Fun at the Frat Party

I first noticed Nellie on a Friday evening when my fraternity and her sorority got together to make a homecoming float. She had gorgeous blonde hair that flowed down to her shoulders, she knew exactly what she was doing with her eye makeup, lining them in black with a smoky finish. Once my gaze connected with hers I couldn’t look away.

I smiled, grabbed a couple beers from the ice trough, walked up to her and offered the drink. She smiled, accepted and introduced herself, “I’m Nellie” she said, I told her my name, we shook hands and both smiled. Her teeth were perfect, bright white surrounded by full, red lips. I was imagining her blowing me a kiss when I heard an airhorn go off followed by a shout from one of the older brothers, “Ok bitches, that’s enough with the float. We got beer and jungle juice inside, the DJ’s all set up and it’s party time waaahoooo!!”

Nellie and I looked at each other, smiled and then burst out laughing. My beer can was too full and I spilled a some onto the ground, splashing onto her bright white, probably new Air Force 1’s and the black leggings she was wearing with them. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” I said, “Wait here, let me get some paper towels real quick.”