it. She tasted it and told me it is a little bitter but it is good, I think I will clean the rest you have there and so she began, she began to take off her blouse and I could see the most beautiful breasts I have ever appreciated, they were big and round, with the nipples of a woman of 40 but still sexy and perverse, she began to be more comfortable to suck me and ran her tongue over the head of my penis, over and over again, She cleaned all my penis and made me moan and started sucking again, she swallowed every drop of my milk, while she moved her tongue all over my balls and penis, at one point I told her to go like this, let’s do a 69 and I started to suck her, while she sucked me, it is a very wild experience to try the vagina of a relative and do that position.
We continued like that for a while, while she had my penis in her mouth, with my tongue I made movements that made her moan and sometimes she took out my penis to be able to moan better, so we continued until I managed to make her come and I bathed completely with her juices, which fell all over my face and I tasted them, they were somewhat sweet and pasty, All that gave me morbid, but there I was about to come too, now it was my turn, there I took out a little wild and when I was about to come, I held her head and threw all the milk in her throat, I told her now if you swallow it completely, and she said something that turned me on more, yes nephew I want it all in my mouth. Uffff, it was one of the richest things I have ever experienced, the level of lust, passion, excitement, morbidity, I think a little bit of everything combined.
Seeing her there, bathed in my cum and with her tits in the air, made my penis stand up again, but first I lifted her up, and I told her aunt from the first time I walked through your door I wanted to do this and I tried her lips, I kissed her and put my tongue in her mouth, her lips were beautiful I thought and that mole on the small side gave class and style to that naughty but angelic face at the same time. Now I asked her to give me a Russian and she sat down on me all at once and got on, grabbed those tits and wrapped my cock, to the point that only the tip of the head was visible. She starts to move up and down and used her saliva as a lubricant, at that moment I felt literally in paradise, and more when she started to run her tongue over my penis,
while those two big tits wrapped and felt every movement, it didn’t take long that the sensation made me dump all my cum on her face and she received it completely, she even drank directly when it came out, I just remember I screamed aunt Clara here it comes, swallow it, aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!.
It was a very very rich experience to be with my aunt, that night was very wild, my aunt told me enough is enough, let’s go to sleep because it was enough and I told her that not yet, maybe lust or passion, the chemistry of the two, honestly I do not know, but I got up and pushed her on my bed and I put myself on top of her, I want to try you full today, and she told me no. But I still put it in and after a few seconds she started to feel it and stopped resisting, she held my back, while I felt my horny penis getting bigger and bigger inside her every moment and what I felt was how her warm temperature joined mine, to the point that my penis and her vagina became one. So I grabbed her and as I pushed harder into her each round, I started sucking on those two beautiful tits and tonguing my aunt all over. I said to my aunt in the middle of the act, aunt you make me feel too much, I’m about to cum and I want to do it inside you, receive my milk, she replied in my ear, do it nephew, fill your slutty aunt full. Make the milk overflow from me. Do it son, and so while we had that moment my aunt screamed with pleasure and felt every milliliter of semen coming out of me, to the point of filling her entire vagina (Finally my fantasy had come true, I had fucked my aunt).
That night we finished, kissed some more and she went to sleep in her room, I was young so I could do it many times. The next months we continued experimenting in the bathroom, in her room, it was something very exciting, the affection we had for each other, my aunt took care of me and sometimes slept with me and between her tits and the warmth of her voice I felt the protection. The support that only a family member like her could give me. I lived with her for a while, but after I moved out we continued to see each other in my apartment. Even years after I got married, I sometimes escape alone to see her. My aunt is the only woman who invades my fantasies and the only one who awakens my incestuous curiosity.